Will this game be better than DOOM? Will it save old-school shootan?
Will this game be better than DOOM? Will it save old-school shootan?
They always try to be both types of the genre as if they wanted to appeal to two different groups.
That looks like scene that should have all sorts of colours. This is going to be exactly like the shadow warrior before it. Kinda stupid, extremely linear, nowhere near as funny as the writers think it is.
don't like how they took out getting bonus points for certain kills but i like that they buffed the guns
>proceduraly generated
>Bordermeme levels of "gorillions of guns!"
Unless they have said something about hand-crafted levels and dropped the shitty "make your own shitty weapons yourself" I'm going to say this game is going to be a disappointment.
I loved the 1st, and just thinking the about mentioned gives me chills.
I'm fearful that Shadow Warrior 2 is going to be too much of a departure from the first game
meme game
looks fun tho
Seeing as how the first game was godshit. I'm not holding my breath.
Maybe this time shooting things will actually be fun.
Are they going to fix the absurdly repetitive encounter design? I could only take fighting two summoners, two shield guys/maybe 2 chargers and a bunch of little guys in a small enclosed arena so many times. And having only 1 viable weapon did not help at all with the above.
Biggest problem with the first game was lack of enemy variety. I was bored to tears. Doom had a shit load of enemies
The melee looks super fun.
>maps are random
>enemy locations are random
>'not proceduraly generated'
fucking dropped
The only good thing that came about the first game was the fact that they released a pretty decent port of the original. Which is way way way better and actually enjoyable and fun to play.
Maybe this time the other weapons won't be totally fucking useless and unsatisfying to use.
What happened to Romero's game? It's been like four months since they shut down the kickstarter, where is the demo
SW remake wasn't oldskool tho
it seems like they came up with the idea in a week and had nothing to show for it, now they'll have to spend six months developing a prototype.
Why the fuck do you think this is "Old School."
If a game lets you move faster than Call Of Duty it's now "Old School?"
Poland has consistently the most qt's.
Can only Poland bros confirm the women are this cute.
This. It was was just a modern shooter that wanted to be an old school shooter and in the end it ended up just not being very enjoyable.
Either go full old school like Serious Sam or go sort of modern with inspirations from older FPS's like Doom.
>this fucking meme
it's not "go super 1000 mph fast" but it plays just like an old school shooter with few hitscan enemies, non-regenerating health, fast movement speed, dodging, secrets, etc
What is a meme game?
>proceduraly generated
Watch the video before bitching, it's hand crafted levels which have a form of randomization.
And then has really linear maps with no exploration, a tedious leveling and upgrade system, boring cut scenes and set-pieces. shit weapon variety with almost no creativity, no interactivity, and no personality.
Linear levels automatically makes it not oldskool. For all the shit ROTT gets, at least it somewhat tries to be like older FPSs, SW didn't.
>70 guns
>Mememem Meme levels of Meme guns
the core of the game (combat) is pretty much the same as oldschool shooters, nonlinear levels arent the defining factor of older games (unless you want to start calling every shitty open world game an oldschool shooter)
Are you saying that open world and old FPS levels are the same? because you might as well throw in titles like Banjo Kazooie and FF7 too.
>the core of the game (combat) is pretty much the same as oldschool shooters
Except for the upgrading system, powers(including a "press this button and heal yourself, totally different from regenerating health I promise") and only like one non-hit scan weapon.
Just play the original Shadow Warrior and you'll see it plays really differently for the most part.
>implying NMS isnt all randomized hand crafted assets
Except non linear levels is part of the oldschool shooters core. The shooting part is just half of it, the other half is the quality of the level design.
If you think that non-linear = open world, you're clearly underage
That shit is anything but "old-school", you daft wanker.
I don't know how old you are but your definition of old-school is wrong, mate.
>upgrading system
doesn't influence the combat
>powers(including a "press this button and heal yourself, totally different from regenerating health I promise")
powers make the combat more interesting and it still feels like and old school shooter, the regain health thing is kinda questionable but it's still not like the regenerating health in modern FPS games
>only like one non-hit scan weapon
doom had mostly hitscan weapons for players, so do the quake games, so does dook
>Except non linear levels is part of the oldschool shooters core.
except its not, it was a feature of a lot of oldschool shooters but it's not as important as the combat
even still SW isn't that linear anyways, its no doom but its not a corridor shooter either
>it's not procedural!
>it's just randomized
Fucking retarded.
>doesn't influence the combat
It does though.
>powers make the combat more interesting and it still feels like and old school shooter
Not really.
>still not like the regenerating health in modern FPS games
No, but it takes all the fun out of exploring the levels for necessary supplies, and the nerve wracking moment of being low on health but knowing you have to press on and play at your very best.
>doom had mostly hitscan weapons for players, so do the quake games, so does dook
Doom has 3 hitscan weapons, 3 projectile weapons, quake has 2 hitscan weapons and 4 projectile weapons, duke has 3 hitscan and 6 projectile weapons.
>except its not, it was a feature of a lot of oldschool shooters but it's not as important as the combat
Yeah no. The level design funnels and fuels to combat. Most people nowadays just make everything into an arena where things spawn and call it old school. But the level design is one of the most important part. The supplies, the enemy placement, the pacing, the cover, the movement. All of them are incredibly important to an old school shooter.
>I don't understand definitions
>Therefore it is retarded
There is a difference, you obtuse retard.
Randomized maps are handcrafted, but chosen at random (oh wow) at the start of the map.
Procedural generated is all the assets and enemies and buildings etc. coming randomly together to create a map, based on certain criteria, of course.
If you don't understand the difference, you don't use your thinking organ very extensively.
So grab your balls and calm your prick, you stupid dick
They literally said it's hand crafted levels put in a random order, please watch videos before you talk about them.
>old-school shootan
>iron sight aim
pick one user
Shadow Warrior was already too much of a departure from the first Shadow Warrior.
They said hand-crafted parts of the map, just like Diablo III dungeons, that is, fucking shit.
Go play Diablo III and "enjoy" those "beautiful" and "engaging" randomized dungeons.
Again, just like I said to the other guys, go play Diablo III and have the balls to tell me there's any real difference in the end product when using randomized parts and procedural generation.
It's the same fucking shit, just a different way of doing it.
Nice bait, faggot. Get the fuck out of here.
Meant to reply with:
>Go play Diablo III and "enjoy" those "beautiful" and "engaging" randomized dungeons.
Shadow Warrior 2013 is already better than DOOM 2016
Ít's like you're implying that D44M was somehow bad? Because it isn't.
>Randomized loot
I'm worried desu
>randomly generated levels
>loot system
>randomized guns with elemental effects
>enemies still take a shitload of rounds to kill but melee is still overpowered
it's like they've learned nothing
can't wait for a boring bullet sponge boss with multiple glowing weak points
Let's see if its better than the previous one first, let alone beating DOOM.
My biggest complaint about the reboot is that you can't finish the game with melee only. You're really close to being able to, but the sheer bullet sponge factor at the very end of the game makes it impossible.
You apparantly have not watched the demo gameplays of the game.
not in the least but looks good most likely better than doom because that shit was awful
who is this fluid druid