What do you think of Tim Heidecker?
What do you think of Tim Heidecker?
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He is the most handsome boy
Video Games?
He looks like someone who want drink his glass of water if it's 3 minutes stale.
he actually blamed Sup Forums for trolling him or some shit on his recent videos
pathetic desu
He's literally doing an Andy Kaufman voice, retard.
He recently called himself a cuck or something
Glad he supports Trump though
Well he doesn't but in case he's reading I wanted to trigger him
I feel like I'm one of the few people who actually enjoys Tim and Eric Awesome Show.
Tom Goes To The Mayor is better though.
Haha yeah dude you're so unique you watch these hip underground shows that no one knows about XD
He seems like an inherently funny person to me, kind of like Zach Galifianakis, in that I have no understanding of how or why they're funny but they are.
Tim Heidecker for full president
What I meant by that was pretty much everyone I see online or irl absolutely hates Tim and Eric you fucking moron. I did not imply it was an obscure underground show.
>Today's game is uh, Overwatch, staring Trasser, MacRee, uh, Rainhard and, uh, Symmetry. I really liked this game, it's a lot of fun with friends and I'm going to give it five ults of popcorn and two cups of soda. Uh, five bags of popcorn, I meant
Uh, anybody know where I can get me some iced tea?
libtard cuck
rick heinegeber for president
>It reminded me of a very similar game where there were different classes and abilities called Brink, made by Bethesda in 2011. I actually played it without a large group of friends and lost a lot of my matches but it wasn't really the game's fault. I'm going to give it five bags of popcorn as well and maybe a little keychain of Torbjorn, who was an obvious nod to the dwarves in The Hobbit, and seeing him actually made me want to go back and rewatch them all again
I got caught shopliftin' at the Chevy dealership.
I think he belongs on Sup Forums or Sup Forums, and only his reaction images belong anywhere else.