Was Metroid Prime Hunters a good game?
Was Metroid Prime Hunters a good game?
I don't remember.
It was weak for a Metroid Prime game.
The multiplayer was god tier except for the obvious character imbalances (which never stopped people from using any char they wanted and winning) and all the hacking fuckers.
It was a pretty lame Metroid game that served as an interesting experiment for first person controls by way of a touchscreen. Regardless, Pinball was the superior DS Metroid game.
Multiplayer was fun as fuck. I was total scum with glitching into walls though, but still that game was so fucking fun. Gonna go fight some bots now actually, if we ever get Hunters 2, I am buying that as soon as it comes out
As a multiplayer game, which was the main focus of the game, it was superb. The single player was very lacking, however.
Singleplayer was shit but the multiplayer was great.
The multiplayer was great, the rest was boring though. The glitches were fun too.
>Game Mode
No. The only thing that was good in it was the multiplayer which is now dead.
Very fun multiplayer experience, but the solo story was limited albeit memorable. Oubliette and the Omega Cannon was cool as a kid. I would sincerely enjoy another multiplayer Metroid experience similar to this one.
The single player is boring ass shooter with a lot of copypasted rooms, and I couldn't play the multiplayer because it's dead. Thanks nintendo.
glitching into walls wasn't to bad cause everyone could do that
what killed it was the actual hacks giving themselves immortality and shit
>High Ground
Prime hunter was a cool game mode but none of my friends would play it with me. I usually played as Samus, Sylux, or Weavile (unsure about name, the turret guy that splits in half). My friends would play as Trace all the time just to snipe one another. They liked spire and the caterpillar dude as well. Very few people played as nexus from my experience.
Weavile, though thinking about it they're all pretty dam cool
Combat hall
I just played regular deathmatch most of the time
I don't remember ever running into hackers
>Very few people played as nexus from my experience
They missed out. Freezing people and repeatedly headshotting them while standing right in their face felt great and his Morph Ball actually felt impactful when you hit with it; very satisfying, second only to getting a triangle chain with Sylux.
Did anyone else have the Demo for this back when the DS first came out? Shit was cash. I miss 2005
the Single Player was kind of bad
the Multiplayer was really good
I remember thinking this is what an N64 Metroid would have looked like.
The music for the results screen in this game is actually really good, just left my ds open after playing now. (victory, i forget if defeat is decent or not)
I got really tired of the controls and gave up on it long before finishing it.
It was a decent portable Prime experience, but the feel of deja vu is incredibly strong. Also, its one of those games that destroys your hands if you play for prolonged periods of time.
Multiplayer was pretty awesome.
It doesn't really compare to the first two Primes in terms of singleplayer, but to its credit it was an early DS game. That being said, it's probably Nintendo's best online game ever and the fact that they haven't followed up with anything similar shows they are out of touch.
My favorite character was Trace
>once defeated an infinite health hacker with a freeze blast + rolling them off the edge
>Survival (or whatever the limited lives mode was called)
Yes, and I still have mine.
I'm trying it out right now for the first time in about 10 years or so. Been so long, I don't remember how these controls work at all.
Single player is terrible and that's all you're going to play now days.
I found the single player sort of immersive until the repeating bosses and rooms. The little grey tripod fuckers were freaky too.
(is that what it' saying or what? I still don't know because that sounds absurd)
Running into the other hunters while exploring was neat. I wouldn't mind a feature like that in a real Metroid game.
Had mediocre single player overall. Multiplayer was great for what it was though, but cheaters and some notable exploits kind of ruined that part and online is also now defunct. It was otherwise a nice tech demo for the NDS and I actually wouldn't mind a remake or sequel.
Lore-wise the other hunters also do kind of raise questions about the Metroid universe and where the GFed really stands with all these supposed other galactic governments out there, which could make for interesting material for other Metroid games but that obviously hasn't really happened at all. A shame, I like their designs.
Probably Sylux, but I thought all the hunters were neat in their own ways, and especially liked how they all have different HUDs and all those animations for their weapon viewmodels. Weavel's affinity Battlehammer wasn't overly flash and could run through a ton of health for his turret though, but that shit was still awesome. Kanden was probably the least interesting but he still wasn't that bad.
>Complete puzzle
>Guardian starts blasting power beam shit at me
>Two more drop in with other weapons equipped
Yes. Considering the game was in development hell for a bit, it's really weird with how different it is compared to the finished product. Like how it actually has Metroids in it but the Power Beam needs ammo.
That's all it takes for The Hunter to break into your house with the intent to kill you and take your tubes.
Why don't you own a Metroid?
Is there some way to still play the multiplayer online? I have fond memories of playing it with my friend but I never bothered much with the online cause I could never get the wifi connection on the DS working..
I had it but I lost it somehow and I'm really mad at myself for that. I also lost Contact. God damn it, why did child me lose so many games?
That downgrade still makes me rage. The demo supplied with the orginal ds looked and played much better than the finished game. Didn't even bother playing through it.
Was Metroid Prime Pinball a good game?
The answer is yes.
>The demo supplied with the orginal ds looked and played much better than the finished game
Metroid Prime Pinball is a pinball game.
But is it a good one?
The multiplayer was super fun and I never encountered any hackers, the single player was dogshit.
I like how this applies to almost every game on the market right now
>protagonist tries to open locked door
>shoots door button
>it opens
>protagonist tries to lock door behind him
>shoots door button
>door jammed forever
do they make hi res texture packs for DS games?
this game would be sick reskinned in HD
I don't really remember the multiplayer, was it like an arena shooter?
For a second i thought you posted a mirrored cover.
i took a few days break when playing it and then i couldnt remember what boss i am supposed to be killing next. they all look the same and i didnt want to revisit every planet
the controls are great, but the button mapping is horrible
holding the left side with your hand, supporting with the knee on the right and using the right hand for stylus and pressing buttons with the pinkie and ring finger knuckles
No, it was terrible and i remember Sup Forums at the time saying how awful the multiplayer was so stop trying to rewrite history
You're the one trying to rewrite history, fuccboi.
>Head Shot/Fuel Stack