Japan and pause-hits?

What's up with some japanese games and the small pause every time you hit something?

It's fucking annoying.

But I couldnt find it that annoying in Street Fighter as I find it in Dragons Dogma.

After what I've read, the combat in Dragons Dogma are done by ex-Devil May Cry developers (maybe they didnt program the combat in that series...).

See from 1:50

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Its satisfying as fuck and makes the combat feel like it has some weight to it.

This. What kind of retard thinks a weapon just continues as is when you hit something and cut through? It's a nice representative of the resistance of a landed blow.

Shit thread OP jump off a high roof to a low floor.

that pause, screenshake and other minor effects are referred to by indiedevs as "juice".

And exactly like with screenshake, the hit-freeze is fine when it's not overused.

Check out Lethal League if you're still unconvinced.

Have you ever hit something or been hit REALLY hard? The jolt fucks your perception up for an instant. Hit stop mimics that to some degree and adds a visceral satisfying quality to solid hits.

Pause hit is a very good way of confirming a hit.
But it needs to be for proper damaging hits.

Certainly a lot better than "oh, the enemy just died, i can't tell because he uses a few frames to collapse"

It lends impact, I'm pretty sure they even have a specific word for it. It was present in DMC as well, just look at Real Impact. I remember reading that when Itsuno and his team supervised DmC and were trying to teach NT how to not fuck the game up, this method of giving attacks impact was something they emphasised.


drop dead OP

Like everyone else has already said, its to add weight to the hitting something.

Play Skyrim, you'll notice the weapons feel like they are made out of cardboard, and when you hit something, it doesn't register at all and just continues its animation.
Theres a mod that adds in a screen shake and a slight pause when you hit something, made the combat feel a thousand times better.

>made the combat feel a thousand times better.
Combat would have been a thousand times better if your hits stopped on impact, and criticals cleaved in a rag doll way.
Or if the combat actually worked

So it's a LAZY way to represent resistance instead. There are miles better and more satisfying ways.

And another thing, why is it so popular in japan to animate characters running with theyr head 2 meters in front of their feet with theyr hands behind them along the back?

>tfw some idiot actually thought it was the game crapping out when he killed enemies and asked why it didn't happen when he killed swarms of 20 tiny enemies in the trail thing

>There are miles better and more satisfying ways.
..Such as?

>There are miles better and more satisfying ways.
Such as?

>There are miles better and more satisfying ways.
Name them
And no, rag doll isn't the free way of doing it. Nor is knock back

>There are miles better and more satisfying ways.
Such as?

Forgot to add:
>in wind waker

>There are miles better and more satisfying ways.
Such as?

>There are miles better and more satisfying ways.
Such as?

This is evolved samefagging.

But it's actually good in DD?

It's only somewhat questionable with the warrior because some of his attacks are too slow for that effect when you hit multiple enemies

Come on use your fuckin imagination.

You know the model mesh has different bodyparts that can all work differently?

And for devs like this its quite easy to implement different behavior if you hit body part X with weapon type Y.

A katana is used in cutting and not slashing, hence it doesnt stop the motion compared to a broadsword which may stop after a certian distance relative to the target+armor+(speed and weight of weapon).

This is if YOU are hit because of the perception.
I'm talking about when you the player hit something that's not yourself.


Hit-stop's been around since NES Double Dragon and River City Ransom if not longer, Op. Stop being a millenialfag.

There is only exactly ONE fucking game in existence or even in active development that tries to simulate collision physics with other entities where everything is solid and that is that Exanima game that makes it look like you're a drunken fucking mess that has no idea how to swing a weapon while your legs and arms are made of fucking wet pool noodles.

But user, Exanima feels amazing when you manage to do a full swing, and it connects properly.
It looks like shit when you can't do that.

NES Battletoads too.

Game spawns enough particles to always control the impact lag.

Its a really fun game, but for all the wrong reasons.

You can't have a game with realistic hit detection (stopping when you hit, and pulling back) and have it look good at the same time.

The reason is, you would have to animate countless attack animations for certain hit locations, and distance into the swing.

If you do the easier thing, which is physics based, they end up looking like fucking retards in Exanima.

>And for devs like this its quite easy to implement different behavior if you hit body part X with weapon type Y.
Monster hunter does this, they add more hitstop if you hit a bodypart that is weak to your weapon type

It is not easy, and that is why it has never been really done right. Imagine you assign a weight to a weapon/item. Then you need physics calculations on the force it carries when swung by you and different entities. Then you have to calculate shit like penetration against the various different bodies and weights and areas you hit. Now ALL of that requires animations to be calculated on the fly regarding the direction of the attack and how all the bodies are moving and speed and angle and all that shit. Then lets say your blade/weapon stops when it hits them or gets lodged in. Now you have to animate and code in mechanics for dislodging or losing grip on the weapon or how the other entities respond and apply force back against your own force. Shit gets ridiculously complicated when we can't even fucking get water physics to work right but you expect to fully model how animated objects react to against other fully animated objects with strict and completely rigid bodies that may or may not be physically deformed by the attacks themselves?

It's to give attacks weight and impact. It's the reason why even good Western RPGs always look, feel and play like utter shit in comparison to Japanese ones.

It's called good game design, OP. You're probably a Cucker fan, so obviously you've never heard about it.

No one even mentioned it. Don't bring it up in DD threads, it's gotten annoying enough as is.

Hit pause is something I never noticed, and was never bothered by even when playing a Warrior.

>There are miles better and more satisfying ways.
Such as?

While some Japanese devs were drawing inspiration from their then-thriving animation industry, were Western devs drawing inspiration from anything equivalent? It wasn't until fairly recently that Western games started having quality animation, though it's mostly based on motion capture techniques.

But his webm illustrates what happens when artists don't even consider how to use animation to convey a physical motion. Musou characters act with more weight than Geralt in the webm that user posted.

Thats literally the opposite of what should happen. Also op wasnt talking about hitstop in that pist

It's called hitstop and if your game has melee combat but doesn't have at least a little bit of hitstop you have an extremely shitty, floaty and unimpactful game.

See some of the juggles in Tekken.

Monster Hunter made me love this shit. The hit effects also make it look even more satisfying

Maybe, but:
>You're probably a Cucker fan
That's clearly trying to start shit. I don't care about that series, but seriously cut it out.

>a broadsword which may stop after a certian distance
so literally hitstop

Exanima is really fun and fluid once you git gud

Tekken has plenty of impact. The juggling doesn't though and it's kinda bad because there's such a focus on it now.

It's called hitstop.

I fucking hate the pauses on hit. Retards will say things like "It makes you feel like your hits are meaty!" But it's just stuttery dog shit.

You like bad games

glad you're not in charge of making videogames then, your opinion is pretty weak

Hit freeze is a cheap way to make impacts feel weighty. To be fair it's very difficult getting animations, sound effects and visual effects to play nice together to get the same effect so many developers resort to hit freeze.

mind posting an example of what you think is better?

>Come on use your fuckin imagination.
*I have no argument.

>shitty thread just to shill this faggot's videos
Get fucked.

we understood your shitty opinion the first time OP

>The reason is, you would have to animate countless attack animations for certain hit locations
Do you even fucking game dev? The core reason its not done, is that you need to integrate the game engine & the physic engine to do that.
The reason games like SOTC is so rare, is for the same reason. Its simply a nightmare because most game dev tools is very primitive in terms of advanced capabilities.

For Honor and Chivalry did a pretty good job at it. The Witcher series wasn't bad either with the flesh slicing/steel-on-steel klang doing most of the work and the animation helping out. War of the Roses, especially when striking on shields and more solid armor had a nice reverb effect.

This is the most minor thing to bitch about I've ever seen. It rivals people bellyaching about a game not being 60fps. It's just so superfluous.

But you got me to reply, so I guess the joke is on me.

I haven't played the others, but Witcher games are a good example of hits feeling like thin air

I'm 95% sure that some of the slower hits in Witcher actually have hitstop.

For the faster hits, well, there's this

This. Very few games have done it right.

Kingdom Hearts 2 for example. Whatever your overall opinion on the game is, the combat feels pretty damn good (when you're not smacking triangle).

Then you must have played without audio because the sounds make cutting things really satisfying

But you stated something that you have zero back up for. What other game represents resistance in a satisfying way without hitstop?

sound does very little to convey the feeling of resistance

Hipstop is great. It makes landing charged Great Sword hits on a hitzone weak to raw cutting damage in Monster Hunter really, really satisfying. It helps you feel it. Longer pauses let you know that what you just did fucking hurts. A lot.

Witcher has the issue where the animations do look solid, once you manage to really spin to win.
But the actual impact? Generally terrible. Especially the heavy attacks.

So should I buy Dragon Dogma?

I think they also made it slower so you wouldn't be able to completely stun lock and decimate the monster.
Still feels great though


If you're opposed to piracy, yes.
If not, no.
The "online" features aren't all that great. One altered boss and access to player-made pawns is all it is.

What I'm saying here is that you should play it one way or the other. AWESOME game.

Not really. But Japanese games were. See Darkstalkers.

You have three options:

1. Hit pauses
2. Have it look like enemies are made of air.
3. Pre-baked hitting animations like BamHam.

I'll take 1.

Literal idiot

Theres no way to feel it and making the animation accurate can only go so far. Little shit like the pause adds a bit of flare.

I wonder if this is what western devs think about hitstop. No shit they can't make a game with good gameplay.

Jesus. As opposed to fucking WHAT? A metaphorical idiot?

Western devs these days are too keen on making video games not vidya. Japanese devs know there's a line to be crossed, and that no matter how "real" you make a game, there has to be some arcadey aspects under the hood that actually makes it satisfying to play and not just to look at and critique like a High School English essay.

There is nothing more satisfying that having one big swing that hits a billion small enemies and having the hitstop just stack on each other.

There are no katana's in dragon's dogma ya dolt. And even then, what your suggesting defies the law of physics. When object A hits object B there will always be some form of resistance.

I don't know if you're being sarcastic but I actually really do love that[/spoiler

I know that fucking feel my man.

Well indies use it in excessive amounts because of Vlambeer and make it obnoxious as shit.

Explain more about SOTC.

Hell, even fucking BamHam has attacks that incorporates hitstop.

The rush attacks that you can do after the cape stun pauses a generous amount of frames for hitstop to great effect.

My fucking nigga. Shit is straight up orgasmic

This loops so well

Now i know the public for games with bad combat

I know what you mean OP and I fucking hate it, another reason dark souls is good because it avoids this shitter thing

Yeah those are the only 3 options if you're fucking lazy and/or incompetent. You do not need hitstop or screen shake to make games feel good. Quality sound design, animations and attention to detail are sufficient.

1. Giant mesh need to be rigged
2. Giants hitbox need to be encoded
3. You need to do magic in order for physic engine to work with it
4. You need to do a lot of work on the players hitbox
5. Player need to deform and obey what he climbs on
6. Player needs to be under the physic engine for normal movement
If it wasn't for 2, 3, 5 and 6, it would be done.

Again, post examples. You are talking about a theory with no implementations.

>ready up Arc of Deliverance
>fighter pawn uses shield summons to draw a goblin horde near
>release button
>hitstun everywhere
>the delicious screams of goblins on top of the crackling sounds of their abdomen crushing on my spiked club fills me with vigor
>the vibration of the controller is giving me physical stimulation right on top of my dick
>wife comes in the room
>asks if I want sex
>No thanks

Post examples. Don't talk about a theoretical wish. Post examples.

I love it desu

Dark souls actually has frame skip though.

But from the bosses' side. When they hit you, if you don't get straight up stunned, there's actually some hitstop.

Nothing from the player's side as far as I remember though. and I don't really count arrows and spells/

I've fed you enough (You)'s for tonight sonny, POST example of games doing it the way you want

Dark Souls has hitstop on Visceral/Criticals
But its not that noticeable when the animations are as slow as they are in the first place.

could be worse
could be multiple slow mo and repeat shots

>This video is not available.

I'm not even mad, I know you don't have anything else to say to that :^)

Literally every arcade game ever made, dumbfuck. Giga Wing for example feels fucking incredible without any hitstop what so ever

They do it in anime so they do it in games.