Can you say illuminati with a straight face in the current year?

can you say illuminati with a straight face in the current year?

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The name was ran into the ground by shitty memes.
But it doesn't matter, saying "The Illuminati" will make people laugh at you, calling them "globalists" will make them tell you to stop being weird dinosaur and calling them "jews" will make JIDF collapse on your current location


only shows that the author never played a deus ex game before

but it's a deus ex game


why is this allowed

Jeff is a fucking dipshit

Yes, there is a clear establishment power structure, just look at the massive media conspiracy to destroy Trump. They are all constantly writing negative articles about him, when it's clear the public in the majority supports him

>Latest games in series are set before first game
>First game deals with illuminati and majestic 12

He could have even wikipedia the first game to see how this was relevant. Game journalists...

It's fucking Deus Ex. Jesus Christ, JC

I can, although I'm not a meme spouting 15 year old or god forbid a game journalist.

Don't do it, the emperor will forgive you! It's not your fault for being in the civil war!

>this triggers the Sup Forums

The Illuminati is just a meme at this point, using them as your big bad is just lazy.

It's set before the first game you double baka

>at this point

You know this is a prequel to some 16 year old game right

t. Alex Jones

>Having downs

>using them as a big bad is just lazy
>game is set 16 years before the original when the Illuminati were prominent

shut up you insufferable faggot.

Thanks for proving my point.

The problem isn't that it's the Illuminati, it's that the Human Revolution/Mankind Divided reboot of Deus Ex is much darker, grittier, and serious business. It works in Deus Ex (and manages to be a little intimidating) but not in MD where the writers are trying their best to make everyone take them seriously.

Dude mechanical apartheid lmao. This is serious stuff! But also Illuminati lolololo, talk about an identity crisis.

I haven't been paying attention for the past 4 years and I don't know and can't be assed to even google what Illuminati is.

You have to be 18 years old to post on Sup Forums

I'm 28. Sorry I don't keep up with the dankest memes.

I was in prison for a while. :^3

>majority supports him

> triggered


> niggered

Honestly, i don't think there's enough media about conspiracies. There's a really rich mythology there and so little movies, games and tv shows that take advantage of it.

Well even the original game didn't go around calling them "Illuminati" all the time. more focus was put on "MJ12" instead.

I want a movie on where marina diamandis' tits went

I don't think you were listening very carefully when anyone was talking in that game.

>implying the Illuminati aren't real.

They even tried to cover the redpill in delicious jelly and make it easier to swallow by just making them a small faction of like-minded business leaders, which shouldn't exactly be difficult to swallow unlike "AAAAAAAADAM, THEY'VE BEEN AROUND FOR 1700 YEARS AND HAVE MANIPULATED EVERY MAJOR EVENT SINCE THE FIRST COUNCIL OF NICAEA"

The Illuminati is real.

Instead of Reddit trump should go on Periscope.


Human revolution did fine without "illuminati"
Treat it as a serious reboot and modernize the game, things that worked in Deus Ex dont work in 2016. It becomes unintentional comedy.

How do we know Jeff Gerstmann isn't just trying to throw us off the trail?

You act as if memes have no power.

Praise Kek.

Fuck off back to Sup Forums or whatever shithole you came from.

Well you see, the conspiracy angle was one of the major draws of the series to begin with. You can't just throw it out, it becomes a completely different game otherwise.



You're paranoid. Leave your bubble occasionally and youll realize this.

but they directly reference the illuminati in HR in a conversation between sarif and adam. even one of the endings is basically the illuminati ending.

so why is it bad a sequel continues the plot in the current year

Its human revolution 2. It wants HR audience and thats it.

Wrong board newfriend.

>lol Illuminati, there's no such thing that's silly what a silly concept
>Jeff (((Gerstmann)))

HR and MD should have been complete reboots that ignored the original game completely.

fuck off pol no one wants to hear your shit.

You will look back on this in 5 years and cringe

>Complaining about a Deus Ex game having a conspiracy involving the Illuminati

Fuck right off.

Fuck off back to Sup Forums or whatever shithole you came from and take your shitposting with you.

I regret nothing.

You will look at your wife in 5 years and see her working her mouth over mohammed's bellend.

>namedropping the illuminati


Doesnt change anything

Its a boring and shitty plot element, and a really fucking lame attempt at a secret society that isnt at all original or creative.

clearly not. it also look likes he forgot the plot of HR too.

maybe the Illuminati created all those fresh memes so people wouldn't take their existence seriously and any actual discoveries would be brushed off as a joke

gbdf pls go

Or play HR where Sarif literally name drops the Illuminati and one of the endings is basically the Illuminati ending.

How is ripping off a preexisting idea for a secret society good writing. They could have done absolutely anything instead and it wouldn't have become so massively outdated and pathetic later on.

he's quoting the fucking video game that's being discussed you absolute retard

>How is bringing back a major plot point in the series good writing.
Yeah I hate that shit too.

Good job.

If the Illuminati wanted Trump gone they'd just have him killed.

Great we can't wait to hear about your fanfic of a secret society of cloud-dwelling tsundere furry girls who need your specific wasp powers of vague computer literacy and virginal defence to save them from the attacking furry chads who look oddly like your bullies from school.

>you can't mention or talk about certain parts of history because of the current year


made graphics better
still uses piss filter


This guy pretty much said everything /thread.
The Illuminati exists and they're creating a NWO agenda, they mostly consist of freemasons and impose their belief system on the world. False flag attacks are the attacks that have been happening recently in order to remove the 2nd amendment. The United Nations are the ones that were in on the attacks and are in progress to create a New World Order through their "Agenda 2030". Read this link for proof on their "goals" and their actual meaning's:

Or a foreboding warning of times past while we waste away in the police state of the world.

>people really don't realize how close the dollar is to collapsing and the world as we know it being a thing of the past

>HR made up the Illuminati
Jesus Christ go educate yourself

>it is impossible to be creative
>All game companies should just steal ideas from stories rather than make up new ones
Kill yourself

it literally does not use the piss filter

i kinda miss it honestly

Whoa there dude, I think your tinfoil hat's on a bit too tight.

And it was a rip off in the first game too? Whats your point?

Its not creative, its not smart, its by far one of the weakest parts of the story. Get over it.

>Jesus Christ go educate yourself
How about you educate yourself by playing the first Deus Ex, which is centered entirely around the Illuminati?

Jesus Christ go educate yourself.

You wouldn't believe the things I can say with a straight face.

It would have been exactly the same, they needed a powerful group that operates from the shadows in order to show how private entities are capable of influencing our lives without us knowing, wich is something that happens in real life too.
Also, I don't know if you've played Deus Ex but not even JC believes the Illuminati are real at first and if you tell anyone about them in Invisible War they will either laugh at you or believe you are crazy. If anything, the narrative benefits from that being the name chosen.
You fucking idiot.

>using concepts from the real world is bad writing
Well I guess that means this book sucks because it just rips off a real person.

>the point
>your head
You're literally so stupid you dont even know where the Illuminati came from.

No more replies for you.

First game was explicitly based on the idea of forming a universe where all major conspiracies were true. It was directly trying to pull things from existing ideas.

You have to be intellectually vacant tandem with actively putting your head in the sand to not see how fucked this world is.

You just proved his point again. Just ignore all the truth, and say something retarded. Stay asleep dude.

>dracula is just a rip-off of vlad the impaler
what shit writing

Why should the game change its 10 year old story for you?

Go ahead and show us all the games that used the Illuminati before the original Deus Ex.


>First game was explicitly based on the idea of forming a universe where all major conspiracies were true.
Pfthahah, wow holy shit. So you fanboys dont even know your own plot.

You will also look back at these posts in 5 years and probably cringe

Sup Forums's deluded ramblings hold about as much credibility as the ramblings of a feminazi on tumblr

is this gonna be as soulless as the new star wars

>rebut my baseless assumption about what you are saying which isnt true!
That was a shitty attempt to save face

Why dont you go prove deus ex was the first ever mention of the Illuminati in human history like we are arguing about moron

God fuck Shakespeare, ripping off the historic fall of Julius Caesar. What horrible writing.

ebin, have an upboat friendo :^)

>First game was explicitly based on the idea of forming a universe where all major conspiracies were true
No it wasnt, it was about the Illums.

Unless you are about to say lizardmen are in Dudes Sex too.

>Sup Forums boogeyman
sasuga Sup Forums
At least do a little research. Kek is not a Sup Forums meme.

>It's bad to use real world concepts

Art imitates life faggot.

>pacified zombies think the Illuminati is a conspiracy theory

Not surprised, these oblivious morons will believe anything the msm says.

>implying any video game comes even close to the quality of actual literature
Nigga you went full retard.

t. Globalist Shill

Go read a dev interview for once in order to not appear totally stupid