Where were you when they cancelled Prey 2 for Bioshock in space?
Prey Gamescom Teaser Gameplay
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I'm still mad
Prey 2 looked like muh open world faggotery.
Also Bioshock in space is called System Shock.
>you can transform into a cup
10/10 or 8.8
>turning into a mug
I, uh...
Looks kinda crappy otherwise, I assume it's a legitimately early build.
why the fuck is my adblocker not working on this
>Bioshock in space
So System Shock?
Prey was mediocre shovelware garbage, nobody gives a fuck
Arkane making a new game, wants to do something new, Bethesda tells them "use existing IP because people with business degrees are typically pretty dumb"* and they do it, the end.
* I have a business degree, and it's true
these models look absolutely horrible, why would they even release footage like this?
A shame you don't have a degree in fun.
Glad they're just calling it Prey since the original was kind of shitty.
>dat feel when Arkane actually worked on System Shock 3 before it got cancelled mid-development
I'm OK with them making this. Everyone's just butthurt over a nonexistent game.
noting better than delicious Sup Forums butthurt
Wow strong System Shock vibes there. Especially the sound design.
>three memes in one post
very nice.
Prey 2 very well could have been a Far Cry-like in space with a boring, empty open world full of repetitive tasks and oblivion-tier NPCs, who knows.
PREY looks like a traditional FPS in space with wierd weapons and gameplay mechanics. A new Prey 1 in a different environment.
It may not be as interesting as our dream version of Prey 2 but it looks good.
>that system shock-esque atmosphere
>that weird weapon that seem to petrify enemies
>suddenly transforms into a goddamn cup
That weird weapon is called a GLOO gun and you can also use it to make platforms and access areas
this looks fucking trash, local man shoots toxic headcrabs from HL2 and then possesses mug
Dishonored in space, sounds good tbqh.
Prey was an underrated masterpiece. Bethesda are the stupid fucks here, the only people who are going to recognize the Prey brand are fans like me who are upset that Prey 2 got canceled. I'm sure as hell not going to buy this new Prey out of protest, if it was called something else, I may have gotten it.
>but it looks good
It doesn't really look like anything right now. Just Bioshock in space with lame shadow-monsters.
I'm genuinely excited for it.
Moreso than for dishonored two at least because Prey won't frown at you when you kill things
Prey 2 didn't exist.
It was a scripted 3 minute demo.
prey and original prey 2 had virtually nothing in common aside from "the mc is a guy from that crashed plane" and you're a mindless fanboy if you're going to ignore a potentially good game because of it
>Bioshock in space
So System Shock? So good?
looks good
i still want my space bounty hunter game, though
>Bioshock in space
so an improvement?
Good because after Call of Duty Infinite, we need another *shock game.
No, I'm ignoring It because of what Bethesda did to Human Head. You don't know what happened clearly
Seriously, how can people think Prey 2 looked good?
>Uninspired overused "Blade Runner" scifi
>Missions are basically "Go kill that guy"
>Mediocre shooting
>Shitty aliens design
That trailer doesn't really make me want to buy it.
I'll wait further down the line for more gameplay, something that'll draw me in.
i know and i don't give a shit, the only thing i want is a good game and some retarded bounty hunting game with goofy-looking aliens is what should truly be called insulting to the fans of original Prey
>overused "Blade Runner" scifi
Can I visit your world?
thats just bethesda damage control
This looks like complete garbage with no weirdness of the original Prey.
If people are sperging out about this shit then i really don't understand what they really want.
Hi, Bethesda.
>no counter arguments
>proceeds to damage control
Except that game was still connected to the first game and Tommy was a major character in it. This had nothing to do with it. People aren't mad about the type of game this is. They're mad about what happened and how it's using the Prey name and isn't continuing the story
>Except that game was still connected to the first game
it was connected setting-wise and literally nobody gives a shit about Prey's setting if there's no space/gravity shenanigans and Freudian designs of everything including weapons, and Prey 2 clearly lacked any of that
it was insulting on every single level to get some star wars boba fett shit after such a unique original game and i'd rather take another original game than a sequel that would just parasite on the brand
>generic clunky corridor shooter number 1312312