What gameplay features would you add?
What gameplay features would you add?
Other urls found in this thread:
Shlicking to regen health.
Gyrating hips to shoot
Twerking to reload
Breast expansion for ammo upgrades
Thickness increases as health does
Proper high heel clacking sounds.
fuck off this has promose.
>this has promose
top laff
>gyrating hips to shoot
got you covered, senpai.
Futa dick.
enemy that you can't defeat alla SA-X or Dahaka, and you have to escape everytime you see it.
encounters are random
Not gameplay but the dev said it will be in the final game.
Focus more on combat amidst puzzle solving, design it to be more fast-paced. Sections of the game should be a slow-drum followed by a quick-drum. Sections with enemies should make the player clench their anus as they get through, have navigating through moving obstacles while being encouraged to move towards the goal through enemies while avoiding getting hit or knocked over.
In between these sections there should be puzzle rooms and navigating slowly to feel more like a break, some being more of a stealth section.
Add in some specific robot pursuing the player in and out through the game to give the illusion of story.
Melee combat should be based on martial arts, specifically a mixture of leg-based CQC.
Those of you with blackscreen, new patch is out
Smaller tits and robot legs
A feature where enemies rape the fuck out of you after smashing your shit in.
Button to uninstall faster.
This game almost broke my nofap.
Ass physics
The save system is terrible.
>Save Points
>Limited Saves
>One-hit Kills
Just two of those things is hard enough to get right; Haydee does all three and it's fucking frustrating. No, I don't want to go through your tiny green block jumping puzzle for the tenth time, only to get one-shot by a fast robot even though my screen wasn't pink, so I lose ten minutes of progress.
The levels are bland as hell. It's not just the fault of it being an early build--you can do a lot with just different-colored bricks to make appealing, memorable levels, but this doesn't even try. White, white, some grey, and then a garish green. The rooms look so claustrophobic and samey and there's barely any landmarks, so it's easy to get lost.
Also, no matter what direction the camera was facing when you go through a door, on the other side it resets to facing 180 degrees away from it. It's subtle, but when I'm quickly rushing through rooms, this constant view-reseting really made me lose my bearings.
These controls and this camera are not designed for precision platforming. You have to carefully tap keys to change direction on those tiny platforms, or she'll turn herself off the edge. The tiny doors and off-center camera make it unnecessarily hard; I kept hitting my head on the door frame and falling to my death. And it wouldn't be fun even if it worked. Also, why, when her feet don't make the jump, does she fall all the way down to hanging position? Shouldn't she at least fall into that halfway-up-boobs-smooshed-against-the-floor postition? It'd certainly flow a bit better.
Enemies don't react to being shot, or even get bullet holes in them.
Should just turn it into a porn game desu
First time in the history on Haydee threads, but it won't be last.
Git gud, you shitter,
>Longer and slightly more spaced out maps.
>Maybe small flying drone enemies that zap Haydee.
>Ability to equip some customizable parts, designs, and accessories (Different heads, the backpack she is wearing on the cover, etc).
>Give Haydee a taunt or celebration move to rage enemies.
>Maybe add some type of rare melee weapon, like a sword?
It should just be a porn game but seriously I hate these 'puzzle' solving games everyone has been shitting out lately.
I'm fine with the ass size because I am the assman but those boobs are way too huge for my taste. I need a mod to reduce the size and make the skin tone fair.
Moody atmospheric synthwave.
But I don't think that counts as a gameplay feature tho
>white legs
stop blackwashing in videogames
Robot customization and gadgets that help in combat and movement/progress.
>You're doing it wrong, mate! First, you need to to aim the way you were coming and walk backwards into his sight so you won't waste half a second turning around. Then, immediately run all the way to the exit and go through it and back again since that's faster than turning and enemies don't follow you through doors! While he's charging you, you should have just enough time to pull off enough shots!
10/10 game
barefoot robot and better shooting mechanics
this user has it so right
Make it a porn game
If you loose, a full on hentai scene is shown with gang rape and shit
Bosses with unqiue sex scenes with different fetishes
And give player the ability to play as the boss
Nah, fuck porn games where the porn is locked behind losing. Porn should always be the reward for playing good.
gfycat com/HarmoniousTanFantail
>fuck off this has promose.
did we play the same demo, because the one I played was nothing but mediocre platforming and worse shooting in a bunch of samey bland rooms, but with an obese robot
You can only be the boss if you beat the game
This. Why the fuck am I being punished for winning and rewarded for losing
The better you do the MORE porn you should get. Not less
Include more ways to play around with the movements and improve the gunplay with better ennemy reactions.
Where I can download this demo?
Fine, alright, it's a porn game
You get to have sex if you win. You get lewder as you progess. Also, what says
The fucking end
Full penetration
>try to launch
>api-ms-win-crt-runtime-l1-1-0.dll error
Just kill me...
No it doesn't
Literally fapbait and you retards fell for it
you still have that shitpost name on.
Your tears are delicious.
People are praising the game for it's gameplay, the thiccness is a good plus.
>preferring cute robot girls makes me a numale
Guess I'm a numale then.
What is her cup size? I must know
No, we're praising it for the thicc. Don't delude yourself to a prototypes linear gameplay and busty figures.
Yes you are.
Big fat tities built for sex
>fat fuckers
ever since the thicc meme took off, you faglords have been notoriously loud.
Kinda like Furries in 2009~ and MLP in 2011~
Neck yourself.
The the steam page is enough proof that people like the gameplay.
Cry more, we're here to stay.
And we're fucking everywhere.
What the fuck are you doing
Pretending that a bunch of redditters and Sup Forums weirdos circle jerk is any actual justification in gameplay.
Kill yourself. :^)
At least 36N
it's shitposting then
>american sizes
Civilized measures please
you are realy cringy, jesus
You were shitposting from the beginning. I just joined in for the fun. (^:
Least this anons self aware and knows when to give up
this shit has porn physics so why it shouldnt be a fully blown porn game with straight, futa, all the fetishes etc.
let it bloom dont rip off portal. we played it for the ass.
Its more than ass you teenager
Energy recharge via butt insertion
post webms
also have some texture mods just put the Outfit folder in your root Haydee folder
also make sure to download 1st patch which changes some small things
Quick Twerking Events
Fuck off nigger
is there a easy way to climb downward? I keep falling trying to get some ammo near the first safe point.
Good gameplay
playable lolibot
>millennials getting their first taste in limited saves
I don't think any of you would get past tank controls if this game had them
booty clap sound effects
>This many people willing to overlook garbage gameplay as long as their fetishes are catered to.
You guys are at least ashamed of yourselves for being so shallow, right?
If I say yes will it make you feel better about yourself?
go to a ledge make sure your butt is facing the ledge press ctrl. you can also walk in any direction by holding the right mouse button. When you drop off a ledge while hanging you will automatically grip a ledge if it is below you.
>>This many people willing to overlook garbage gameplay as long as their fetishes are catered to.
literally every weeb game
Visible butthole outline through clothes effect.
Fuck the limited saves. Having to redo a shitload of stuff isn't fun in any way. Having specific save points is fine, limiting the amount of times you can save is BS
>Bottemless_Haydee_With_Heart has no pussy
the ability to play as a loli
if you confront male enemies you could fuck them, i mean why would you need gender if not for making guys feel the luvz?
Thiccfags are the fucking worst. Ever heard of modesty? This looks fucking disgusting.
>spastic """videogame""" for retards who like nigger robots
Get the fuck out shill.
The fact that the mere sight of this game having threads on Sup Forums makes so many people angry makes me like the game even more.
Now I know how Undertale fans feel.
What's the point of this? If I want to fap I can just look up porn.
In situations like these, Sup Forums doesn't actually hate the game. What Sup Forums hates is the idea that the creator can shill it here and get people to like it and then make money off of it.
Sup Forums doesn't like being controlled or manipulated.
Every time.
I applaud the Slavs for making a game that triggers, SJWs, anti-shills, and robot fuckers. Yes, even the robot fuckers hate her
Well? What's your answer?
>Sup Forums doesn't like being controlled or manipulated.
>Now I know how Undertale fans feel.
Like butthurt babies that explode every time anyone questions the game quality
>if anyone is talking about a game i dont like, they must be shilling
Sup Forums in a nutshell
>you teenager
wow that truly hurts my feelings. think im going to close my PC now and get sad over my life choices.
Wow that makes me horny user
It's a game, you play it, playing around with sexy stuff is fun even without masturbating, you're supposed to figure that out by yourself once you're done with puberty.
i don't get it why do people always shit on games with lewd stuff in it
Christian heritage that makes us see sex as fundamentally different (negatively so) from other sources of pleasure.
Yes, that's basically it.
You see this board, Sup Forums-videogames is based on a subject regarding a product. A lot of boards are based around the consuming of a product, but none are nearly as marketable as videogames and western media.
As a result, the thing we're supposed to discuss is essentially being marketed for free by people who are discussing it.
When you suggest a good game, you are marketing that game for free, you are a valuable asset to the company that produced the game.
The line between shill, someone paid to promote and dicuss a game, and someone who's merely discussing a game becomes practically non existant in terms of results, in the end they're still potentially boosting the purchase rate of the game in subject.
Shilling is noticeable and indeed happens here, because it's an anonymous image board, but the only way Sup Forums can see it is when they see an exaggerated promotion of the game (inhuman text that sounds like an advertisement), when a game is overpromoted despite not being out yet or when they see a game that they assume the majority would hate being enjoyed.
This means that most of the time, shill accusations are placed on games the person doesn't like, because they believe that their tastes are applied to all of Sup Forums and that people enjoying the game is unnatural and must be a result of paid advertisers.
But most of the people who like games like these are the ones going through puberty.
It's pretty clear the OP who keeps making these same threads every day is the game dev shilling his game.
Now that it got bombarded with people saying it's shit, he's asking what he can do to fix it. The answer is nothing because the game is shit at its core and only made to appeal to faggots who buy games with their dick.
>Playing video games after puberty
Proper Robot joints.
>playing a game for good game play
>People are praising the game for it's gameplay