Who plays LoL and doesnt suck? i wanna make a team

who plays LoL and doesnt suck? i wanna make a team

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To the gas chamber.

>Playing LoL post season 2

Everyone sucks, that's why they play LoL.

You need to be 18 to post here.

>Playing LoL post season 1

no u

Why don't you want to play post season 2 user? :^)
Is there something wrong?

Not going to deny season2 had many retarded changes, specially with brickwall shen, seeing retards dying with it.

12 year old identified

>u just fucking got me
>shit, im fucking screwed, wow

>playing lol

>There are people who are still playing LoL after that season where the destroyer of worlds was unleashed

I never recovered.

What is good to you and what elo are you ?

which season was that? i forgot

define elo
>risk of sounding like an idiot is understood

just tell me if youre below plat or not

Season 3


Literally the flip of a coin of having retards on your team or being against them.

Variables include if you are playing the most disgusting and broken shit in the current meta.

No one, I repeat, no one climbs in this game with bad characters.

many changes every other week
had to stop myself to dive in like a retard as malphite due to armor/damage formula changes
plus removing items every once in a while

im below plat, lvl 15 actually


shut the fuck up and git gud

As much as I hate this game you are so fucking wrong it is incredible.

whatever keeps u from play as malph, i support

Being good at League is like being good at picking rugs. It's okay, I guess, but it really doesn't matter unless you make a career out of it.

Oh yeah, and while I'm at it, I might as well mention the pants-on-head retarded balance and lore teams, as well as salute the worst, most cancerous shit-bag community that a video game has ever created. At least Hitler's fanboys did something memorable.

Source: I've been playing LoL since early season 2 and just quit before they announced Kledd, the Character that ignores even more lore by being a lifetime member of the opposing faction of his race.

And youre asking me to form a team.

I hope you werent OP and i'm just stupid for thinking you were.


Same here, started on Graves patch and they fucked up every champ I liked.
>tfw my mains were Shen, Olaf and Ryze

At least Wukong has fleed below the radar since release but holy shit. As a company, they ignore the balance of the game in favour of dudebros who play Vayne, Zed, Leblanc, Lee Sin, Yasuo, etc because they are hollow minded fags who will spend money to get all their skins.

The balance of seasons 1-3 was excelent, even though there were some strong characters LITERALLY EVERYTHING had a counter.

>didnt ask u to form a team, however
what level are u then?


its not unusual to win when even you aren't trying hard. do that again 50 times then i'll be impressed

olaf slayed s5 but fucked up horribly on s6 idek what happened. he's a pretty simple champ to learn tho. ryze is still okay if u build correctly, idk about shen

i think season 4 riot literally said they stopped balancing purely for pro games

I miss the old twitch

Remember when you could be stealthed for a whole minute?

>implying sivir was any good at the time the devourer was still out
>implying adcs were useful at this time
>implying teemo jungle doesnt have more gold than sivir
>implying people didnt trash talk sivir for being bad
>implying this isnt master

Go back to bronze you shitter

im gold 1

Ryze has been changed so many times that it has become a meme more than a champ.
Olaf can't compete with the current adcs because they can kill him before he reaches them due to every adc item having armor pen on them.
Shen is a joke because Poppy exists, despite having one of the best ultimates of the game. Riot removed his sustain so he can't lane against bullies anymore.
Mostly this.

>"m-muh elo!"
Nigger I've never gone past plat 1 and I've beaten masters in ranked games who were duoing with diamonds so I don't know what the fuck are you saying.

how about 82 times lolking.net/summoner/na/70339620 and this isnt me but this still prooves you can climb even though you dont play meta picks

Nah nigga, new Twitch is good. Restealthing with resets mid fight to reposition and pick people off is GOAT

Have they addressed Flash yet? Game would be infinitely better without it.

So have I but being master still means something.

You would call me a faggot if I showed you a bronze elo teemo jungle winning but now elo doesnt matter because reasons. I dont know if youre the same guy but my point never was that elo matters it was that you dont have to follow the meta to climb.

>so agreed
flash is literally meant to run away, why is it even a thing?

user, sorry to break it to you but this game is not a matter of skill but of time.
No matter how bad are you, with time you will reach any elo you want.

>Mid is leblank
>Gank her
>Gank her
>Gank her
>Gank her

Great champ design.

>Playing LoL
Dude, how do you do it? The client is bad, the balance of the champions is bad, the graphics are bad, the community is bad, the entire shop system is bad. Are you trying to suffer as much as possible in this life in order to go to heaven when you die? Go on and play something else before you get cancer

This jerk. This jerk right here is one of the reasons I quit, and I'm not ashamed of saying it. what a stupid, imbalanced hero.

>Using flash defensively
You use it on close range asswipes to reposition. Play as Garen, get flash, blink in on some idiot and wombo combo their ass. Anyone who uses Flash as an escape tool is weak and deserves to be flanked during the long cooldown.

With time you will improve. I do not believe you can get anywhere with time. Sure you will get higher elo but you won't ever get pas d3 if you couldnt get out of bronze without investing a ton of time into the game.

Just take TheOddOne as an example, he used to be master and now he can barely stay in diamond 1 and plays on smurfs so he doesnt get demoted every time he streams yet he plays everytime he streams. So why does he lose? Because he is bad and often makes bad decisions.

Sinking time will get you to diamond but it wont get you past that.

you called?

>he is still playing lol
You should kill yourself

About to kill her, she divides herself

I wholeheartedly agree user, but as I said, you will climb faster with a clutch, everyone does it because they know they would have to invest too much time otherwise.

She becomes invisible.
Her cds are off because they are like 5 secs long.
She bursts you because "lol!"

Haha. I didn't main Yasuo. I just hate Zed because there's almost no risk in playing with him. No mana, attacks from a distance and with his illusions, can teleport back to his illusions, etc


He is like the second or third most played champ so yeah, that says a lot about the playerbase.

I do but I suck tasty throbbing cocks

>these were the only champs I played until I got bored of the game

feels good

silver 3 I pressume?

Can you enlighten me?

-Would the game be more balanced if all champions used mana? (making some tweaks where necessary)
-All champions should be free? Or there should be different currencies for runes and champions?
-Should skills cost more mana early game?

What would you suggest to make at least 75% of heroes picked in competitive games?

Probably, I didn't pay too much attention to rank since I only played with my friends in high school

>they still play it


>Summoner spells removed
>Runes removed, only masteries remain
>Overall rework to champs with more than 2 dashes
>Global ultimates have less cd, encouraging teamplay

I think that's enough.

Send them my condolences, user.