So this remains the only good game in the series?

So this remains the only good game in the series?

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>reminder MD only has 1 hub

Sadly yeah.
I recently re-played human revolution and it was really medicore, worse than I remembered. The story has its moments, but its overall kinda bad. I wish they would be a bit more silly like the original was.
The new having denuvo and its accompanied shit-tier performance, its sadly time to press F to yet another franchise.
First Silent hill, then MGS, now Deus Ex, what will be next? When will this end?.

play it, figure out what's going on in the world and move on.

W-what about golem?


I know this is Sup Forums, but cmon, HR was pretty fun. Maybe not in the spirit of the original, definitely a different type of game, but still fun.

I didn't find it too fun after a few hours. The game completely fucking fell apart. Not to mention the cover shooting, easy takedowns and boring story.

By the end of the game you're fighting zombie like enemies.

>implying implying

fair enough, i switch off often when playing games so i can sometimes have fun even when the gameplay gets pretty basic. Instant gratification and all.

if you play the first deus ex LAST you'll have a much more pleasant experience. I really liked playing Human Revolution but after playing the first Deus Ex I realized it was far superior. That opinion doesn't take away from the fun I had in my ignorance of greater experiences. It was a grand build up that can be and is appreciated by me and anyone else who plays the games in reverse order.

is that intro from zero punctuation? terrible

>it's a Sup Forums does a 360 and walks away episode

Welcome to America, terrorists.
You're now stuck in America.
Hope you like hopelessness!

The real reason you do not like it. There are multiple job websites and some companies have applications on site. If you have any questions finding your first job then let me know. I will help you get a job user.

>that early Laura Bailey

WEW lad

>You can certainly find enjoyment in Mankind Divided, for the short runtime it offers. Y. Deus Ex cares enough to sit on the sidelines and play topical for show before moving on to the next attraction. It’s become more 24 than Blade Runner, and while it still entertains, it’s also lost much of the luster that set the series apart from the serialized masses.

>6/10 review score

HR was good, it's just DX was better in nearly every possible way.

>Jensen is tired of seeing the same touch-and-go attitude; he wants to start thinking about real change, but the game seems disinterested in spending too much time on these thoughts. The segregation and Augmented tension ultimately serves as a catalyst for action and the plans of the Illuminati, a reason for the player to get involved in covert operations and little else.

Welp, confirmed what i had said in earlier threads.It's entirely focused around MUH MECHANICAL APARTHEID

Deus Ex was never good

This user is right. Not as good as the first and suffered from being made with Xbox in mind...but it's still a good game and much better than HR