Gameplay videos for EMIYA, Gil and Karna are out
Gameplay videos for EMIYA, Gil and Karna are out
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Redman looks fun to play
EMIYA is looking fucking awesome to play.
Not so hyped for Gil and Karna. Especially Gil looks slow as fuck but maybe that's the point. Just not my cup of tea.
The soundtrack sounds great (as usual for type-moon) so I'll probably buy it
I don't understand this series and I don't know if I want to. Do I?
Tsukihime (obviously)
Tsukihime Plus Disc
Tsukihime Fun Disc - Kagetsu Tohya
Melty Blood
Mahoutsukai no Yoru
Fate/stay night
Fate/stay night Fun Disc - Fate/hollow ataraxia
Fate/Extra CCC
Kara no Kyoukai
Carnival Phantasm
Girls' Work
All Around Type-Moon
Take Moon
It's a fun series that some people take too seriously.
Coral of the Moon is worth mentioning
>Liking Zero more than Hollow Ataraxia
The filename is accurate
It's very good, but not in a high literature sense. More in a this Japanese guy got high and wrote a ton of really crazy shit and also some thought provoking looks into the human psyche sense.
>Saber in the picture three fucking times
Accurate for T-M.
What was so good about HA? Only the parts written by Nasu were good. Everything else was either mildly funny or just shit. And the ending was anti-climatic as fuck.
This is the other side
>Bazette as a whole
>Avenger as a whole
>All the new shit about Lancer, Gilgamesh, Illya, Medusa
>Teases of the 3rd HGW
>Shirou getting Rin pregnant was pretty cute
Is there a confirmed Western release date yet?
I want to cuddle Karna and kiss his neck!
See, all that was good. But is was just some fragmented pieces here and there. I know it's a fan disk but still. Just not my cup of tea, I guess.
(Not that person)
I felt that the Bazett and Avenger partnership was the most interesting master and servant relationship in the series.
Yes. It was confirmed for both America and Europe already.
Which one, Sup Forums?
Making Archer blush by asking him directly!
Archer looks good, but
>UBW is just a fixed combo move
>Not a temporary effect that allows for an enhanced moveset and sword projectile spam
God dammit.
>Tepid response to Mujun Rasen
>Non-response to Tsukihime (assuming VN and not just the manga)
>Extra being among the best
All kinds of fucked taste there, fampai.
I went with Saber because she easy mode
You wouldn't fuck a Archer
I just want to play as my boy Iskandar.
The Turkeyhandle manga was just an abridged story focusing on fight scenes, Shiki and Arc falling love so I can understand if he didn't like it very much
He was confirmed too
I know, thats why I said it.
Shame he doesnt share the team with my waifu but shit happens. Bros before hos.
Literally the second weakest servant in Extella, only Liz is lower
Well yeah, that's kind of what I was getting at. I don't see why someone would read all the other VNs and TM source materials and NOT read the Tsukihime VN.
And the Tsukihime manga has always been incredibly overrated and was never an alternative to the VN. It fucks around with the story too much and almost completely ignores the Far Side routes, particularly the maids' stories i.e., the best ones.
It's about the character not their powerlevel.
While I'd love to see a Tsukihime anime, I have absolutely no idea how they'd adapt it properly.
Yes. XSeed is bringing it over. Comes out in Q4. They haven't said anything to really make me believe so and this is just hoping, but if this does well we might actually get CCC.
I've actually only finished the manga. I gave the VN a chance 3 times and I never could finish it. I don't even know why. There is always something that makes me lose interest. Maybe I give the Remake a try, so basically never. It's a shame too.
Extra is good though. Don't even get started on Rock Paper Scissors. I love the combat system.
I want to say things that will hurt you
Well they've already started doing that with Heaven's Feel after UBW.
Just do it omnibus format, maybe a fast-forward sequence for each repeated scene for the start of every adapted route. Pretty straight-forward.
I don't know what to tell you, man. You managed to get through Extra and FSN's intro, but not Tsukihime? That's just kind of nuts.
Sorry, I guess. You're really missing out. Tsukihime is arguably Nasu's best work. Yes, I'm serious.
I don't know what to tell you because I don't even understand it myself
Arc a cute though
When do we get a surprise visit from Francis Xavier?
Do it for the bandaged man
Did you at least beat Arc's route? How far did you actually get?
Arc's is actually the weakest route, same as Saber's. So you didn't get much from just reading the manga.
Nasu hates Tsukihime and is getting Sony to fund more souls game and working on other projects with them so he doesn't have to write the Tsukihime remake
>Start of the game is hard because of her low stats and lack of mana/spells
>End game is easy because she becomes an unstoppable spell spamming monster
I love this feeling
I haven't finished a single route
>Gil holding and swinging swords other than Ea
This. I just expected him to slowly walk around while blasting swords out from GoB.
Gilgamesh has done that since FSN.
He's always been swinging around swords, been doing it since FSN
Nasu is reaching Miura and Togashi levels of lazy. Dammit, man.
I'm not even that fussed about the remake, just something that isn't more Fate spin-offs would be nice.
Damn son, that's lazy. The Tsukihime routes aren't even that long.
He fought Saber and Shirou with other swords in F/SN.
Japan loves Fate and Nasu fans in his mind is only Japan.
To be fair, this is a sequel to Extra.
Maybe he is thinking of his noble portrayal in Fate/Zero?
>Not canon
Besides, extella is in extra's universe
He swung swords at saber and shirou in the VN for FSN
>Nasu is reaching Miura and Togashi levels of lazy. Dammit, man.
They stopped caring after 2012, user
I didn't watch the anime, but I am pretty darn sure he didn't wield any sword other than Ea in the entire game.
Which route and which chapter?
He used Gram specifically against Saber in the Fate route, IIRC.
He also finishes Berserker off with Gungnir/Proto-Gae Bolg in UBW.
And then there's his fight with Shirou.
>They stopped caring after 2012, user
I don't know what you mean, they've been phoning it in since around the turn of the millennium.
>but I am pretty darn sure he didn't wield any sword other than Ea in the entire game.
Come on
>girl's work
At least someone remembers
Apparently you didn't read the vn either
LOL! WTF?! Did Gil seriously just use EA on a bunch of worthless mooks?
what's the sword the red man uses right after calling up UBW?
He only does it for Hakuno.
>in the context of Type-Moon
The word means literally nothing
Whoops, I got it slightly wrong.
Gilgamesh uses Gram against Shirou when Shirou attacks him with traced Caliburn:
He uses the weapons of all his teammates. Nero's sword, Galatine and Gae Bolg.
Scenario by Kinoko Nasu, supervised or approved by him = canon
UMU UMU's long stick
Every Fate except Illya, KnK, DDA and DA are canon Tsukihime might as well be dead and not canon
That doesn't really work when we consider Extra and F/SN different universes. They aren't "canon" in comparison to each other and they are both written by Nasu.
>Gae bolg
Cu's in?
Secondary hard at work.
>that archer
We in there boys
Fuck me this is making it really hard for me to want to go with Tamamo
Cu Chulainn is the best
will be there limited edition collector?
>have to roll with laser sword Attila to get the story with all the cool guys and hottest french bitch
This fucking sucks. Fuck laser sword Attila.
>According to Famitsu, two more playable Servants are yet to be revealed.
Tama is best girl but just fucking look at team Nero
It's like a mad fucking power level war there.
calling it a laser would be a compliment
it's literally a candy sword
Canon goes out the window in any series that has confirmed multiverses
Some other fan favorites. This game is full of them.
Medusa maybe? Or was she already revealed?
It's in the planning phase
No shit, however there can only be two left when there are so many great Servants to choose from.
>not just going with Nero's party
>Nero's Party
>Nero Claudius
>Cu Chulainn
>Li Shuwen
>not going with Team Altera
I dont even know. I just know it shoots photon rays. You know, like Attila did.