Please nerf Karin Critical art damage

jab jab tenko CA does a ton of damage, while Chun doing short jab legs CA does nothing

What's that? Post Juri? No problem!

Fuck juri looked hideous in 4, but looks perfect in 5. This fuckin TITS

This. Damage output is insane.

I mostly like this particular Juri alt because it shows her legs and thighs. Not the best thighs in SF, but I wouldn't mind being smothered in between her legs.

>not using the proper bikini costume mod


nerf this
buff that

great game.

Should I buy season pass? Does it ever go on sale?

Why is the game's price plumetting on Amazon?

Dan, Blanka, Oro when?

There haven't been any balance patches yet, the first one is going to be after Capcom Cup.

Mobabbie mentality makes people think they're entitled to free balance patches until they have Diamond rank instead of learning to adapt, it's actually pathetic.

we still doing lobbies later today?

Why dont you chumps just play dead or alive if you crave asses or tits so much?

The rumble fightan steam group is getting lobbies going but not until later tonight.


i play neither and DoA looks more generic to me. SF seems ugly but that might be the artstyle and some people like that i guess.



Only buy season pass is you A)Are impatient and don't want to grind money to get them free, or B) Feel like you'll actually use most the characters from the season. It might go on sale when Season 2 starts.

No clue.

Oro's peobably gonna be in season 2, dan and blanka will get in eventuallyâ„¢

Sodom will make it in.

would be dope.

I thnk he fits in the game mechanical pretty well.

anybody can be made to fit mechanically with the right reworks, just like Birdie.
I just think that he'd be nice because he's an alpha guy and SFV has a lot of alpha stuff already.

We need Hugo, you can't have Alex and Gief in the game and not bring in Hugo to prove who the number one wrestler is

the difference is that capcom never actually nerfs or does any significant change on the game

My main point is that stuff like balance should have been largely figured out before the game came out with stuff like Beta tests. I would be more interested in more game modes or just something to do.

What are you talking about, look at the difference between SFIV editions, Capcom makes significant changes

>My main point is that stuff like balance should have been largely figured out before the game came out with stuff like Beta tests.
Is this your first fighting game

>or just something to do.
how about you play the fucking game

Is Juri good for a beginner?

i didn't buy this.
Alright so there is survival which every fighting game has by default, story mode which becoming normal but everyone agrees it sucks and online which is hit or miss.

I guess if i ask for more than that i'm being entitled right?

Is Urien this month?

I wish.

Damn. I think I'm in love with an ass.

The only thing I hate about SFV girls are the fuckhuge feet and hands other than that they are fucking perfect.

it was the worst clipping i have ever seen, that ruins a lot. And close up shots make them look like clay.

Oh you're just shitposting.
Shouldve said so right at the start.

Jesus I'm only untra bronze and had two silvers RQ hard right before KO I thought they fixed that shit.

Liking fighting games and wanting them to get better is shitposting now. Yeah this is Sup Forums


Yeah it sucks that people call you out for saying stupid shit.

Quick Sup Forums, recommend me a relatively cheap but decent fight stick so I can buy SFV on PC. bonus points if I can use it on a PS3 / PS4

gotta be more specific, i can't respond to memes like this

Cheapest decent stick that works on the ps4 is probably the venom stick.
Its easily moddable too, so you can put in better parts at some point, but the regular parts are k already.

How cheap is cheap to you? I have a Qanba Q1 and it's aight.

Qanba Carbon is on sale on right now for 20 bucks off

The carbon and drone are really cheap. There was also some code for money off on the last Best of III show