Vidya faps

ITT: vidya things that make you go pic related

Combat music that dynamically changes as you do better.

which game does this best?

shota catboi

>Spend a few hours into the game
>Get to fight an asshole boss and defeat it
>"Alright game, a bit short but it's fine"
>The actual game fucking begins there





>Leveling up heals you

Let me just get this out of the way



>game has great SFM porn
TLOU Sarah



it's embedded in the title of the webm mate


playing catwoman in arkham city

Nights into Dreams was one of the first games to do it. Higher the score, the happier he cone-heads were, the happier the music. Low score, the worse the music was.

Also, nearly any modern Nintendo game does it. Splatoon did it best for NIntendo

>hold the crouch button and walk (crawl) around