Is it just me who hates this channel?
>annoying high pitched voice suggesting they are too scared to use their own
>has a problem with "sexualisation"
>acts like he has a phd in game theory aka pretentious twat
Is it just me who hates this channel?
>annoying high pitched voice suggesting they are too scared to use their own
>has a problem with "sexualisation"
>acts like he has a phd in game theory aka pretentious twat
Other urls found in this thread:
If you hate it so much why make a thread giving it exposure?
No, it's just you.
As always, OP is a fagget.
Everyone hates it but they're also basically irrelevant now. Go back to 2011 and bitch about them.
What year is it
no I hate them as well
fuck off shill
>uh why make a thread at all??
dont be an idiot
i came to Sup Forums 2015 faggot
kill yourself newfag
I'm saging this shitty thread, but you wouldn't know what that means
>muh sage meme
This isn't reddit kiddo
>kill yourself
noob it's kys wtf are you the newfag?
I think that high pitched voice goes well with the feminist/sjw-agenda in the videos.
>basically irrelevant now
What'd you suggest instead?
Pretentious as fuck, can't stand them
it's a bunch of SJWs who think they have a clue about game development
they're irrelevant now so no one gives a fuck
>terrible leftist biased view on history
No no, the channel is great.
>irrelevant now
What do you mean? Why were they ever relevant?
Their animator guy is cool, but everyone else are pseudo-intellectual fucks who acts like they know better than they do.
So no. You're not the only one OP.
There used to be a thread on their videos like every fucking week.
It started dying down eventually though.
It was fun to shit talk them in threads honestly but now they're basically more irrelevant than they were before.
Too prude and pretentious. Sometimes they hit the nail on the head though. I am sick of either of them acting like they can act like authority figures on game design, they really haven't done anything to earn that.
I agree
They were I guess 'notable' while they were still with The Escapist, then they left, GG happened, and they went full on SJW pandering.
Just looked it up and wut isn't this the guy who does spirit science? what a fag
>Game theory
I don't think you know what that means.
>Being proud of coming to Sup Forums post reddit invasion
Probably from there as well
well are you going to link it or are you going to keep being a faggot
I wish they stuck to game critique
I think they did that years ago, at least to an extent
now they have literal paid content and use fucking CE dating
>if you hate that movie so much, why'd you review it giving it exposure?
>unironically using noob
This is the guy who does Spirit Science as well, right?
post eurobeat
I was about to say, where is the spirit science ?
>4kan is muh secret klub
>it is just me w--
I wrote this in response to his Hatred video
awww yiss
Anyone has that screenshot on a Sup Forums post about why he sucks?
normally i ignore blogposters shilling their stuff but im a couple paragraphs in and it doesnt suck that bad, do you do this often?
Come on, nobody posted the mystic bullshit yet?
I just started. I don't have a schedule, I just write whenever something comes to mind and a draft gets finished.
If you want someone who regularly posts good stuff I recommend Chris Wagar. He answers questions on and then posts the best answers onto his blog. Here's his
He used to do pretty good dissections of popular critics like Extra Credits but he has stopped. Now he strictly focuses on game design.
>59 mins
It's against the rules to announce a sage.
>5 minutes in
what the fuck
I'll bookmark the both of ya, thanks mate and keep doin u
Thanks I'll try to get something new published soon.
What's the official list of verbose "game theorists"?
I can remember this, superbunny and that mathosis folk...
There is no official list but if you like condescending fatfuck and lazy potato nigger you might like Joseph Anderson as well.
forgot action points
Super Bunny Hop in comparison to Extra Credits is a towering genius
I also appreciate that SBH and Matthew have some humbleness about what they're saying.
I think some of the guys involved in the show are actual game developers with a lot of experience, but i could be mistaken
>A random post on Sup Forums
>a formal assessment or examination of something with the possibility or intention of instituting change if necessary:
seems like the dumbass is you. It's a review, a shitty review but a review nonetheless
>i came to Sup Forums 2015 faggot
>I should post something I hate on an anime imageboard
>But I'm posting my opinion so it's a review
You are still basically giving free advertising for something even if you dislike it retarded nigger
>if you hate that movie so much, why'd you review it giving it exposure?
Are you under contract to review it or can you just ignore it and let it die a slow death?
>anime imageboard
I'm pretty sure this is the videogame imageboard.
They hve literally said that sexuality is a powerful tool and that it can be used very well.
I don't know why they get so muchos hate desu. I like their vĂdeos and they have some good topics rolling around, they hardly ever talk about social justice.
I'm anti-SJW but I hace to admit that our side of the con is getting very similar to the other one (barring shitposting of course).
Extra Reddits
>acts like he has a phd in game theory aka pretentious twat
So everyone on Sup Forums, basically?
>all of my wat
Fuck me both of you leave
1 guy is actually in the business. iirc he didn't work on a lot of games and the games weren't that great either.
What's a good Matthew video? I didn't find many of games I am interested in.
>with a lot of experience
They make phone games. Not successful ones, either.
I like his videos on The Last of Us and the 3D Zelda games
They also claim to work in the AAA games industry. Yet if you actually look them up.. nada. One of them once fetched coffee for 2 months for people before getting fired. They don't have any technical skills at all.
I'm pretty sure James did some audio work on a cancelled Call of Duty mobile game or something
This is gave me literal cancer. th-thanks.
He worked on some shovelware barbie games. It's on his linked in. He also wasn't in a technical position, he was an 'assistant producer'. Literally he was a 'admin assistant' who fetched coffee.
Game design vet my ass.
no, the game was released, he was fired.
I wouldn't mind all that but his analysis is of a really poor quality and he usually doesn't even bother using examples or trying to actually justify what he's saying
How the fuck do people take them seriously? They have practically no experience, I guess all you really need to do is sound smart.