Go to restaurant

>Go to restaurant
>Check the menu
>find something interesting and read the description
>Looks really tasty, order it
>After some time you finally get your plate
>it does look nothing like the picture in the menu
>Smaller dish
>missing advertised ingredients
>Looks like shit
>Smells like shit
>Tastes like shit
>Eat it all anyways
>Still pay full price
>Come back the next day

Seriously, why do people still do this nowadays

Other urls found in this thread:


Because they aren't full grown neck beards ordering the kids menu you ning nong.

>games are only for kids
It's the current year.

What is it with Sup Forums and food analogies

It's a really useful analogy for describing any paid product. Different people enjoy different kinds, but there's a sense of understanding that some is great and some is shit. You need to pay for it (but can get it for free in certain circumstances), and you can always make your own.

this is quite literally a childrens game, and it should've been apparent to every sane adult before release

You just ate some SHIT son!

>is on a +18 site
>on a board that talks about vidya
>calls other babies for playing vidya
so you either are underage or admitting you're a manchild
you're wrong and you know that, faggot

You're thinking about minecraft maybe

>He hasn't been to blue stars

It really bothers me the game isn't at redbox. I want to try it, just to see how bad it is, as I haven't followed it's development at all and have no real standards to put it to, much like spore, which I actually enjoyed up until it got to space and tried to be way more than it actually was.

>food analogy

i think everybody already understood the situation before you arrived a week late belaboring the point with your tortured metaphor

>Sweaty fat neckbeard goes to McDonald's and orders a McRib
>Manager: Sorry sir, we don't sell McRibs anymore.
>Manager: Sorry sir I can't do that. I'm sure you can find something else on our menu.
>Fat neckbeard: "NO! FUCK YOU!! ASSHOLE!!!"
>Neckbeard waddles out of the store
Later that day:
>Neckbeard steals his mom's minivan and drives to the McDonald's McRib factory
>Breaks in and steals and eats several McRibs
>Calls his fat neckbeard friends and helps them break into the McRib factory as well
>Soon over 200,000 fat autistic neckbeards have broken into the McRib factory and stolen several McRibs
>McDonald's takes notice and tells them to leave
>Neckbeards and autists around the world cry foul at McDonald's for protecting their property while McDonald's ignores them and continues to make billions

Here we go again, i need to go around and explain that food analogy is a perfect metaphor for entertainment.
Food is the nutrient for body
Entertainment is nutrient for personality or soul or metaphysical and sometimes it also affects the physical( brain chemistry)
So, when people say how Justin Bieber makes the greatest music ever, and how Twilight is the best book ever, and how a shitty game is the best game ever...
There has to be a group of sane people telling them to stop eating shit and start seeing the real lack of value what they are digesting.
That is all, young user.

What kind of autistic cuck defence force is this replay even?
Dont tell me u are trolling. This doesnt even make sense

go back to

Why? What did I say that makes me Sup Forums?

you said the magic word so the cuck got triggered

>its another food analogy

Remember when car analogies were a thing?

>Food analogy
>The bad thing is straight up shit


Well I am an old Sup Forumstard, back in the day we could your faggot everywhere in games and online, now the SJW force has won I had to switch to cuck. And it is more insulting then a faggot today..

>MUH '>muh food analogy'

food analogies are like women: they can work sometimes.

completely underrated fucking post.

Minecraft is more like
>You're sold a nice tree that produces sweet fruit
>The farmer that sells you the tree says the fruit will just get sweeter as the tree grows
>Eventually, you notice that the tree is producing sour fruit
>It just gets more and more sour and rotten tasting until the tree is covered in disgusting, rotten fruit
>The farmer buys a mansion and spends the rest of his life shitposting on twitter

Todd Howard, Hello Gayms
Planet Chimichangas, 2016 ANNO DOMINI

Yeah, just not on Sup Forums

You sure got him.

How did Minecraft become worse?
More blocks, more biomes, more bosses, more meaningful interactions with gear... still has the best creativity freedom in sandbox games. Still is fun to play random minigames with comunities and friends... and still no payed DLC.
You are just trash talking for the sake of it.

Because that restaurant plays the most commercials.

dude food analogy lmao

>le reddit man of escalating rapidly

Get out.

Because people who play video games are unwilling to defend their legal rights.

Bullshots, downgrades and lies are all common because no one ever fucking does anything about it. Everytime it happens a few people complain about it, laugh at it, then forget about it until the next time it happens.
If people actually started suing or attempting some kind of legal action, it wouldn't keep happening. But people who play video games don't seem to care and will never do anything about it, so it wont stop.

what the fuck kind of analogy is this?
Seriously, what the fuck is wrong with this website?

kys, faggot.

faggot means that you're gay
cuck means you're a self-hating degenerate with no self respect who gets off on being humiliated and abused

If you had to choose between the two, which one would you go with?

Obviously cuck is worse even if you're the biggest homophobe on the planet

another cuck got caught I see

you just have to say the magic word...

like flies on shit lmao

>not the kids menu
my sides

How to identify children on the internet.

>pay $30 dollars for one meal/drinks and tips
>double that when gf comes with

Yet you fuckers complain about a $15 dollar game that you got on sale on Steam that only lasted 8 hours.

I agree. That is what I said. Cuck is worse. So its an upgraded insult. And it just works.

>Adventure update
>New generation code is gross looking, lumpy garbage despite extra biomes
>Majority of development promises either dropped or half-assed
>Every new update ends up being both poorly designed and implemented, like the semi-recent update to Combat that opted to redirect the shitty mechanics instead of fixing or adding onto them

You StawMen cucks should join up.
What I said still stands. I bought Minecraft ages ago, and after Jewcrosoft game remained free of paid DLC.
Nothing is ruined people are just delusional

By that definition I don't believe anyone is a cuck. That shit exists for fetish porn I'm sure.

People use it to describe someone who's oblivious to being swindled. Or suffering from Stockholm syndrome.

Because we all know no one here has a gf which eliminates the possibility of even getting cucked in the first place

Cuck sounds fucking retarded compared to Faggot, though. Say it out loud and actually listen to it, you sound like a retarded turkey whenever you say it.

that is the most disgusting webm I have ever had the displeasure of watching


What is wrong with adventure update?
What is wrong with random gen? For me its the same as 5 years ago, I even found some epic mountains and high plains...
I dont follow news that much and MC isnt a game u can dedicate years to (unless u have a big project)
What is wrong with swinging ur sword like u have stamina?
Its ok in Dark Souls but its utter shit in Minecraft?
I dont understand why u are so mad, but there are differently modded servers in minecraft that can cater to every last of any kids dreams including yours.
I play minecraft occasionaly when I get the desire to build something great. I assemble my mates we play it for 3-6 months and then make a giant break.
Minecraft offers tons of gameplay variety and more ropleplay options then Skyrim.
So honestly stop shitting online.
The worst aspect of Minecraft is the very young and unimaginative random players. I was a part of a large build crew but I enjoy creative and survival the most.
Fuck your shit basicaly.

Your analogy doesn't work you stupid fuck

but user we're Crypto-Fascists, you don't say that shit out loud... not until we get into power that is. *wink* *wink*

nope, it's specifically for those who are self-hating. Your gf can cheat on you, but you're not a cuck, you're just a guy who's in a relationship with a crypto-whore. You are a cuck if you stay with her after you find out that she's cheating.

Self-Awareness is the basic tenet of cuckoldry. For you to be a cuck, you need to know that you're getting fucked over and not do anything about it. It can be about sex or politics or economics. Whatever, when you let anyone walk over you and do nothing about it you become a cuck.

>neckbeard steals
copy, the word you are looking for is copy, and making a copy isn't illegal as long as you don't profit from it.
:^) git gud

>What is wrong with swinging ur sword like u have stamina?
>Its ok in Dark Souls but its utter shit in Minecraft?

Dark Souls has animations, hitboxes and attack patterns. Minecraft has enemies brushing up against you and dealing damage.
If I wanted to do builds I'd go back to a version with the older generation code because nothing added since then has been worthwhile.

Heck Minecraft even warrants more discussions about pros and cons and good/bad mechanics then NMS that is just utter shit.

>an actual response to someone saying that

That was unexpected

>go to restaurant
>check menu
>everything is the same shit but with proceduraly generated with slight variations

Yes, implying that "new generation" Only lets u generate one world.
>You are a retard who doesnt know how to save world he likes, or take seed of an older gen that u liked.
They just added more nuance to combat, but ultimately you come to Minecraft to build stuff.
Everything else is a positive bonus to gameplay.
You are just mad cus ur mates stopped playing or something.
>watch minecraft video from three years ago: Dude is making a big house
>watch minecraft video 2016: some other dude is making a big house
I am all for being angry and upset when things turn bad... but being angry cus its funny - not constructive
and that was a pun

You're literally fucking retarded if the contents of No Man's Sky were not what you expected.


They're pretty much the same: under-utilized or misdirected game mechanics on top of systems that could be the basis for a much better game if handled by better designers. Minecraft could've stopped being developed the second infinite worlds were released and it'd still have just as much merit as it does today since the only system that is worth shit is the voxel terrain. The only real difference is I doubt NMS will ever get an army of autistic 12 year olds that screeches down any developer that tries to use the core systems of the game in something else, like the Minecraft fanbase does with anything vaguely Minecraft-like.

copied and saved. i may make a few tweaks when i shitcopypaste it in the future

Why do they make food analogies?

I dunno OP you tell me.