Can we finally agree that PC gaming is literally a meme?

>games look the same as console but cost 2x as much
>without the exclusives

What's the point of PC gaming at this point?


Can we finally agree to not make these pointless bait threads, get reported you faggot

oh yea?

> sonyggers that assblasted, they need to shitpost all the fucking time, because they have no games to play
I pity you

60? 120fps, consistently, and higher resolution, with a better FOV and control methods


>More genres of games
>More eras of gaming
>Digital Distribution has made games much cheaper

Why would I settle for less than a PC? Threads over, go home children.

>2x as much

How awfully generous, try 5 times as much, look at the pricing there.

>Only $2318
I bet you don't even have 16TB SSD, pleb

A PS4 costs 350€ where i live, thats 400$

so where can i buy a PS4 for 300$ in Yuroop?

Has DF done an analysis?

More FPS and higher resolutions.

>being a sonycuck

Funny PC clowns talk about all their awesome PC games yet when people actually want to discuss PC games on here the threads die in minutes because all the userbase wants to do is talk about console ports.

Look at the syberia thread right now, that's how pathetic PC users are, they don't even want to talk about their own games because they don't play them.

>Titan X over 980TI
Found the retard.

Is that Doosex?

how much the xbox costs?

also mods

>same price weaker pc outperforms the ps4 with paid online

why are sonycucks so stupid?

>paying for psn
>paying for xbox live

Since PCucks are to autistic to get the message its that you paid two thousand dollars + just to play a game 30 FPS more then the console variant which looks exactly the same.

Not paying 2 grand to see 60 FPS (lmao but 200 fps which I'll literally never see) because I already spent 1.5k and regret it .

Adventure games are not exactly popular. Now Overwatch, for example, has at least 10 threads at all times and major userbase is on PC.

>titan x

>Lichdom: Battlemage
I still cry.

If consoles are so good why is Pokemon Go the best game of the year?

You are autistic enough to type out that message
and I am to fall for it

Where the hell can you find a PS4 for 300$? I've only seen Xboners that cheap. Hell I saw some for 250$ the other day.

Where can I get the free Xbox though?


Well I don't regret it - I chose PC for more FPS.

>10 fps with dips, vs 5 fps with dips vs 60 fps and no dips

I'm gonna enjoy violating your Nier

since you can play xbox games on pc, ps is dead if they dont start porting soon but then again why would someone buy a ps or an xbox when you can play console games on pc?

It wont.

I work at a warehouse store and we sell PS4/Xbone and the PS4 literally never gets discounted while the Xbone will be on sale all year around for 240.

can a console play background music? can a console use any controller that you desire? can a console seamlessly play games older than it? can a console play games at 144fps? can a console allow you to go into a game's files and tweak them to make it run better (think Dark Souls 1)?

Consoles are easier but are also incredibly limited and underpowered. If you're ok with using your brain a little to improve your gaming experience, PC is by far and away the better choice.

Yes, consoles can do all of that.

long time since i could post this

That's the point.

Sonycucks try to compare their netbook shitstation with medium settings to ultra hairworks on pc.

Lower the settings to match the ps4 and high end pc cards will get way over 100 fps.

Course since sonycucks claim there's no difference in graphics, then there's no issue.

Sonygger gets blacker in every image.

PC users make threads about games not necessarily talking about how it's on PC

Console users make threads about brand names

is this a good deal? currently using a gtx 460

Console and PC graphics look almost the same and will be practically indistinguishable from each other a decade from now.

Both graphics and general processing power have been flatlining since the late 2000s or early 2010s.

Oh I know that, I was just pointing out the price on OPs picture.

Hopefully the NEO knocks down the original's price by a good hundred or so.

Consoles can do background music. Hell the xboner finally got it yesterday.


My pc cost half that and can run 99.99% of all games ever made on max + mods. On top of that it runs tons of other usefull programmes and can be customized to my liking.

There is no way you can dismiss this without using a weak " I dont like thing " argument.

can I use Xbox 360 controller on PS4?

>Spending over 2k to build a pc

>I7-6700k - $319
>TITAN X 12GB - $1999
lol, at least try man

Don't forget they still get dips to the teens in fps. So even that shit ain't cutting it. And some games are 900p, have dynamic resolution, cut down draw distance not available on pc or use reconstruction since they can't have native 1080p. A 600 dollar pc would easily perform at 60 fps and could even pump up the graphical settings a bit higher than the ps4.



No. I know the memes bro but you'r better off getting an AMD RX480 if you can't afford a GTX 1070/1080.

>all that simshit

>muh 2k dollar pc meme xD
Oh fuck off already you retard


Yes. It's all USB.


mah man, very nice budget card these days, can medium/high a lot of recent games like FO4

>cant wait to upgrade 1080ti though