Shit's up boys, Federation thread.
Shit's up boys, Federation thread
Dead on arrival
Is it fun?
Happy anniversary Sammy!
reminder to buy Metroid Prime Trilogy today instead. Even if you don't have a Wii or PiiU, just buy it to show Shitendo what kind of game you actually want to see
I would have bought this hasn't but since asshurtendo removed that fan game I'll pirate it and beat it entirely
I might enjoy it but I'll claim it sucks on Sup Forums for spite
I knew Sup Forums was filled with underage retards, but that image really drives it home.
Playing with my gf right now. I like it so far
>network error
I'm not wasting 3gb on this trash
Spotted the underage plebiscite virgin
Bullshit, buy the 2D games
Fuck off Sex Genie.
>Only underage retards think they can fight the corporations. I'm much smarter, I join with the corporate borg and become one with them. I am their vessel.
>DMC: Devil May Cry is the same as a Spin-Off
I really hate Metroid fans. I really wish the series ended on the SNES and we never had to deal with this shit.
>fight the corporations
>by feeding them my money
It's just like my animes!
1.24 if you're a cia nigger.
You can't win by not feeding them money since then you simply aren't one of their customers.
> the thought process...of nintenyearolds...whoa...
You aren't going to get what you want from a corporation by not giving them money.
>pirated the trilogy on my PiiU
>bought FedForce
Worth every cent
A shame that this will be the last metroid game, at least f-zero fans got arguably the pinnacle of the series as their last game, we have this horrid abortion of a game.
At least we got AM2R
>buy new product that isn't what you want from X company
"Well people are buying it, so clearly they must like it. Let's make more of this product."
>Don't buy new product because it isn't what you want from X company
"Well looks like no one wants this. Stop plans to continue production on the next new product in the series."
>Sudden influx of interest on older product
"Wow. People must really love this thing despite its old age. Maybe we should refocus our efforts on the thing people are interested in, as reflected buy the profits we are making, because we are a corporation that is interested in making the most amount of money possible."
Welcome to econ 101, user. Plenty of the old guard of Japanese developers still feel this way, especially. If you don't believe me, go see what happened with Chrono Trigger DS
But literally who would want to actually play it?
aaaaaand it's gone
They can still bring in money with another Metroid if they know what to do. I hate to say it, but they need to pander to ZSS fans HARD with one last game to bring back the popularity of Metroid.
i ain't even gonna bother with this trash
Samus deserved better
spoonfeed it user. what happened? other than a 3D remake getting shut down.
Hate to admit that would actually work
>with my bf's gf
not at all you dumb idiot holy shit
people have been asking for prime for years, even shit like IGN has called them out multiple times for it
get your head out of your ass already fucking hell
AM2R?, the game is complete already and it's rather easy to get it, certainly not gone.
Just let it die already, nothing good would come up from that.
Looking back, we were really lucky during the 2002~2007, so many metroid games in those years.
>this putrid fucking shit
>reminding us that Metroid is dead and never coming back
For what purpose
How does the online work? Can I just share some code here and people join?
>Metroid fans bitching about anything
still waiting on that Ice Climbers reboot Nintendo.
No, fuck you. Kill yourself.
>people suddenly rush to buy the old product right as the new product releases
>clearly, the new product did not help it in the slightest
What even happened to Chrono Trigger? Who boycotted what?
>Hoping for a new Chrono Trigger game? Better start buying your grandmother and her dog a copy, too.
>Speaking to, Square Enix Senior Vice President Shinji Hashimoto says the franchise hasn't sold well enough to warrant development of a new title in the series. When told fans were clamoring for a new game, Hashimoto shrugged it off.
>"That's not what the sales tell me!" Hashimoto said. "If people want a sequel, they should buy more!"
>While sales of the Nintendo DS version of the Super Nintendo classic were somewhat sluggish, with worldwide sales reaching close to 800K last year, it doesn't help the game originally hit retail shelves at a ridiculous $39.99 price point in the North America.
people were pretty pissed about this back in 09
>Metroid: Samus Unleashed
>Has a power suit/zero suit dynamic
>Powersuit is tanky and slow. First person mode
>Zero suit is agile and fragile. Also switches you to 3rd person mode
>Game is like the Prey 2 trailer where you hunt bounties in an alien city to make enough money to get out of there
It would be cool.
But her powersuit isn't tanky or slow
He's a primekid, ignore him.
You can tell an opinion or idea is shit when there is any mention of ZSS
it wasn't tanky and slow in prime either.
Then change the damn suit for gameplay purposes. We've had Power Suits, Varia Suits, Fusion Suits, Dark/Light/PED Suits, Samus changes suits so fucking often it wouldn't be hard to make one of them serve a different purpose than just a recolor and a passive ability.
His idea is still dumb, but I'd still like to see more variety in suits for future games.
Do they even offer an explanation as to what was going on there?
Not bad.
$39.99 for a DS game that is just a port of a SNES game (with the PSX version's cut scenes) is still retarded, especially when the standard 3DS price tag was $29.99.
It was literally a $10 "We know you'll buy it because it's Chrono Trigger" tax.
don't falseflag you cunt
anti/pol/tards are literally barneyfags lmfao
Wow OP, you gave me a link to a game I wasn't going to even bother pirating
People still directly download 3DS games? Why not just steal it straight from their servers with the convenience of doing it from your 3DS?
Kill yourself subhuman
You should also kill yourself
>These are the faces of the alt right
Does it require R button?
If so, It's compatible with the Circle Pad Pro?
I want to try the game, but button is ded
I would sure as hell hope that a shooter made in an age where the N3DS exists supports the extra circle pad pro inputs.
lol get off the stage you fat fuck
>responding to falseflags
you are the embodiment of idiocy
No way. Is The 3ds emulator working?
Bigger idiots then the falseflagger
Installing now. Wish me luck, lads.
agreed that it was way too expensive (although i bought a copy anyway. never owned the SNES cart). I'm just sharing an example of a Japanese game exec looking at sales as the main motivating factor for producing new games. It's not an exact 1:1 scenario for Metroid, but it definitely gives some insight into how those business view sales.
I would only download that stupid fucking pile of garbage if it included a ROM of another metroid game as an unlockable (that is not 1 or 2 because I already have those on my o3ds)
Lmao ikr? I trolled these retarded drumpfkins. Just shows how smart the average racist isI guess.
oh the Atlus tax!
also fuck you Atlus for charging 50 burgerbuck
don't falseflag
Metroid is one of those series Nintendo&friends just make whenever they feel like it. I don't think it's going anywhere
Why? It's fun as fuck triggering retarded racists. How mad are you, bud?
>need an account to see the forums
[You need a Sup Forums Gold account to read this comment.]
You sound like the triggered one.
falseflagging only starts off topic conversation. also you are still falseflagging
So how are you kids gonna kill urselves when your overlord loses?
How come some people don't like ZSS? I think it looks great.
You still sound genuinely triggered.
No, because the presidential election doesn't matter anywhere as much as people think it does.
This is the pathetic Metroid fanbase
Crying because is not a "real" Metroid game and now running to play it.
You don't deserve shit
samus isnt a slut shes a bounty hunter
I can't fathom how you could give a shit.
To be fair, how do you know how good the game is if you don't even pirate it?
It still looks good. Women love to look good.
>She can't be a slutty bounty hunter
Is it on the Freeshop yet?
>you can change your voice commands pitch and language
>Midget Jap
Youtube downvotes.
can someone post the direct link for the game, i forgot my login data
Nope, that's 600mb too big for such a shit game
lol okay have fun getting your guns getting taken away. Cant wait for whites to be in the minority
>giving modern nintendo money
Because retards like you can't separate your fetishes from quality game design.
I'm not even American.
I know this sounds unlikely but
maybe Sylux captured Samus via ambush