Creator of Elona is making a new game called Elin

Creator of Elona is making a new game called Elin.

Are you hype?

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Angels shouldn' t be lewd

I want to fuck one.

they're THE lewdest


>multiplayer elona

Looks great honestly.

Is it as good or better than Elona Plus? Because it better be.

Oh fuck yeah, how far along is it?

Kumiromi is best


Holy fuck

>Elin (Eternal League of Nefia, The Garden of Elin, Before the Dawn) is a RPG that started the development from early 2016. (It is a completely different work and Elin had almost made previously) is being developed with the aim of current steam early access registration. Setting is Iruva but, rather than a sequel of Elona, not a roguelike game.

Well considering it's not going to be a roguelike, the comparison is a bit hard to make


Get a load of this newfag

Ehekatl is best god

Why would you machine translate it when there is an english page

More power to him. Elona is great.
I'll have to keep an eye out.

>implying elona has been on Sup Forums and /jp/ doesn't have a thread going 24/7

Delete this thread right now unless you want the community to turn to shit. I swear OP, if this has the misfortune to get daily threads for even a week when it releases, I'll blame you for everything.

Official art. Do you feel bad for killing Gwen yet? I do and will no longer kill her from now on.

Hope he keeps the silliness and fun of Elona in there. Also customization.

Opps, I am retarded


>riding a cart with no animal pulling it is faster than walking

Just roll it like a wheelchair.

Nigga that's just basic fucking physics

but it's a cart with hay inside with the player sitting in a seiza position.

>he has short arms

>Not picking Opatos
>Not being swole
>Not always laughing
>Not having Saber in your party

>>implying elona has been on Sup Forums

How fucking new are you?

Is this you

Where's that guy that posts his god slayer every fucking time Elona is mentioned?

Weird way to spell Equestria.


Best sister incoming!!!

literally (not) me

I've been here all summer.

How do you earn your money in Elona?

Big Sis all day.

>it's a roguelike

Thank god, I was worried there for a second. Looks like a spiritual successor to Elona, also the art style looks pretty appealing. Can't wait.

When is he planning to release Elona on Steam?

It's not a rogue-like though.

Oh wait, I just read that it isn't a roguelike. Well that's a shame, the gameplay suggested differently.

Never played Elona myself, but I'm a fan of roguelikes. Is it worth getting into?

get it and elona+ it is a bit grindy though

rush through dungeons until I get to the boss and slap his shit
Sell his drops in my store for megabux

>Implement a large number of mechanics to make grinding difficult
>Force the player to grind a fuckton