"PC Gaming is actually cheaper in the long run"

When are you going to stop with this lie? This hardware would probably barely run GTA V on the lowest settings.

The amount of money you have to spend every 3 or 4 years on a new graphics card is usually more than a new console anyway.

Say whatever you want about PC gaming being better, because it's true, but PC gaming is NOT more affordable.

Other urls found in this thread:


Just realized it was a pre-owned bundle. You only save like 25 bucks anyway.

Hey. Hey. Hey.

[spoilers]Fuck you this argument is pointless and cyclical. There is no just answer. [/spoilers] [spoilers] ^:) [/spoilers]

>>>>>buying windows 10
>not the fx-6300
>50$ hdd
>that fucking awful case
>that old as fuck graphics card
Fuck off sonygger

I bought a 660 Ti off ebay 3 years ago for $100 and i used it to play GTA on high/ultra at 1080p 60fps for over 500 hours


Sorry you're poor enough to exist simply to make my brand better


Why are all PCucks also Ebay scummers?

1) That's a shit build and you can go to Sup Forums for better cheaper builds.

2) Mid-range cards that can max everything at 1080p are less than consoles every 3-4 years

Here you go queer

Good job not mentioning how much your other hardware costs

> paying for online services
> paying a far too high price even for new releases
Nah, PC's will cost you less over the average life circle of a console and if I wait a bit to buy games I get games dirt cheap on PC

>buying new hardware


Because it's the only reliable way to actually get cheap/used PC parts.

It was built to match the specs of a popular and demanding game. I know you can build a cheaper one if you get a 20 dollar China PSU and steal your operating system like a Jamal.

PCs games are cheaper. Over the lifetime of both console and PC, PC will win out as the value for money purchase.

Sonygger here. PS4 is going to be my last console. I had a 360 and a PS3 last gen and I constantly felt like I was getting fucked. This gen is even worse though and around every corner is a rape brigade. Never again, I'm going back to PC once I can save up enough money to build me another.

Every damn time you turn around on console you're getting jewed. Sony is just as bad is Microsoft this gen and Nintendo is so shit they won't even let people stream their games. I mean com'on.

>Imblying used/sale games for consoles don't exist
>Imblying I don't buy games in perfect condition with guarantees for under 20 bucks

PC cucks are so shortsighted. Enjoy not being able to even trade games 99% of the time.

When will you be building a PC fambino?

That's a god damn lie. PC games stay at full price WAY longer than console games do and since you have no used or proper trade options you're stuck paying full market value.

This beats the PS4 for $300:


>I know you can build a cheaper one if you get a 20 dollar China PSU and steal your operating system like a Jamal.


>it was built to match the specs of a popular and demanding game


>Being a gamestop scummer

Literally worse than pirates.

all credits to our friends over at r/PCMustardRace

>steam sales
>third party sites

Maybe you should use your brain and buy the right stuff instead of pretending like you did to shitpost.

That build is shit.

>implying i dont have multiple 99's in runescape
>implying I didnt flip to make billions
>implying i didnt use the same techniques to flip graphics cards
>implying I didnt turn a 4850 into a 980 by spending about $150 total.
>implying I didnt make the $150 back playing video games


enjoy not being able to pick up a second graphics card off ebay for next to nothing and throw that bitch in SLI for rougly twice the power

A $1200 computer that can play games, do work, browse the web, watch movies on any device in my home and have freedom to what I put on it is worth the price. Plus steam sales and black Friday sales are a thing.

>used games anything like steam sales

>tadeins that earn you less than 75% of what you paid is totally worth buying a new console every 2-3 years plus $60 per game and online access

>green man gaming
>humble bundle
>GOG sales
>Steam Sales

I don't like you

that's not the point here


Better than the FX-6300.


>249 dollars

Is this image from 2013?

>Random no name case/PSU with shit reviews that will catch on fire
>Absolutely no peripherals
>No operating system

That hardware MIGHT run GTA V on the lowest possible settings, which is worse than console quality.
>i3 dual core
>Seagate 1TB ticking time bomb
>Fucking 950 that is already outdated and will barely run games made in the last 3 years
>Still no peripherals
>Still no OS


PC cucks always have to cut so many corners to make their point
At least consolefags don't have to steal shit to afford their consoles. The only reason you can build cheaper PCs of comparable performance is because you're leaving out 300 dollars worth of cost.


>Twice the power consumption of a console at least

This isn't even talking about Steam Sales, GoG sales, piracy.

Fuck off PCfats, your excuses are getting old and boring.

You can do all that for much less than $1,200 - since this is an 'affordable' argument I assume we're only looking to hit 1080p here.

>buying single player games for PC

>pre-owned PS4

>7950 is 249 dollars
>botnet 10


It's because PC ports are gimped on release and have inflated system requirements, the new Deus Ex is a fine example of this.

Building a $300-400 PC is a waste of money if you plan on using it for anything other than light gaming (last gen games, Hearthstone, etc)

>i3 dual core

Better than the FX-6300, runs games fine.


Yeah change that to a WD Blue for barely anything.


Yeah - well good thing there's a new gen of GPUs that just came out!

>still no peripherals

Dirt cheap

>Still no OS

Windows 7 is free.

you can do all that on any current console plus ebay beats steam and black friday anyday

So much fucking delusion here. Guys, how do we get rid of these PCucks?

>le console killer cheap gaming pc meme
This meme needs to die.

With PC gaming you NEED to spend a hefty chunk of change if you want to experience its real potential. If you want to be a cheap ass nigga you're better off just buying a console, seriously.

user I got fucking Dragon Age: Origins and Metro 2033 for free for liking a Facebook page.
3$ for Deus EX:HR a year after it came out.
I can emulate every Nintendo console up to the Gamecube and my AMD Radeon 6800 is OLD and CHEAP as fuck.
I'm one generation behind but I spent 400$ on my """rig""".
A PC is a poorfag's best friend. And I didn't even mention the piracy.

Also have you EVER opened Steam during sales?

>no peripherals
A simple Mouse+Keyboard combo costs $10-20.
>No operating system
Can be downloaded for free.


don't kill yourself over those settings and 60fps

a $375 btfoing a meme console

Explain this.
70 dollar per game vs 40 -30 dollar per game

This is excluding cd key sellers like g2a kinguin etc who sell it even cheaper

>pc gamers stand for just renting a digital copy of a game
>they also defend it claiming that it's the future
>they will start streaming games when steam forces it up in them

The biggest reason I'm staying away from pc gaming

> buying fucking analog discs
> in 2016
console plebs everyone
Also this is a stupid argument, buying digital is also big on console in this generation

>build cheap system
>run games at 1080p with 60 fps

>get console
>30 fps

Nah m9.

Quoted for truth.

1. Except the ps4 was released 3 years ago and if you now want top of the line quality you have to buy a fucking ps4 neo. Literally a faster upgrade than pcs. With an old 290x or 980-780ti you can still play everything at decent settings

2. Add psn plus 50 bucks each year for multiplayer.

3. If you want to keep playing your ps3 games, you cant sell your console. While you can sell your old gpu and keep playing your library on the new card.

4. If you have a 5 years old i7, most likely still runs everything at max and will keep doing it for the next 5 years. Literally having to upgrade a cpu each 10 years, and a gpu each 3-4 years (but being able to sell your old card)

5. Games are cheaper on pc. Psn sales are either shit discounts or old games. You wont see a just released game heavily discounted.

How much is Deus Ex MR on ps4? Its 35 bucks on pc and it wasnt even released yet. Most games on pc are released at 30-40 bucks outside steam, and then they are heavily discounted 3 months later. More often than not, late pc ports come with all paid dlc bundled for free.

6. You can actually share your digital games on steam. While sharing its only possible on physical discs on consoles.

7. Consoles runs most multiplatforms at mid settings and 25 fps. Any shit pc could do that. But guess what? In pc that performance is called "doesnt work" or "not playable" because we dont have shit standards.

what did he mean by this?

>fx 6300

>Owning consoles
>Owning a gaming PC

None have no games, for what purpose would you own one?

>have to buy a fucking Neo now

Ok, whats the cheapest you can get the new Deus Ex right now? Checkmate

>saving money in the long run is not the point of saving money in the long run

>SLI is a joke

>AMD hardware isnt

lmao, i bet more games support the SLI function than they do of your hardware at all

Just pirate everything and you'll save literally thousands of dollars.
PC wins again.

>cheap pc
>1080p with 60 fps
Yeah maybe if you only play browser games, TF2, and minecraft.

you're right user. Console gaming is definitely cheaper. You'll only buy the ps4 and bloodborne anyway.

Don't mind me, just destroying PCucks hopes and dreams.

Who gives a shit what it costs?
Paragliding equipment can be 9000$. You can start fucking knitting if low cost is the most important factor in your hobby.

That's where the savings come in

Yeah listen to this man. That way, when I buy games like life is strange and undertale, I get more games made explicitly for me and not for you poor babies :)

Just shoplift and you'll save millions.

Niggers win again!

its a good thing any mid tier pc is 10 times more powerful than your paperweight of choice then

See that? Get the fuck out of here you console port-playing Steamfags.

What kind of nigger gets "equal PC hardware" to a piece of trash console?
It's not even cheaper

>he hasn't seen the newest GPUs

In a few months time you'll be able to rig up a cheap RX 480 (once the stocks reset etc., probably not for the 1060) which smashes everything atm.

>saving money in the long run is not the point of saving money in the long run

what did he mean by this?

I know you're trolling, but I'll play along anyway

>using a ps4 to browse the internet, or create any kind of digital content

don't underestimate minecraft.
It's really demanding.

>buying AMD
>buying pascal
Just digging yourself a bigger hole.


Similar feelings here and also a long time sony fan. Owned PS1-4 and both PSP and Vita and the ps4 just feels like such a colossal dissapointment. Building my pc later this month and couldn't be happier.

I'm glad I have my ps4 still for some of the excusives that will he coming out, but that's it. It really is a Bloodborne machine.

>which smashes everything atm.
say hi to deus ex


>good performance is bad

Ironic shitposting is still shitposting.

You think you need $700 PC to play 720p games?
are you serious?

well, the thing is unless you live in america and built your own pc with free parts, console gaming is cheaper no matter what

and it stand to reason there isn't any pc's on the same "power" level as a console, within the same price range

PC gamers usually buy their games from the pirate bay.

>7950 3GB
>Wen 1060 6GB exists for the same price


ok but where's the actual proof to those claims?
they're just saying shit.

I spent $1600 (cad) on a gaming computer in 2010 (monitor included), so far it's lasted me 2 console generations. If I had bought a ps3 and ps4 at launch plus a proper hdtv in 2010 tv I would have spent about the same.
I also haven't paid for a single game, and pirated maybe 300
And I got to play all the best console games in vastly superior quality, metal gear rising, dark souls, all the wii games,

>say hi to Deus Ex
>more fps than on consoles

Your point?

Enjoy your poo in the gpu and meme stopgap cards.

>4.0GHZ processor
>HD 7950
boi you are retarded

Hey now guys cmon we are suppose to treat the stupid with some respect, not because they are deserving of it but because they outnumber us so much that their decision influences the industry. Let's not call them for what they are desu it's rude to the other fools and knaves :^)

Gaming is a dying hobby tbqhwyf
I've stopped upgrading hardware and last gen systems were my last.
There's just no reason to be spending so much in a hobby when an overwhelming majority of it is anti-consumer, and then we have the idiotic "community" which is present regardless of where you turn.

Been fun I guess.

why are console users always so stupid? Is it because the american education system sucks ass (except for the private schools of course) ?

I'd rather have that than being forced to play 720p.

But thats the best part: It IS cheaper in the long run, if you are frugal.
With PC, the initial unit is more expensive of course, but with emulation and better deals during sales, you can save a lot more money and have a lot more games then if you just buy a console and a bunch of 60 dollar games.

Also that rig would probably run gta5 on medium decently, gta5 is a well optimized game.

Why wouldn't you want to play games on the platform they were created on?

a pc with mainstream parts from 5 years ago can run recent games at near maxed settings at 60 fps or above yet a 3 year old console has to run some games at 900p and can't even run close to 30 fps. if that person 5 years ago paid $600 for that pc that means in 6 years it has better value cost per year than the console in your picture. that pc is still running strong today yet the ps4 is already outdated hence the requirement for the ps neo.

$600/6 = $100 per year
$315/2.5 = $126 per year

even a $700 pc is cheaper than a ps4.

$700/6 = $116 per year.

Agreed, at least we have plenty of old-ish games to come back and play whenever we want

Can your console run ableton live?

Checkmate atheists

Buying keys is 50% cheaper on release and up to 80% if you wait a few months.
Also you'll never get scammed if you're not a mouthbreathing retard.

>"dat PS4 POW"WAH!"
>still can't play a .mp3 locally


Didn't you fags paid 600 for a PS3?

And X1 early adopters paid 500 for an xbone?