This game was actually shit

this game was actually shit

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By today's standards it plays badly.
By that time's standards it was goty.

Fucking unkillable dolphin diving medics, supports wrecking everything, arty abuse and the worst guns to fire in the vidya, ever. Fucking stand still and fire a few aimed shots down the sights, hit nothing.

The series peaked with BF:Vietnam

>24/7 IO Karkland
>Nades and claymores everywhere
I can't believe I wasted my time on this game. The only good thing about the Trashfield games are the mods.

ur mum is shit

>this game was actually the shit


Man I long for the days that DICE could design maps worth a shit¸.

and worthless AA

>not posting this

what the fuck are you playing retard

get this

>tfw thought bf3 would have great mods

meme version

this is better

I always hated bf2
>anti air tank could rape a tank 1v1 any day of the week
>dolphins everywhere
>jets suck dick
I kept playing 1942 and vietnam until 2142 which was the same thing as bf2 except with a better unlock system and BALANCE

battlelog is what reminded me of how shit bf2 is

also plenty of cheaters. they do get banned though

the meme version is better than the original, sorry grandpa

against xXEpicPilot420Xx in jets

>anti air tank could rape a tank 1v1 any day of the week

Literally what. A tank would kill an AA in two shells

>dolphins everywhere
legitimate criticism.

>jets suck dick
That's the first time I hear that one. Most people usually cry that jets and their dumb bombs were OP as shit (as they should, they're fucking jets after all).

do battleog and bfhub conflict with eachother?

reminder that this is the game where hitreg gets rightfully called before skill.

Now shitpost somewhere else underageb&.

I'm talking about BF2 in its heyday. It was all IO Karkland.

>jets suck dick


yes but battlelog is better


Are you doing that on purpose?

The problem is in the span it takes the tank to shoot twice the AA tank has already unloaded a full salvo of armor piercing machinegun fire and 8 missiles in the side of the tank.
This wouldn't be an issue at range, because the missiles are crazy fucking inaccurate, but just driving up to a tank and unloading the AA tank would win 100% every time, and that was the main strategy considering most maps were ratnest cities.
And I just meant jets suck to play compared to jets in nam or especially fighters in 1942, they're broken as shit vs ground and dogfighting isn't fun.

Bad Company 2 still holds today but the netcode feels very wonky especially when all the servers I can play on have 100 ping. BF3 is when it all went downhill. Vanilla BF3 before patching was pretty alright though.

yup literally
>dolphin diving the game

>Vanilla BF3 before patching was pretty alright though.
Man those patches really fucked that game up.
Right around when they nerfed IR into the ground.

>This wouldn't be an issue at range, because the missiles are crazy fucking inaccurate, but just driving up to a tank and unloading the AA tank would win 100% every time, and that was the main strategy considering most maps were ratnest cities.

I can't even remember one single "ratnest city" map that has an AA on it

no mobile AA
no mobile AA
no mobile AA
no mobile AA

All they needed to do was nerf the explosive rounds on shotties and Famas. That was it. Other than that I felt like it played quite fine. The only gripe I had with the game was shit map design and random deviation by suppression.


lol what. In competitions all people ever used were the m16 and the aek. Don't think I've ever seen someone use the famas in TWL.

Yeah explosive rounds were fucked, but it was a solid game overall, just a lot of shitty maps and way too few maps and only like 3 with air vehicles.

It had enormous power when it first came out. Literally everyone used it.

Standing completely still for 7 seconds to hit a target is a problem that still haunts Project Reality to this day. It's slightly better now that they added a visible meter to how accurate your shots are

Could be. Can't remember, it's been a long ass time.

>bf3 was five years ago.

where did the time go?

People misspelled all the time, either intentionally or unintentionally. Here, have a decade old thread about it.

I know it was common, that's why I asked if it was intentional.

Bf4 after the servers where fix was the best BF. The game has been improving on its self.

I have high hopes for BF1

>Bf4 after the servers where fix was the best BF.


Fucking hate you casual shitters.
You have no fucking idea how to play. Only shitters dolphin dive. Anyone who knows how to knife crouch tapped. If you dive on me im fucking back stepping out of your range then stepping forward while you lay on the ground like a stupid fuck and I tap crouch and knife you. The weapons are accurate as fuck. I used to shoot people inside the fog by estimating their position based on gunfire muzzleflash.

>jets suck dick
The jetter was usually top frags. Vehicles were for faggots anyways. Only shitters used them because they were cheese. Infantry only. SVD best gun.

bad company was the beginning of the death of battlefield
>cry baby shitters crying about dolphin diving so bad ruined the entire prone mechanic and made the game arcade deathmatch and predictable as fuck.
>no trickjumping off buildings to land into places where you could prone unpredictable on top of an awning etc

bf4 is fucking horrendously bad
theres like 15 different layers of bullet randomization
last time I played the sniper rifles didnt even fire when the bolt was put into the firing position. There was some like 0.7s invisible firing prevention timer or some shit making it be unable to fire. I remember having to double or triple headshot people for them to fucking die. Fucking terrible game.

>calls other people shitters
>spends the entire game prone
>k:d from a mile away from your target is barely over 2:1
You're fucking terrible dude, I had better kdr with a shotgun.

those trailers man

god lord bf2 has some of the worst rego i have ever seen, i still do play it from time to time

>last time I played the sniper rifles didnt even fire when the bolt was put into the firing position. There was some like 0.7s invisible firing prevention timer or some shit making it be unable to fire.
What I minor thing to be pissed a out.

>I remember having to double or triple headshot people for them to fucking die.
I don't and if you dident like it play hardcore.

All the BF until 3 where horribly clunky.

so how many of you will be playing 2142 when its re-released on battlelog next month? personally im waiting for them to do 1942 or Vietnam which they said they would do

This is what Battlefield should have always been

They really dropped the ball on BF3/BF4 (especially at launch)

I'll be playing it for sure. I only played the demo originally, but it was lots of fun and I wanna know what I missed

> optimizing shaders
time to make some coffee

How so?

>has a 2 kd
>calls others shitters

Again you obviously dont know anything about the game or what youre talking about.
I mained SVD. I have the most aggressive kit in the game. I take point and pop mother fuckers in the face. I claymore any choke points and my spawnmates spawn on me and we push. My decisions can completely change the game via flanks. SVD had 10 shots meaning I could headshot a guy about every 0.4 seconds.

Nobody except those shitters on the sniper only server sniped long range. If you think thats what sniper is then youre incredibly bad at video games. KTD isnt important its taking the point. I typically had 100+ kills a match.

Its not minor. Its a huge fucking problem. If someone can come around a corner and fire fucking 30 bullets from an assault rifle into me without a trigger delay and I cant pull the trigger on my sniper rifle it completely defeats it being usable. Thats almost a full second added to every round I fire. So if I have to kill 3 guys, thats 3 fucking more seconds they get to shoot at me. Dont even fucking get me started about the fucking terrible netcode where you dive behind cover and die 2 whole seconds later by bullets that hit you in the past where you still exist not behind cover. Its literally impossible to play because you exist in two spots simultaneously and your actions are completely disregarded. Hardcore was a fucking baby softcore mode of bf2. Normal mode was a fucking laughing stock. I remember hitting people with GL rounds directly in their body and they wouldnt even die. They even added sniper glints because manbabies couldnt handle having to play tactically and had to have their mommy point out the sniper for them. M40A5 with the CQB scopes was semi-not retarded. The only weapon in those games that was reliable at all was the manual guidable rocket launcher. I could slam that shit into heli's and jets across the map.

I'll fight you IRL, nigger

post name or gtfo with your wanna be pro stats

still love it

The same people that think BF2 was shit are the same people that sucked at BF2.

Didn't school start back this week?

>didn't school start back this week?
What do you think I was playing BF2 when I was 5? Are you retarded? It came out in like 2006 or something. Even if I played it when I was like 10 Id be fucking 20 now.
>how 2 count

>Legacy Operations
>Dragon Valley
>US side winning the air war with xboxhueg hitboxes on F-35s against J-10s

What am I watching?

Yeah i still load up the game sometimes and to play a few rounds and it's still a great game.

You're retarded if you're trying to defend scope glint in BF3/4.

BF2 weapons were much more accurate than in BF3/4 with a few notable exceptions M249 SAW was atrocious. It's nowhere near as inaccurate in real life.. PKM and G36C actually fired straight as opposed to shit in BF4.

Yeah pretty much. The only person I was afraid of was medics and a prone lmg. If you didnt prefire into the ground as they were spinning into their prone, theyd kill you first shot. Fucking medics would shred you too. Most of the medic guns were pretty good. I wasn't a medic main though. The defibs were pretty fucking nasty too. My friend would slaughter people with them.

"Rulez-Server" best server

i prefered a s@k io no nade server

admins were bad, but the rules made it up.

>BF2 weapons were much more accurate than in BF3/4

no, it was RNG all over the screen

BF 1 is going to require a "Historical Revisionism" booster pack in order to make it feel like a legitimate world war I game.

>Way way too many semi-automatics, automatics, and heavy weapons on the team.
>Humans need more stopping power than a fully grown Hippo.
>Elite classes are lulzily anachronistic steampunk inspired.

Now if they release mod tools i'd be tempted to do it myself.

>all the exotic (i.e. non-bolt action without scope) primaries cut down to 13-15 players per team
-15 specialists
-4 vehicle players
>>rest non-attached bots to NCO's.

>Single player bots for squads get attached in multiplayer to a new class, which is called "NCO", where they are armed with simply a rifle, melee weapon, and grenades, of which the NCO class has a pistol, and the ability to call in strategic offmap weaponry using various equipment.
>add asymmetry, instead of behemoths to balance the game, i.e. the Germans field an AT rifleman and flamethrower, while the Allies field a tank, assault classes are reworked so the allies get shotguns and the "germans" or whatever other party gets submachine guns.
>"Behemoth" mechanics get replaced to germans get their tank if they're losing and allies get another one if they're losing, if a behemoth is not available for the map
>Zeppelin gets removed

Enemy boat spotted!

dolphin diving was patched out well before the rest of this game's lifetime.

BF2 was an amazing game, the only shitty thing was Commander mode and UAV's which were a novelty new idea at the time but ultimately broke the flow of how to enjoy a shooting game cause your commander was just giving away enemy positions at all times and the enemy commander was always giving away your positions. The best servers were the few that forced no-commander, cause otherwise there was no sense of stealthiness or being able to sneak or even hide when the eyes of god were looking down at you at all times giving away your position or, worse yet, dropping an ammo crate or a car on you.

Even with commander, BF2 is a lot more fun to play than BF3 which was basically calladuty with some light vehicle action. Battlefield is suppose to be about the vehicular combat and strength of infantry in numbers as well as focus on classes, not run-n-gunning 50 different weapons custom loadouts with turds carrying multiple previously class-specific items for 1-man armies.

fuck modern battlefield. they fucked it up again for Battlefield 1 in the single world war with the least amount of vehicles that also happened to be the slowest.

>>the only shitty thing was Commander
>enemy stand still 20 m away
>i prone
>aim in the middle of his body
>me 20 ping he 40
amazing game indeed

care to elaborate or were you insistent on not making a coherent point?

>care to elaborate
you got brain problems?

Bolt actions in trenches would be no fun.
This is why no company make a ww1 game.

You guys need to remember not everything should be 100% historically accurate. Video game devs have the right to for go historical accuracy and realism for game play.

Yeah, it is fun, its called Red Orchestra, where the fun lies in being and fighting under-equipped and developing novel tactics to fight while under-equipped.

But since both sides have that under-equipped element, it should balance out quite nicely.

>insistent on not making a coherent point
>HE 40

>insistent on having brain problems

Still better then Bf4 and 3.

It's silly world War 2. A realistic ww1 game would involve you siting in a trench until it was time to thow yourself at a encampment machinegun at is if the gas or artillery dident kill you frist.It would be a painfully slow game.


>no non-scoped bolt action rifles

Well, why not just make a modern warfare game without an Ak-47 and an M-16?

It took a while for the game to get good. Early BF2 had so much cheese like dolphin diving and anti air being useless against jets.

>he uses default.ini configuration


ww1 was often more mobile than just trenches, especially in 1917-18 or outside of the western front..

besides I love to assault enemy trench positions, there is a real sense that teamwork is required, and that every single player who charges or provides covering fire is a contributing team-member, no matter the KDR.

>which Red Orchestra 2 doesn't even list

I mean its so easy to make this more realistic yet they don't do it...

>Set weapons caps per team balanced against history (something like 6 SMG's, 3 LMG's, 3 Semi-automatics, 1 flamethrower, 1 AT rifle, 2 scoped bolt action rifles, just for the sake of argument) for German team.
>Set unique weapons per teams (Allies get shotguns and tanks, and rocket gun normally, Germans get flamethrowers, AT riflemen, SMG's), and make allies get tank while Germans are stuck with armored car.
>Change german behemoth to normal heavy tank
>Change allied 'behemoth' to an extra vehicle
>Add SP bots attached to the guys stuck with the conventional weaponry
>change the vitality of humans from being like that of a hippo as opposed to some small stature guy.

>the fucking menu when hitting escape.
who's bright idea was that?

nah, not even that... they could just as easily do:

>faction weapons
>bolt actions without scopes or stupid shit like that.
>LMG's that required bracing in order to ADS (with a high spread penalty for hipfire).

>"rocket gun" (a 40mm cannon used by the british that's basically filling the role of "rocket launcher") is either a pickup or is faction-locked to entente, (with the Central Powers getting the T-Gewehr). possibly a dedicated anti-tank class like BF1942 had.

Good. People should be playing the fucking objective and not worrying about their K/D. I think the game shows kills, just not deaths.