So we all agree this will be 2017's GOTY right?

So we all agree this will be 2017's GOTY right?

Yes, OP

>Sup Forums agreeing on anything

But if they had any sense, yes, they'd agree.

2017 is gonna be rough.



Pretty sure yeah

I guess it's confirmed then



of course

Unless they fuck it up, yes.




I love M&B but reusing all these clunky assets and animations makes me wanna puke, I think I've played this game too much and Bannerlord is going to be just a glorified mod.

if it comes out


Yes, because it's been made by Turkish masterrace.

t. Turk

I'm still gonna get it

18 people in a row agreeing to the same thing. Is this some sort of record?

good, they should add more content to the game instead of reinventing the wheel

alright boys time to pack it up console drones are homing in for an air strike

29NGJ-ID5ZC-ZKW29 ¯\_(シ)_/¯

key taken

which game was it?


Also can't wait to get mods to craft dildoes


More like 2030.

delete this