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>DVA/symmetra main

Show Accuracy faggot

>wasting this much of your life on a shitty tf2 clone that has no alt weapons for any character and is rated t for teen to get as many sales as possible

Hows that 20 tick rate buddy, helping you get kills you never could in tf2?

Is 20 tick rate the new 60 fps meme?


>20 tick

I've never played tf2

>matters in a game with unlimited ammo
All you need to concerned about is reloading in a bad situation.

More classes>more weapons

Several heroes have alt weapons and Blizzard recently rolled out 60 tick servers to the entire game

There are a lot of reasons this game is awful but you need to try a little harder than that


That was the joke, considering he's playing D.Va.

Overwatch is shit and if you don't reply to this post your mother will die in her sleep tonight

Thanks for the (You) faggot.

How do you have 101 hours but are only level 33? I assume this is prestiged or whatever they call it


If you dont reply to this post your mother will die in her sleep tonight.

>no supports or even tanks in top 5 most played

you are literal poison


Already posted in another thread but whatever these threads never last anymore anyways.

> isn't a tank
>Mercy isn't a support

That's accuracy you idiot. I'm op. I've almost never played dps at all unless symetra counts.

This has to be fake.

And my comp stats