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So ten years ago I bought my n64 at a thrift shop in Pittsburgh. It had no games with it. Over the last decade I've slowly built my collection. What do you guys think. Any suggestions or recommendations I'm pretty sure I have most of the classics.
Also general N64 thread
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Needs Banjo Kazooie and Tooie.
I'd recommend Blast Corps and either of the Gex games
>yellow cartridge with fucked up label
Donkey Kong?
Also why no original Turok?
needs WCW nWo revenge
mischief makers. you have goemon's great adventure but you also need the superior mystical ninja starring goemon.
Yeah donkey Kong $20 off for water damage no Turok because I get mist my games at flea markets
I want to get those I just can't justify spending he money in them right now. Bills before collections
Never been into wrestling games though flea market vendors have them in abundance
Didn't know it was even worth another game I only played through or a bit
Where that Kirby Crystal Shards at nigga?
Probably at whatever pawn shop or flea market vendor I haven't found yet shelves
>Goemon 2 but not 1
>No Mischief Makers
>No Starfox
>Not ONE Bomberman Game
Looks like you've got most of the good ones
I don't see Perfect Dark there though
Ogre Battle 64 and Pokemon Puzzle League.
Also Sin and Punishment if you want to import (64's are easy to mod).
Open your eyes nigga
I'm more curious what your favorites are. I never had more than like 8 n64 games myself growing up
Mischief Makers has been a popular suggestion I'll have to look into it starfox has been on my list for a while
Harvest Moon 64 is my favorite game if all time. I probably play that pod racer and gauntlet the most My fiancée and I play a ton of Mario Golf and I taught her Pokemon Stadium to the point she can play competitively on my bi weekly game nights
Third column. Third down
I'm presently seeking copies of the snowboard kids games. My first console was a Dreamcast so most things I know about N64 games came from friends growing up
no n64 collection is complete without this hidden gem
I second PPL
and as others have mentioned but I just want to emphasize since you are going for classics you can't omit Banjo Kazooie/Tooie, Kirby 64, or Starfox
you need to get body harvest its like gta with giant bugs
Isn't that the game that cannot be completed 100% because of a bug preventing you from collecting the last token or something like that?
If you really want to cover all your bases I'd say everything people have already said plus wave race, Fzero X, rocket robot on wheels, Pokemon stadium 2, any Mario party, Gex 2 or 3, but above all needs the Banjo games.
Pokemon Stadium 2 is second column second down. But the main thing I've drawn from this thread is my lack of the banjo kazooie series is inexcusable.
Buck Bumble and Glover. Also sarge's heroes 2. The mario party trilogy.
All my game night friends keep telling me to get Mario party as a collector I know I should but as a gamer I fucking hate mini games.
But the minigames are the best part.
Opposed to the board aren't they're the only part?
Pretty much.
>shitty condition N64 carts
I know your pain, US gamer. Believe me when I say that the N64 carts here in Japan are much better cared for.
We Americans are brutish shitheads that aren't properly taught the value of not wrecking shit when we're children.
Yoshi's Story