So now that Mankind Divided is a confirmed piece of shit flop

Is this the worst year in video game history?

>Dark Souls 3 was terrible
>No Man's Sky was terrible
>XCOM 2 was terrible
>Pokemon Go and Overwatch were fads
>Mafia 3 and Battlefield 1 are SJW bullshit
>Civilization 6 looks worst than 5
>FF15 is a guaranteed disaster on par with Duke Nukem Forever
>Street Fighter 5 was the biggest fighting game flop ever
>The Division in general, holy kek what a disaster
>Federation Forces existence
>Mankind Divided was a F L O P

What went so fucking wrong?

nice try shit stirring, dont think it worked out bud

I give you a 3/10

This thread perfectly personifies Sup Forums as a board

how to tell if someone is a 16 year old : the post

You've overcommitted to the bait, famalam.


The game is fine, stop shitposting you runt.

Please actually try to dispute anything I said. What's that? You can't? Hmph, I thought so

>the assblasted fanboys ITT


This year is glorious

Forgot Fallout 4 Minecraft edition
And games being broken on launch.
Shittiest year in gaming every.
Industry needs to stop. Die, and then come back fresh.
We need another ATARI ET BURIAL.

oh no! its retarded, shame

The year is 2027.

>Is this the worst year in video game history?

Almost as bad as 2011 and 2008.

Is the new thing that if a main character of a game is Black that it's SJW pandering?

But the reviews were positive, what the fuck are you talking about?

Federation Force and Pokemon Go are legitimately good, OP.

And lol at the fact that people have forgotten that Star Fox Zero was supposed to be bad.

Don't worry. FF XV will single-handedly save the year.



This thread is everything wrong with Sup Forums
you focus and exaggerate on the bad and you seem content with complaining for the rest of your lives
I'm glad Sup Forums isn't as influential as it used to be, given you're all children

Gamespot gave it an 8 and IGN a 9.2.

The pendelum had to swing back from the amazing year that was 2015



Its viciously OK from what I've read

Not absolute shit but not good just alright


>putting any faith at all in reviews

Also, do you even know what "flop" means?

You still come to Sup Forums to discuss games? Its not 2007 anymore, just come here for the laughs and enjoy the ride.


its cool ill be with you in a few months when dishonored 2 breaks my heart. I still believe it could great but will not preorder it.

i LOVED far harbor and am pretty amped for nuka world

>yfw final fantasy crashes and burns harder then any other game this year when it finally releases in December

would be a nice way to end the year


Burden of proof is on the accuser. Prove it's a flop or a bad game. Reviews say otherwise. History also points to it being well done.

>Game not even out yet.

>Overwatch was a fad
What paralel universe do you live in?



welcome to Sup Forums

Games even get declared "vaporware" if there hasn't been a new trailer in a few months

Sup Forums is just shitposting again

I watched my flatmate play it and it seems pretty good

You think it's just IGN? Fuck off troll.


>overwatch was amazing
>uncharted 4 was amazing
>bf1 looks good
>tits2 looks god

>Dark Souls 3 was terrible
But it was better than the first game

>Dark Souls 3 was terrible
Not really, it was the best one imho.
You just played them too much.
Inb4 MUH WORLD MAP, levels were fine themselves, Das 1 is the only one with global interconnectivity.
>No Man's Sky was terrible
And you are a fag for falling to the hype.
>XCOM 2 was terrible
Can't say anything about this one.
>Pokemon Go and Overwatch were fads
Yes, and...? You were really expecting something more?
>Mafia 3 and Battlefield 1 are SJW bullshit
go to Sup Forums, you will find better company there.
>Civilization 6 looks worst than 5
>FF15 is a guaranteed disaster on par with Duke Nukem Forever
Still playing FF? There is a reason Dragon Quest threads are getting more popular lately.
>Street Fighter 5 was the biggest fighting game flop ever
You clearly never played a SF chapter since its beginning. 2, alpha and 3 first version are all absolute trash compared to latest iterations. Just wait for the inevitable super version, you gigantic faggot.
>The Division in general, holy kek what a disaster
true, but they still made a profit of it, unfortunately
>Federation Forces existence
AM2R exists
>Mankind Divided was a F L O P
It's not even out.

All in all, you are just a whiny faggot like said

Legion being amazing makes up for all the complete blunders you listed
also Blood and Wine


The only game I see flopping super hard this year is Final Fantasy XV. Dude Sex will be fine, there's a decent amount of hype all around. But FFXV has been hemorrhaging hype constantly, and it's only getting worse with recent announcements. It needs GTAV-tier sales to be successful, but normies do not buy Japanese games.

>>overwatch was amazing
>Not really, it was the best one imho.

PokeGo and Overwatch are the only good things this year.

>he took all this time to reply to my bait OP
haha hook line and sinker baby Sup Forums is so easy
later gator

Year of mediocre imo

It took like 20 secs, but I am glad I made you happy with this little effort.

>Not really, it was the best one imho.
>poise literally useless
>ragged clothes as good at defense as heaviest armor in the game
>pvp is all about spamming M1 with estocs and dark swords
>every invasion is 3v1
>disgusting performance
>whole game is basically a bloodborne clone

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>best one

TORtanic was a mistake

>overwatch was amazing

underage detected

what is bait about OP? he is right

This year is horrible. Even Deus Ex is coping Watch Dogs 2 memes.

Dues Ex has always been shit.

so this is what Sup Forums is now, just a fucking shitposting board like Sup Forums
was this part of moots plan


I actually enjoyed a few games on that list and some that aren't since I'm not autistic like you and also since my opinion > than yours, but you can go ahead and keep shitposting on a taiwanese swan diving forum rather than actually playing video games

Jesus could that image be any more subtle?

>non negative real number
>not positive
I think you need to go back to school user

>I actually enjoyed a few games on that list

Good goyim. The world needs good goyims like yourself

If I was near you I'd give you a free hug.

It was anti-semitic and SPLC threatened to sue the original author so he did just a few edits

>Sup Forums response
keep shitposting though

what are you doing on Sup Forums? shouldn't you have a couple of candy crush lives by now?

you in the pic

>"What's that? You can't? Hmph, I thought so"

Pokemon Go was a fad (remember the 90s?) but Sun and Moon actually look really good.
It's a bit too early to really say for certain....
But it's definitely more certain they'll wind up on the good side of the spectrum than FFXV will. (Goddamn is that game gonna be shit.)

Doom was good

Doom was okay, not good, not bad - just okay.

FFXV looks like it might be a dumb, but immersive and "comfy" adventure that will be worth buying a used """GOTY""" edition for in two years.

honestly, the shittiest thing in it looks like the spastic combat

If it was just all road trip, fishing, camping, and visiting towns it would be too comfy to miss

Just don't want to have to fight 20k identical soldiers with teleporting and crap while i do it

every game released this year is so bad that FF will get GOTY easily. Unless ReCore turns out a masterpiece which I think it won't

>Pokemon GO and Overwatch were fads
I'll give you a 1/10.

>game isnt out
This is why Sup Forums is considered the worst board

Nah, Doom was good.

I think you're forgetting about skyrim remastered, the obvious ringer

nah get in line

Sup Forums is far and away the worst board

i doubt the remaster will get more than 8.0
unless they open the wallet to IGN, Gamespot, destructoid and polygon

The press is definitely going to crown Overwatch as GOTY. No contest. Dishonored 2 might get some single player awards.

I terms of taste or quality?

>i doubt the remaster will get more than 8.0

IGN wouldn't dare. They know what I-err i mean, Todd is capable of

both and also general knowledge

nobody knows shit about music there, at least people here know games well enough

>Dark Souls 3 was amazing
>No Man's Sky is a decent game
>XCOM 2 was amazing
>Overwatch is amazon
>Mankind Divided is going to be GOTY
>No one cares about Fighting/sports games

Legitimately the only points you've made that are true are Pokemon Go is shit, and Civilization 6 looks like ass.

2/10 for effort tho

>>No Man's Sky is a decent game

well crafted

Honestly, this year wasn't that bad if you like big budget single player things. D44M was good, Dude Sex looks good, and Dishonored II looks okay. ReCore might be good. Quantum Break was okay.

>Mafia 3 is an SJW game because it it's not about a grizzled, white, protagonist


>Dark Souls 3 was terrible
The fuck? Underage, get out.

>No Man's Sky was terrible

>XCOM 2 was terrible
Performance issues aside, it was perfectly fine?

>Pokemon Go and Overwatch were fads
Is this question bait?

>Mafia 3 and Battlefield 1 are SJW bullshit

>Civilization 6 looks worst than 5
The stylistic departure from Civ5 is definetly unappealing to some.
Regardless, i'd rather reserve my opinion until it's out rather than engage in Sup Forums cynicism.

>FF15 is a guaranteed disaster on par with Duke Nukem Forever
i'd rather reserve my opinion until it's out rather than engage in Sup Forums cynicism.

>Street Fighter 5 was the biggest fighting game flop ever
No comment

>The Division in general, holy kek what a disaster
I mean yes, that was definetly a disaster.

>Federation Forces existence

>Mankind Divided was a F L O P
The game isn't out yet, get your kneejerk Sup Forums cynicism outta here.
Seriously. Like, go get laid. Go to the beach. Shout into a pillow. Do something worthwhile, please.

2016 is probably one of the best years we've had this millenia desu.

Still not done so it's too early to call it for sure but I'm loving it so far.

fuck off retard

>overwatch and uncharted 4 were amazing
top kek

Make me :P

Shouting into a pillow it is then.

>Mafia game
>you're not an Italian mobster

Lol wtf were they thinking?
>you try to take down the mob instead of be a part of it
>you don't even play a fast-n-loose detective on the edge playing both sides of the law to bring down the mob

I hope the series dies off at this point, they could have done so many things to make this game great.

Instead, we get Niggerfield1 levels of hamfisted diversity. Won't even pirate.

>9.2 positive

I just got interested to XV when they released that long gameplay video. Am I missing something? I thought the general consensus from people who played it was that it's a great game?

It's a great year for game developers because you fools keep preordering, giving them record profits, and then whining when they lied to you about whats in the games.

Don't preorder.

They could limit the embargo so it lifts on launch.
At least now people can read review and cancel preorder with this new info.

Dark Souls 3 was good
No Man's Sky is awful
XCOM 2 is good
Pokemon Go is shit
Overwatch is kinda ok
Civilization 6 looks good
Street Fighter V is shit because people don't care about fighting games anymore and they don't want to spend months to get good
Division is shit
Federation Force - no one cares about this shit
Mankind Divided, FF15, Mafia 3, BF1 are not released so we can't judge them yet
Fuck you

So to you, any game that doesn't give you a blowjob every time you play it is shit, right? Is that your standard for "good game"?