WTF, Sony is officially supporting cheating and unfair advantages on PS4 now

WTF, Sony is officially supporting cheating and unfair advantages on PS4 now.

Why would they do this?

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Don't tell me there are now mice for ps4

It's a good idea actually. I'd consider getting a quad with that just to play destiny


Does this mean console FPS's are good now?

i might get it for Doom4

Nice, at least now when they lazily port all of the Playstation "exclusives" due to needing more money they'll at least have decent mouse support

Yeah, apparently it works on most games

so ps4 is gonna support M+kb or just that piece of crap on ops post?

Wait, couldn't you plug a keyboard+mouse into the PS4 already?
Games just have to support the controls that's all.

you could plug in k+m on PS3 and even PS2 I think, but it was never "official"

I enjoy playing shooters with controller and I'd say I'm pretty good, but I'd be fucked against k+m, that's for sure

Oh my FUCK I've been waiting forever for this. There's so many games I want to play on ps3 but I can't because its LITERALLY impossible to aim with a controller.

Why didn't they go with a standard keyboard layout? Just put the wall button where caps lock would go. What's the ctrl key for crouching?

This stupid shit is $150

That's actually not a bad idea. At first I thought this looked stupid, but Destiny could be pretty fun with kbm.

Destiny 2 is coming to PC though.

From what I understand, it's not a perfect 1:1 mouse - much like other similar peripherals, it's a mouse that emulates analog stick movement.

So in exchange for perfect compatibility, you get a slightly wonky/less than perfect mouselook.

I didn't know that, but it makes me slightly hype.
Also means I'm back to having 0 desire for the thing OP posted.


WOOOOO, looks like there's no use for PCucks to complain about console fps now kek. Fucking cucks.

You'll still have the aim assist and aim acceleration if the devs put it in their game even if you use this controller.

>tfw this is the closest thing we'll get to playing vanquish on PC

Is this another hint that MS and Sony are just going to be making their own versions of Steamboxes now?

You know how annoying using a mouse for FPS controls is when the game runs at 30fps or less?

As someone that already uses a KB+M setup on destiny (via an adapter) I can say that it definitely helps, but aiming still feels extremely sluggish.

Yes, you can, but most games do not support KBM controls.

It's still going to be hard to aim in 30 FPS games and I think most of their exclusives are in 30 FPS

this is undeniable proof that mouse&kb is the superior control scheme for FPS, right?

You're a fucking idiot.

If anything, this makes playing an fps on console tolerable

Because they know pc is superior

btw I haz ps4 too :P

Man, standardized KB+M setups for console games would be pretty rad, I support this.

So is there any reason to get a PC?

>assist and acceleration
Pls be bait, at that point you might as well just use pads

I thought you guys said kb+m is a meme.

What about framerates?

>have to look for cheats for this game on ps4
>tfw shitty browser
>pull out laptop

How can console users even compete?

inb4 no fayce

The mini keyboard looks horrible as fuck.

wait, someone help me understand something
isn't the speed of crosshair movement in a console FPS controlled by control stick "zones" (i.e. discrete movement speeds)? How can they step around that, seeing as typical mouse movement speed on a computer is dynamic?

Doesn't matter. It's all about the gameplay.

What? A good controller is superior to keyboard in every situation.

You try aim in a game with 30 FPS and 60 FPS and tell me there's no difference

I just ordered one. Most mechanical keyboards are $100+ and good mice are $70+

This is a good deal.

Full Backwards compatibility seems like a pretty big point in its favor. Frankly, the idea that a new console could not play games of the previous gen is complete horseshit.

If an indie developer can nigger rig a PS2 emulator onto a PC, then Sony can make an emulated PS2 OS for the PS4.

>mfw just ordered my components today

Depends which adapter you have. Easiest way is to always have it use the maximum speed "zone" and then use sensetivity controls to get it where the player wants it.

so i can now play that one shadowfall game with a keyboard and mouse now if i get off my ass and get a PS4

hmm i might actually try this though why it needs an adapter i have no idea

I just bought one. Hopefully it helps out with overwatch competitive season 2.

The answer is, they only sort of do.

It feels janky in an A to B comparison, but it's still a significant advantage.



I've heard it's really weird playing with M+K on a console and that mouse acceleration is all over the place. Hope this one works better though.

will they actually have sensitivity settings for mouse specifically? A big problem with mouse adapters in the past is that games come with mouse acceleration as well as different zones of speed for how far you use the left/right analog stick.

No, it's not a good deal. It's not even a full fucking keyboard, dumbshit

More like Overwatch on consoles BTFO

I really feel sorry for them if they have to put up with this bullshit

Varies with the adapter you have and the game you're playing. Main thing I'm hoping with this new setup is that it remembers your settings for each individual game.

>KBM in majorly 30fps capped games with input lag
Nah, controller is basically the only thing that makes that shit bearable. There were a few PS3 titles that natively supported KBM and they had the muddiest fucking controls ever so I doubt one that has to contend with the exact same shit AND convert to controller inputs is going to work very well, nevermind that the slow camera movement using controller normally causes is the only thing masking how awful 30fps is for any first-person game. Maybe if you're tryharding multiplayer shooters, but why bother with that on console?

PS2 and PS3 both supported keyboard and mouse, this is nothing new.

This guy is having problems with the mouse sensitivity

what worthwhile console exclusive FPS are there?

150 bucks to shit on everyone with an inferior controller

This fucking sucks

This is Windows compatible, and it has a real thumb stick, clickable and everything.

Its the best gamepad on the market now.

>Sonycucks have to pay 150 more just to keep up


Not even slightly annoying given that I grew up playing most of my games on an emachine from the stone age.
Fuck your entitled shit, millennial.

I agree. I'd basically only consider using it to gain an advantage on online console games with 60 FPS.

>All these console pleb tears
>Muh wired controller

The game had no place on consoles anyway.

>$150 for a mouse and keypad
What the fuck. I can get a good mouse and an actual keyboard for that price.

Hori is fucking based

nice but at 30FPS gaming with that mouse is going to suck balls.

there's a reason controller stick sensitivities are so low, console players.

Still $850 less than even a low tier gayman PC

It's a gaming KB+M. Good enough for me.

Not him, but Darkness.

>there will never be a paired one handed controller with a real mouse inplace of the second stick

As a rank 72 on PC who plays on 30fps. No it doesn't.

I would be pretty fucking mad as well. If these work on games like Battlefield, Call of Duty, Overwatch, Destiny, Rainbow Six Siege, Doom, Far Cry etc. you'd absolutely get destroyed by mouse users who will also presumably have autoaim to go with it

I'll just leave this here

You can make a gaming PC with PS4 tier specs for about $300-$350.

Even PS1 had mouse.

Why would sony betray us like this bros? PS4 is a console, not a PC.
It's not right.

Are you honestly using your Overwatch rank as an example of skill in FPS?


How so?

Is mouse that much better than thumbsticks?

I've never used a mouse for aiming before and It sounds absolutely horrible.

More like 400. But since the ps4 has paid online and costs 350 retail, it's pretty much the same. Difference is a cheap mouse can equal the playing field vs this 150 dollar pay to win device on the ps4.

This shit has existed for over a decade? It was shit then and it's shit now. There is a reason it never caught on.

No you can't. I always hear this from PCucks but it's bullshit. You guys never deliver on a build with that cost better than a PS4.

> Implying they'll perform the same with shitty PC ports and optimization

It honestly feels a little weird at first but after like a month you'll never want to go back to a controller, at least for shooters.

It's faster and a little more precise

why does the PS4 even need this? why cant we just plaug a normal mouse/keyboard into its USB port? its running on a modded unix so surely there is some wy to include keyboard and mouse support without some retarded addon

>Competative needs wired console controllers
tears lmao

Soluitions to having MKB on consoles have existed for a LONG time, see XIM3 and related products.
Only thing is they cost way too much for what they are


>porting PlayStation exclusives

I'll take, 'Things that will never happen' for 500.

ah so ANYONE who buys this is paying the IDIOT tax i see

I'm sorry, are you retarded? Framerate is a vital part of fps, aiming at 30 fps with a mouse is literally painful and headache inducing.

Honestly, this. This is gonna lead to controller players getting wrecked in many FPS games and others. Why do you think most of those games don't allow console/PC crossplay?

You're an idiot.

>activision, and bungie making a destiny 2 when they could just keep making destiny expansion packs and making more money with less work

>I've never used a mouse for aiming before and It sounds absolutely horrible.
What the fuck
Take your generic walmart mouse and click on different parts of a website quickly.
Then try and do the same on your PS3/4/360/Bone browser with a thumbstick.
If you have half a brain you can see why point and click is faster and more precise than drag and press

I didn't spend over 400 dollars in a bloodborne machine

>why does the PS4 even need this? why cant we just plaug a normal mouse/keyboard into its USB port?

Because sony is making money off this shit. If anyone could take a cheap mouse and equal the playing field, that isn't cash in sony's pocket.

I don't have a mouse.

Can you turn off aim assist on all console FPS games? Having aim assist with a mouse and keyboard would be a nightmare.