
Shit that's like 2/10 by modern reviews

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Last time I played a game in Prague it was Vampire: The Masquerade – Redemption

Watch it and find out yourself, you autistic twat. It's literally 4 minutes, and I'm not spoonfeeding your ass.

Last time i played a game in Prague it was stolen by gypsies.

Fuck you, I'm not about to get spoiled by an IGN review of all things.

whelp, its over

The Witcher to win this years awards too


My sides thank you for their orbital trip.


Thank god. I didn't want to hear the bitching if it sucked.

And? IGN said Spore was fucking amazing too.

I will never understand why you retarded morons think game reviews matter at fucking all. Should be an instant ban to post anything related to that shit.

French reviews

>Jeuxvidéo.com : 17/20

>Gameblog.fr : 8/10

Both are saying AI is strawberry

>Being awesome requires too much admin

what did they mean by this?

Is IGN "our guy"?

Too much micromanagement of all augs?
Dunno man.

I literally have no idea. That other negative doesn't make much sense either.

>metaphor falls flat
Makes sense to me, chombatta.

But what metaphor?

>Story is disappointing
Is this a prequel? To HM I mean, not the original obviously.

Is this a joke?


Paid review


>lists mostly positives

really gamespot?

>This is the most amazing sandwich I've ever tasted
>Tell the sandwich artist it was shit
What did he mean by this?

Mechanical apartheid.


8/10 is the same as 4/5.

That sounds EXACTLY like "mostly positives" to me.

can't wait to get like 8fps!

How do I read this? Are you telling me a GTX 970 averages 34 motherfucking FPS?

>goes on about how lackluster the story was compared to previous games
>compares it to the first episode of a TV series
based IGN as always

>he fell for the 970 meme

>GTX 760 4 gb
>13-17 fps
hol the fuck up

What settings is this on though?



The graphics aren't even good, what the fuck is this shit.

There§s Soldier of Fortune ľ and one Tomb Raider game

>9.2 - it was kinda dumb

VHQ = Very High Quality

Now turn off the hair physics and you get 50 FPS with the same setting and setup

A 1080 barely averages over 60 fps at 1080p.
People still say that the card is an overkill for 1080p.


welp its been a fun thread lads

time for me to leave

This is with that hair thing on right?

too bad you cant

>he doesn't know you can't turn off pure hair

oh boy

>single hub

What were they thinking? What is the point of a Deus Ex game where you don't visit at least three continents?

Let's make a godawful port so they'll buy the latest gpu's. The goim won't know.

Someone said this had 8xMSAA. Turning that off would probably add 20 FPS across the board.

but why

alright anons. sell me on deus ex, I have played HR only a couple of hours and got bored. I can't see the appeal.

The way it's meant to be played™


If there's seriously only one hub I'll wait for the DLC to bring more places.

Because bad devs.

So it's babbies MGSV? Gotcha

Why would anyone here waste their time trying to sell you on the new Deus Ex when you got bored of the most casual one in the series?

Gotta sell those high end GPUs somehow.

So it probably has MSAA cranked and all sorts of dumb bells and whistles turned on.

One of the leakers said he was hitting 60fps on medium-high with a 660 so I'm not too worried.

>Story is shit and fells like is stuck i 2nd gear
Fucking IGN


It's rather disconcerting that every single review I've read of this game mentions the lackluster story.

On the other hand, I don't think I ever played these games for the plot. It was far more about mood, and, as far as I can tell, Jensen MD nails it.

Think again.

>Both my colleague Brad Chacos and I have spent time with the game the last few days and performance is nowhere near what I’d expect. I’m running the game on a GeForce GTX 980 Ti, Brad on an overclocked EVGA GTX 1080 FTW. My PC fluctuates between 30 to 50 frames per second at 1080p resolution on a mix of High/Very High settings (not even Ultra) depending on whether I’m indoors or outdoors. Brad says the 1080 hits a steady 60 at 1080p, but the in-game benchmark only reached 46 frames per second at 1440p. To quote his email: “That ain’t right. I’d expect that at 4K.” Add to that frequent crashes at startup on Brad’s end and well...

>Bottom line: It’s not the performance we’d expect, considering how the game looks. Which is to say, it’s pretty, but I’ve seen better-looking games. Maybe Square has a Day One patch planned. Maybe the fault lies with drivers—though we're running the latest Nvidia drivers, which say they're Game Ready for the game. Regardless, we’ll be keeping an eye on it as we get closer to next week’s launch.


Perfect. Just preordered the game too guise

>Season pass
Yeah, I'll fucking wait.

so should I cancel my pre-order?

No fucking way.

Why would you pre order in the first place? Right now it has performance issues and a planned season pass, better to just pick it up in a few months with all dlc + good performance for cheap.

Best online store for steam keys?



What the fuck?????? You guys promised me another TORtanic like No Man's Sky! I'm fucking furious right now, the game is actually good. Oh my god, I can't believe this, you lied to me and got my hopes up we'd see another shitty title like the faggy ass Deus Ex series get BTFO! I never asked for this, for it to do well. I fucking hate Canada.


If you're looking for the shitposting general it's a few threads down, should have "XV" on the door.

>worse than Fallout 4


So who the fuck do I believe?

>you lied to me
Oh the ironing.

Top tier bait btw

>we master race now
>game has shit fps
>but if you turn down the settings you get 50 frames

I refuse to believe that all of you fell for the PC meme. Thought it was all about playing at max potential, and not console performance



>Believing some literally who instead of a big site

Not even you are that retarded guys

>Rarely play with AA above 2x, don't really mind jaggies too much
>Perfectly happy with medium-high settings
7970 should do me alright, especially if is legit

I remember this "ai is strawberry" joke but I don't remember where it came from

so they decided to get rid of boss encounters all together? I suppose it's better that way considering the shitty bosses in HR but I hate the fact that they just gave up on that.

None of the big sites are showing tests running on medium-high settings. It's all very high and ultra.

There's one boss.


Sure but that literally who is saying he gets 45-50 fps on Ultra while a 1080p barely gets 60 as shown by the test

stop lying you fucking retard
there's multiple bosses but you're not forced to fight them
you can talk your way past them

No clue, but Jeff Gerstmann's review mentioned a final boss.

Fallout 4 french review translated

>Being awesome requires too much admin

watch the fucking review

makes sense, they can concentrate on on big boss instead of spreading out and making many crappy fights

i have played the fucking game


>shit ai in a stealth game
>way too easy, both in guns blazing and infiltration playstyles
>weapon customization is even more barebones than in HR
>runs like ass because of some shitty gimmick hairtech that can't be turned off
yeah that's a pass

>icarus dash
I'm going to have a blast playing like a mass effect vanguard

>big site
>literally some ruski trash I've never even heard of before

What if they merged the AA setting to also control the AA of PureHair/Hairworks?

like 4x msaa + 4x purehair to 8

8x + 8x = etc

I know it's ridiculous, but with the whole "cant turn off purehair shit and also

>modern devs


There you go. Now stop shilling, SE. You fucked the port up.

Definitely not worth a 9.2

Every reviewer but IGN is saying it's HR but worse