Old School Runescape is pretty much the only good mmo out there currently.
Old School Runescape is pretty much the only good mmo out there currently
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too bad osrs is turning into a trashy rs3
I literally haven't even been to Zeah yet. I wish they finished the content instead of releasing it.
That's not Ultima Online.
I'll never understand why the people played this trash. It's interface is utter garbage. I guess as a teenager you have no standards.
maybe if you like to sit on your ass for 8 hours a day for a month just to max 1 skill.
Fun Fact: Most players are in there 20's
I know OSRS is plenty flawed, but its interface is good because it's simple and easy to use
Why do you have to max skill levels before having fun?
I wish people would remember that most of the fun of vanilla WoW was the progress, not the fucking stupid to manage 40 man raids.
Most people play runescape be finding the most efficient way of doing something and then then grinding it for hours. It's sad, like they want to shut themselves out from 90% of the games content
>most people
That just isn't true. PKing and all the PVM content is very active. It can be hard to find a world for god wars.
How do they get to they get the high levels and gear for those activities though? By grinding so they have the levels and money.
>paid private server
:^) Or just buy doing a few quests and then having fun doing slayer!!!!
Do you watch streams user? they're the only way I've found to make rs friends
I agree.
>wanting to be friends with boaty fans
>mfw getting in the woodcutting guild in zeah
>hanging out with faggots who take the words of streamers as god
>he unironically uses the term best in slot
What do you call an item that is the statistically best for that slot in a particular situation?
>Spiritual Successor to Dransik in the works
>watching boaty
he's great and all but smaller streamers that interact with the chat are best. might as well watch youtube otherwise
>in a particular situation
thats the thing though, b0aty fags don't consider different situations when other items might be better, or even consider what level they're at
b0aty tells them a fury is the best, so they all run to go buy one despite not even needing it at their level
source: friends who at level 70 60 and 50 spent millions on gear they didn't need at their level because b0aty told him it was best in slot
>only good mmo out there currently.
Unless you're korean, that's not saying much
Oh. your friends are retarded. was wondering if theres an actual problem with the term bis as i learn to pvm from a streamer and she uses the term a lot
that invisible boost is amazing
My bad. I mean, Fury IS the best, but when you're level 70, you don't need a fury.
Which do you prefer Sup Forums? Pre- or post-audio update?
>I wish people would remember that most of the fun of vanilla WoW was the progress
In what universe?
>in there 20's
Except you since you dont know the difference between "in their" and "in there"
OSRS is hampered by a fucking awful community
>game knowledge
The new music is trying way too hard and adds a lot of filler noise and audio effects that make the song worse.
everquest project 1999 unless you're too pussy
Fuck, that wasn't even the one I meant to post. I meant to post the track from post-2006 but pre-HD, the one that's currently in oldschool that doesn't have the added instruments.
This track has had a shit ton of revisions.
You should check out the runescape section of twitch sometime. Sure there are camgirls, but a few girls know what they're talking about like Match and Dalek Cookie
Oh shit Dalek used to post in the /vg/ threads like 3 years ago
I'm having like post-nostalgia
hard to believe, doesnt seem like the kind of person to put up with the thread. only people who aren't accepted anywhere else go there
The new music is orchestrated and non-midi. user is talking about something else.
I WISH it was documented and there were Youtube uploads for every version of every track. From what I know there is pre-2006 music, 06/07 music, Runescape 2.5/RS HD music, and Runescape 3 orchestrated music. As far as I'm concerned, RS 2.5/HD is the best. It's like the Midis in their complete final form. Some songs sound the same but others have many more instruments enriching the music so much more. Also pre 06 music was just 06/07 music but using your computer's midi player rather than Runescape's own soundfont. The music itself is the same.
Did she post nudes?
She had a boyfriend at the time. I wonder if they broke up
You've got the timeline more or less right. If I ever have too much time on my hands, I would upload the entire 06/07 library like that one guy did with the pre-06 library. Right now you can only find it in bits and pieces on YouTube.
Didn't expect to feel.
Jay? She's still with him. She streams fulltime now. Clearly autistic but super chill and sweet.
>gets ignored in OSG
>tries to get (you)'s on Sup Forums
hoga... he had a hard life..
>in a relationship
Looks like there's hope for all you faggots that still play this game yet.
>implying anyone would want to go on OSG
I also found a Youtuber with a small collection of RS2.5/HD music (which seems to be hard to find outside of Harmony). A lot of the stuff he uploaded I couldn't find anywhere else. Listen to the track "Start". It's almost like a completely new track compared to other 06/pre-06 uploads, and is so much better.
If you're a cute girl sure. Though Autism Elegy has a gf that lets him mine 12 hours a day
Thanks for the link, but I agree with
HD added unnecessary sounds to a lot of these tracks that make them sound to cluttered
Jay plays rs just as much, more like they're lucky together
Koreans are fucking shit at making MMOS
It's because they basically use reddit as their official forums
hoga posts there all the time and gets categorically ignored, it's pretty depressing.
I think he was referring to the "new" music as in the modern orchestrated music anyway.
And more instruments = richer and sustains more listens like Stewart Copeland knew it. But Start is literally a completely new track if you listen to all of it, the old one just loops the same melody whereas the HD one goes onto a completely new thing. it's worth a listen i think i like the sound of Spirit more on 06/07 though