Flash sale

Flash sale

what're ya buyin'?

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Is that a bundle? If so, god tier.

Not much other than EDF 2017 and 2025 for Vita and PS3.

Nothing, because all of this shit has been on sale already

Is Crysis worth it for 3 dollars?

Maybe Wild Arms 3.

Some good stuff in here for once

>god tier

Whenever FFIX or Suikoden is on sale I will recommend those.

Never played the second, is Prototype 2 worth picking up for $15?

FFIX is on sale though, $3.

it's the same as infamous 2, it's an expansion/continuation of the original gameplay so if you liked the first then yeah try the second.

I'll make this easy. No.

I know.

Probably gonna pick up DMC4 but I'm debating getting Dragon Age Inquisition. Was it garbage like two or was it worth a playthrough?

How is Rune Factory? I've never played any of the games and i've been interested in trying the series out.

Watched my friend play it a while back. It was pretty shit, mate.

What good exclusive does PS4 have besides Bloodborne?

Dark Souls 3 isn't a PS4 exclusive. Neither are Street Fighter 5, Persona 5, Nier, Guilty Gear Xrd/Revelator, Tekken 7, Metal Gear Solid 5, etc.

What actual exclusives do you guys have?

Did you post int he wrong thread m8?

DA2 is probably still the worst, DAI isn't going to blow your mind but if you ignore Seras the game is alright

it's not the worst post-EA game bioware's made

Dragon Age Inquisition whit DLC is worth it for $15?

Inquisition feels a little like a single player mmo, but it's definitely not as shit as 2.
6.5/10 game.


2 seconds in google man...

do you like farming and waifus

I have the disc version of dragon age inquisition, if i bought the game of the year edition in the sale could i just download the dlc packs and still use my disc copy?

Fuck off.

>recently bought Nep 3 and Amnesia Memories at full price

Life is suffering

No, I'm asking here because this is where playstation people are.

>"what good exclusives does PS4 have besides Bloodborne?"

>Ignore Seras
But why? She's got the most personality of any of the cast and actually has fun conversations.

Well, if you only have a PS4 it doesn't matter much if a game is exclusive or not

>no one can name a good PS4 exclusive besides Bloodborne


It there any worthwhile Vita game with a good discount? I see Lumines recommended on /vg/ and Sup Forums lists, and 70% off seems pretty good.

I want to play Symphony of the Night.

Do I grab the PSone version, or do I grab the PSP Castlevania that has SotN as an unlockable extra?

I don't need those because they've all been ps+ free games.

If I buy a digital game, is it compatible with my physical game save?

This might be a retarded question.

I asked this in another thread, and everyone said to get Dracula X Chronicles, because the base game is really good and you get SotN as a bonus.

It works, all you need is the save file.

Well there is the list, it's easy to read the list and see games people liked or want.

You can, you just won't be able to download the game itself if the disc install is already on the PS4.

If you delete the disc data after putting in the DLC because you wanna go digital you'll have to download all the DLC again.

its not just those games, thats just the thumbnail bro.

Is Ar:Nosurge worth $20?


Someone stole my Inquisition disc and I had like fucking 60 hours in already. I want to finish.

Can you give me a link?

Nothing because they're all shit.


Got you senpai

I mean i have just the vanilla copy of dragon age, no dlc. could i just download the dlc by itself if i bought the game of the year edition, or is it all bundled together in a single download? is there no way to download the dlc separate?

Should I get Megadimension Neptunia now or wait until it's cheaper?

Is anyone else getting a maintenance message?


Thanks. Some of these are pretty good, I guess I'll waste 20 bucks.

Is it true that Wild Arms 3 is glitchy as fuck?

I don't think it will get any cheaper for at least another year. It's pretty good, if you got nothing else to play, get it. It's worth that price.

Honestly, nothing. Some people might not like Last of Us but I did, but that's still a PS3 game. Ratchet & Clank wasn't bad, but other than that and BB there's absolutely nothing. Fuck Sony, can't believe I bought into the meme.

as someone who only has the base game Dragons Dogma (haven't played it yet) should I grab Dark Arisen? is it necessary?

get R&C, Resogun, Alienation, Disgaea 5, Tearaway

ure posting in a wrong thread

Wild Arms 2 just to laugh at the horrible translation, whenever those lizards appear the game becomes incomprehensible

Can I skip dark cloud and go straight to the sequel? I hear the second game is better.

shut the fuck up

>not steam

stop shilling please

Coming from someone who just played a decent chunk of DC 1, yes, you can go straight to 2.

>Dracula X Chronicles

Does it ever go on sale?

>new n tasty

Please do not buy that travesty of a game. It shits all over the original. Just get the original, it's available as a ps1 classic, or just emulate it on PC.

Cyber Sluts
>but it's on vita
Vita is the most dead handheld since the Ngage.

I'm gonna go into detail for you guys.
Symphony of the Night on DXC is pretty much the Saturn version (has playable Maria) with voice acting that isn't as bad the original (though, the original voice acting is very memorable IMO). I noticed that there are some sound effect differences as well. Look into this if it matters to you.
What ALSO comes with DXC is an unlockable Rondo of Blood WITH ENGLISH VOICE ACTING AND TEXT. I recommend at least trying to play Rondo before SotN since SotN is pretty much a sequel. You don't have to, though.
These unlockables also have wallpapers you can choose for the backround instead of it just being black.
That is all.

Absolutely. The physical version of the GotY Edition is basically the normal disk and DLC codes, so you are getting that for half off.

Sometimes. I got it for $5 a year or so ago.

Is Dark Could 1/2 out for ps3 yet?

That's literally the only thing I want from these people.

>No link
>No list
Good job OP. You are supposed to spoonfeed me. Downvoted and reported

>Dark Cloud 2

It's time to see what all the fuss is about.

I don't think it will ever be on PS3 at this point because of Sony putting them on PS4.

Ok. thanks senpai

>Abe's Oddyssee and New 'n' Tasty
Get the original.

>it's not a 99c deal

It's one of the legit comfiest RPGs in existence. Gentle music and soft graphics.

Play with a guide holy fuck

Insect Armageddon is NOT a good EDF game, for those of you wondering.

If you have a ps4 or PC skip 2025. 4.1 is the same game with a MUCH better framerate.

>What good exclusive does PC?

>Dark Souls 3 isn't a PC exclusive. Neither are Street Fighter 5, Persona 5, Nier, Guilty Gear Xrd/Revelator, Tekken 7, Metal Gear Solid 5, etc.

How is Cyberbots: Full Metal Madness?
Also, does the shitty remake of Flashback come with the original?
It says it's $6, though.

When was the last time we even had a 99c flash sale?

wow that argument took a long time to type up huh, but face it PC has more exclusives than ps4 can even get

btw I have a ps4 ¯\_(シ)_/¯

Probably 2014. I remember the one with Wild Arms and Dino Crisis being somewhere in the summer.

Who the fuck cares? This is a flash sale thread. Take your console war reddit-tier shit somewhere else.

Nobody cares about exclusives anymore, chump.

are they ever going to let us play these ps1 classics on ps4? you can already play these on ps3 vita and psp. but no Sony will just upscale them on ps4, add trophies, and charge $15-20 for only a select few classics. so fucking jewish.

Everything loads but the flash sale.

Are Wild Arms games good?
I was thinking of picking up 1-3 because they're so cheap, but I don't know if they're worth it

It's either WA1-3 or DMC4SE

>tfw 2 years since we've had a 99c flash sale

Use the online store, moron.


Easy there Chris Chan.

Its not updated for NA yet?

I hear they're all shit after the first one.

Same here senpai. Just use the website

It might be because of lack of demand, you think it would be easy. How are the ps2 games on ps4? I was thinking about getting dark cloud 2.

These games run way better on PC than on consoles, so they pretty much count as PC games.

Only if your PC is absolute shit. DD:DA is on PC and is fantastic. DA adds so much endgame content to DD and some convenience things. It is a must for lovers of DD.

PC store works and most stuff but PS1 games show up on Vita store.
Just use the PC store if you're having issues.

Is the motherfucker easy to run on PC?

>implying Chris Chan would have the problem solving capabilities of thinking to use the online store

if anyone's chan her it's you


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