Overwatch Safe Space

>Blizzard snuck a hilarious gag into the patch that hit the Overwatch public test realm today. The change automatically edits the text chat of anyone who types a certain phase into the match channel—don't worry, you'll only be affected if you're a jerk.

>As Eurogamer noticed, if you type "gg ez" (as in, "good game, easy win") and hit enter, your text will instantly output a random response created by Blizzard. The swapped text lines range from sportsmanlike to outright self-deprecating:

-Great game, everyone!
-It was an honor to play with you all. Thank you.
-Good game! Best of luck to you all!
-I'm wrestling with some insecurity issues in my life but thank you all for playing with me.
-C'mon, Mom! One more game before you tuck me in. Oops mistell.
-Gee whiz! That was fun. Good playing!
-Well played. I salute you all.
-I could really use a hug right now.
-It's past my bedtime. Please don't tell my mommy.
-Ah shucks... you guys are the best!
-I feel very, very small... please hold me...
-For glory and honor! Huzzah comrades!
-Mommy says people my age shouldn't suck their thumbs.
-I'm trying to be a nicer person. It's hard, but I am trying, guys. Wishing you all the best.

It's just in the test realm still but this will probably be in the actual game soon. Blizzard has pandered before to the crybabies with the tracer pose thing and now I see it wasn't a one time thing.

Its not like word filter do anything

People will know exactly what you are sending when they read those messages

Similar to the baka desu senpai desu shit


In trying to remove a meme they created a meme.

Gonna buy 50 boxes as soon as this patch hits actual servers. I'm so excited.

But they're not pandering to crybabies. They're literally attempting to turn "gg ez" into an ironic meme so noone will know whether or not it's serious anymore

Enjoy all those secret skins when blizzard bans you or the servers go down! Or when you stop playing this shit game when everyone else does because it's flavor of the month and normies like you only do what everyone else is doing at the moment.

people will just spam it because everyone will know what they're actually saying and get even more butthurt than if 'gg ez' was said to them directly

>Blizzard has pandered before to the crybabies with the tracer pose thing

They agreed that the pose didn't fit her character, and being that it was just a Widowmaker pose, it didn't. So they took it and accentuated her ass even more while making it a more "Tracer" pose. They made the ass fatter and are pissing off edgy faglords such as yourself. This is a good thing.



it's them trying to start a new "kek" if anything

>it's been out for almost 3 months
Not only are you ugly, but you're dumb too.

I think it's kinda hilarious. Even if you get what they meant it still makes them look like ponces in public.

If you think this is anything other than hilarious, you're taking this shit too seriously. It's a Pixar flavored shooter guys, relax your fucking sphincter.

But it's funny

>Blizz wants to 'protect' people from getting hurt by words
>instead insults the person typing those words

I'm gonna need source on that

Because I genuinely don't believe Blizzard would put for the effort to try and be clever about it.

People get butthurt with hesrthstone predefined messages so this will do shit to stop crybabies from crying

bullies got rkt

I won't get banned because I'm not a memer in games, and the servers will be fine. :)
Go be angsty somewhere else, I highly recommend neogaf, it's pretty popular to be le contrarian angsty communist there. :3

Blizzard really knows how to apply free marketing with this stupid shit.

>Blizzard has pandered before to the crybabies with the tracer pose thing
The Tracer pose was changed because someone said it didn't fit the character, and the dev team agreed. They replaced it with a pose that had the exact same amount of focus on the ass, that is arguably even more erotic because of what it's based on and that made more sense for her character.

I mean not that you actually care, but yeah.


>Similar to the baka desu senpai desu shit
That shit is great though. Based Japanese moot.


>try to insult others
>get insulted instead
Literally justice.

g g ezpz

Putting aside whether this is a good thing or not, why can't faggots handle bantz these days? I mean shit it's only beena few years since I was heaving into online games and people spouted this shit left and right with no issues, it doesn't seem like it's been nearly long enough for this sort of generational shift in attitudes.

Isn't the fact that they put the word filter in so the other players wouldn't get hurt more of a "i'm a little kid mommy" thing than the players sending it?

>blocked and reported enjoy the ban

>there are literally people in this thread who are upset by this change

Yeah, a demisexual trans lesbian otherkin

Sort of okay with it.

I'm not actually offended by the phrase but I'm absolutely tired of people trying to be the "coolest" and edgiest online by spamming Twitch memes in-game and pretending to be a smarmy prick in post.

This. It's so fucking redundant when ingame chats are all

>gg ez
>nice one reddit!


>Blizzard trolls annoying players
>This is a bad thing

oh noooo, now you'll have to think of something clever to say

Justice is subjective. I could say them getting the death penalty for trying to insult someone in a game is "literally justice" too and that would have as much merit as what you are saying.

>lets purposely piss off the guy whos clearly already /nolife/ enough to 'bully' people in a videogame
you might aswell have let them outlet this on the internet cause now they have no outlet.

also they will now say something like 'g.ood game easy' because word filters never catch all variants.

inb4 sporting types who think pvp is equivilent to a face to face martial arts tournament with the bowing and the respect and shit. you should already know bowing in games does nothing for you, you played dark souls aintcha?

>being so stupid that you can't grasp what he means by literally justice
Wow, Americans everyone.

They turned an annoying term into a meme instead, fucking genius desu senpai

Won't this just increase the frequency of people saying gg ez?

It's not like the intent behind the phrase will change and now it has an added layer of irony to it

Because it went from bantz to straight up death threats

They're stealthily making fun of both the people who cried about it and the 13-year-olds who put no effort into their bantz

If you interpret it as them enforcing a "safe space" you're dumb


Something went horribly wrong very recently.

This movie is from 2012 and it had a plot point that it was okay to call somebody a faggot in 2005

Except the new pose is objectively better because it shows more character. Tracer's old pose just showed her butt.

Tracer's new pose:
-shows her face and chest piece
-shows that she is good at running fast
-shows that she is very agile
-is more dynamic
-shows that she's based on WW2 pin up girls
-shows that she's a pilot

>online video game

Dont know, i disabled chat ages ago

>duuuude le bantz lmao XD
You don't bantz with someone you don't know personally.

You're probably one of those faggots that whines when ever someone directs banter at them too.

"Muh bantz" is a fucking terrible argument.

gg ez is not bantz, it's so low-effort it's just mindless trashtalking

He's defining justice as doing the same thing to someone that they attempted to do/did. It's commonly known as "eye for an eye" and it's historically been a bad idea.

At first reading OP, I thought it was stupid, but those message are quite hilarious.

but it's worth it for every now and then when you see someone say "wtf i didn't write desu i wrote desu"

>everyone starts typing "gg very ez"

Just like how it used to be okay to call someone a nigger
You're a retard

I've already seen people typing out the filter responses ironically in place of gg ez. This will do nothing.


So they buffed Dva again.

Now she is the only character capable of shit talking the opponent in a way that always gets them booty blasted.

but can I still report them?

this is important

>something went horribly wrong very recently

millennials started getting ""jobs"" as ""writers"" and ""academics""

no one likes the guy that says "gg ez" anyways

>no longer use 'gg ez'
>simply word it in the same tone as the filter corrections

>Good game! That was so easy I think you should uninstall the game!
Great work Blizzard now I've got hot new memes to work with.

No they didn't?


Sup Forums - Video Games
(I'm trying to be a nicer person. It's hard, but I am trying, guys. Wishing you all the best.)

No they didnt?
Shes getting a nerf

Justice is not subjective. Because there is no such thing as Justice in nature there are no limits to it. We define it with our laws and imagination. Therefore, it is absolute.

It's okay when Sup Forums does it!

I honestly don't care about gg ez, but is tehre some way to report retards that keep complaining about everything and want everyone to play what they want to?

Careful faggot

Your insensitive words will trigger the mentally impaired community

I'd rather have a sarcastic GGEZ then a GG after a stomp.

In league I straight up say worse things then GGEZ to get under my enemies skin back then.

>we define it with our imagination
>therefore it is absolute, not subjective

10/10 bait

Not really, just block them
The only people i report are those who start issuing death threats



Before any character could say GG EZ

Now she is the only one that can due to having a voice line.


I bet you're the same faggot complaining the game is too easy, we get it, we dont care, go back to quake

oh wait

Which pose is it that replaced it?


it's bullshit had, it happen to me just now and it didn't change shit.

>banning words

People will come up with something else. Thin skinned losers will stay thin skinned losers.

Their servers, their game. You signed an EULA to play. Don't like it, don't play it. You want to be a pitsniffing retard spamming gg ez, go back to DotA 2 with the Russians BRs and F2Ps.

One lifted straight from a pinup picture

Those filters were the best thing to happen to Sup Forums in a long time, desu senpai.

...couldn't you just put



they can't ban 'good game' on its own, its ancient.

you don't know why they are being that way, most bullies were bullied themselves, psych 101. plus if it triggers you they already won.

People used ggez because its a way to trashtalk without getting banned for being offensive
People will find other ways. Like ;^)

But it doesn't trigger me.
The only people being triggered here are the bullies.
It works.

>I can still type "kill yourself you cretin I hope you die of fag disease"

>Filter "gg ez"
>Don't filter nigger, faggot, gook, spic, chink, kike, etc
I don't understand.
I'm guessing all the other words that hurt feelings will be next on the chopping block?

its funny how tools go on about LOL SAFE SPACE FUCKING SJWS and yet they are ones that are getting triggered more than anyone else

>people complain about others posting "gg ez"
>they word filter it
>people start saying "ggez"
>or gg ezze
>or a million other variations of gg ez

so glad they put time and effort into that instead of adding new heroes, fixing the balance, adding new maps, adding new gamemodes, or adding any actual content.

This is Blizzard's target audience.
You type like a 14 year old.

This reminds me of the stuff moot used to do desu senpai

The original pose was ass, the replacement is 10x better

So wait, they're using a word filter to change an annoying meme into a new slightly funnier meme?
Doesn't sound too bad to me desu senpai

All chat is stupid anyways. Team chat should be the only option. Name me one benefit and I'll suck my own dick.
If you want to talk to someone on the other team then you can still send whispers.
I want a real, tangible benefit, that isn't fun at another person's expense, you get from all chat.

>mfw society cracks down on calling people cucks

Left was the original pose, which got replaced by the one on the right.

I agree completely.

The problem is that the retard keep falseflagging so much that the other idiots in my team actually believe him.

ffs, Blizzard should let us report people easily after the match just like Dota2 and LoL

>any class/role based game ever made
>someone not playing X less fun class/role
>WE NEED X WOW FUCKING TEAM spammed over and over while they refuse to switch to X

Every fucking time in every fucking game ever made. Why do people do this shit?

Yeah it took the entire team months to come up with the filter

>haha guys its funny
>its just a joke
>trollers are being trolled :^)
>its pottery hahaha
I must say Blizzard marketers are gods if they passed this obvious triggerfree safespace hugbox censorship as a "little joke".

Now post cure Mercy x Soldier comics.