Character selection

>character selection
>creates a black male character
>only white haircuts expect afro and bald
>"mm maybe haircut 1 works on black skin"

sounds like every japanese rpg ever

literally no one plays a black character even black people don't


Name 10 hairstyles black people have that arent afro, bald, or corn rows.

I just a few weeks ago created a black character in Fallout because I was sick of playing as the same white character ever single time.

>Implying niggers in real life have any other hair style than an afro, buzzed, bald, and rarely dreadlocks

fade, a regular, temp, dreads, plates, waves, baby waves. Not 10 but thats all i could think of

why would you,
nobody wants to be black in real life, why would you be black in a video game?

Buzzcut (aka fade)
High-top fade (aka that tall flattop that looks like a pencil eraser)

Also, pic related

I'm not going to google for you user, stop being so lazy

black lives matter

>pick a white guy's haircut
>imagine a black version
>do it ten times

>playing as a nigger

Why? Not even niggers want to play as a black person ever.

Want to know why niggers have big dicks? That's God saying sorry for putting pubes on their heads.

I just pick the whitest looking blonde hairstyle possible anyways

Neogaf? Is that you?

How've you been, buddy? Did you go to therapy like the court order told you to?


>believing in god

also that's a lame joke geesh

>Be Hispanic
>Only can create Blacks or White dudes


Nice white appropriation


yeah this pretty much

>tfw can pass on varying hair and eye colours
Not even Sup Forums but being white is pretty cool

>I believe appropriation exists when it's convenient for me and so I can feel epic and witty for showing people what's what on an imageboard

Jamie foxx has fallen on hard times I see

Ah yes the great big nigger dick conspiracy

>hairtype and eye colors is race specific

ooh booii

>no one wants to be black in real life

Except every white person who partakes in hip-hops culture.


those people aren't human

>I've never seen a black man: the post.