What does Sup Forums think of Rising Storm 2?
What does Sup Forums think of Rising Storm 2?
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I'm excited, I missed out on all the good Vietnam games over the years. This one looks like it's shaping up to be good.
Looks like being the Vietcong will Suck
>trusting tripwire
RS2 will be fucking shit for 2 years then get a community patch and be the best Vietnam game around.
Actually it's Antimatter.
can't wait for early access dlc
>some guy is going to fuck up and kill 3 teammates with the backblast
>Sneaky Asians hiding in bushes now with automatic weapons
I must say, i fucking suck at these games
>realistic RPG speed
inb4 it's only used to shoot at infantry
This game gave me PTSD
Oh man. Proper backblast without the ability to unhinge your head means that I have to sweep my entire team every time I fire an AT weapon.
I guess that's not too bad. Arma's just spoiled me too much.
>best vietnam war game coming through
Can backblast actually do that?
it's just compressed air
yes and firing indoors will kill everyone in the room
There any new gameplay?
I'm skeptical that this game will be good. If they keep it as a 1-2 shot kill game with automatic weapons and maps of similar size to RO2, it's gonna be a frustrating cluster fuck for most people.
If they want to continue on the path of catering to the most people then they may further stray down the path RO1 to RO2 went on losing what makes RO games good.
RO1 and 2 have my favorite steam stats showing how much people rage quit these games.
Territory Rookie
Win a Territory Round 43.1%
Kills Bronze
Kill 10 enemies (human) 36.3%
Kills - Bronze
Kill 10 enemies. 15.2%
Yes. It can easily blow your arm off in instant.
>its just water
It can kill you from that distance for sure (ib someone posts the webm) but I doubt it would result in a decapitation + arm removal
>yes and firing indoors will kill everyone in the room
No it won't
> sweep my team
shit man are u an operator irl?
fun fact: since 2014 RO2 has been patched by another dev studio hired by Tripwire
>I doubt it would result in a decapitation + arm removal
It does. Someone may post webm, but it's apparently SFW board.
why is everything so fucking gray
if I see at least one microtransaction I'm not buying this shit, fuck you tripwire
This is exactly how I feel when I pee in snow.
Feels like my urine is a high pressure cutter.
The guy in the webm just takes it in the chest and falls down
"It does"? "Someone may post the webm"? Your english is fucking terrible
Yes it will, you do not fire RPGs, recoilless rifles, or other weapons that produce a backblast indoors. There are special modifications to make it safe to do this.
That's outdoors with 0 chance of reflection. Imagine that going off inside of a small room, you'll kill everyone in there because the blast will literally shred your organs and you die from internal bleeding.
>see other player die
>the house looks like a rummage sale plays
Why thank you.
fake, you can tell there is already a crack at the beginning
>That's outdoors with 0 chance of reflection. Imagine that going off inside of a small room, you'll kill everyone in there because the blast will literally shred your organs and you die from internal bleeding.
The pressure per cubic meter peters out relatively quickly, you'd need to be close to get fatally wounded (like that guy was).
If you're farther away (or even around in a room), you're probably just gonna get a bit singed/lose your eyelashes
He took it like a boss
it's throwing a ~2.6kg projectile at ~400km/h out of the end of that tube.
The same force goes out the back and could accelerate your 5kg head to about 300km/h.
Not only that but now they have a huge variety of traps, all the better to dismember you with. Shits gonna be scary.
Nice garbage PS3 graphics
not buying this
You do realize that the inverse square law only applies in a completely unrestricted area right? Indoors amplifies the effect because the blast wave bounces around making sure you get hit from multiple directions.
The point is that backblast is very deadly, especially indoors. I'm not getting into the semantics of how large of a room you have to be in or how far away before it stops killing everyone.
Muh nigga
That guy was like 10cm away so there's not much you can do. See and see how you can actually survive if you're a bit further
Yeah if you head wasn't attached to anything newton u dumbass. Obviously there will be resistance to that force.
He wasn't even that close and it knocked him down. Imagine being right behind it. If you put your body right up to it it would probably put a good sized hole in you.
You maybe be forgetting the projectile is rocket-propelled. Muzzle velocity may account for the the detonation depending on the model
yeah, your spine. ouch
he wasnt even close to being directly behind the guy firing the law and it still knocked him silly, notice he doesnt actually fall until well after it goes off.
High hopes but I'll have to upgrade my rig to get it running so who knows when I'll actually get around to playing it. I love the jungle in RS1, I like that you don't know what could be hiding 10 meters in front of you over wide open dirt fields (though Stalingrad campaign is godtier too)
could be a function where you look behind you while maintaining roughly the same aim forwards. that's how you do it irl. source: I dun it mayne
Here's another idiot firing an RPG indoors, the room is massive but notice just how much damage it does. Imagine that going off in a bedroom or something similar.
>The point is that backblast is very deadly, especially indoors. I'm not getting into the semantics of how large of a room you have to be in or how far away before it stops killing everyone.
You're not gonna get to semantics because you're gonna lose. You were being excessively dramatic about how it would "shred your organs" indoors. You would have to be extremely unlucky (or standing very close) to take lethal damage from a backblast. Even standing to the side of someone firing with the backblast hitting a trench if probably just gonna singe you (like in ). It's to be avoided but nowhere near the danger and lethality of a grenade exploding. Not something that would "wipe your whole squad", as you retardedly put
The rocket is thrown out of the tube by an explosive charge. The rocket bit only fires up a few meters down range.
it's basically a cannon barrel that's open on both sides.
I am looking forward to it, but I hope they add more vehicles and other equipment to it than RO2. This infantry-only shit ticks me off.
Boring as fuck corner/map edge camping and flank advancement due to gay map design.
and a video detailing the dangers of backblast.
I'd rather wait
>mfw this doesn't count as a grief tk
gonna be 180 noscoping bitches all day
It's Antimatter actually.
Make sure to sign up dudes tripwireinteractive.us2.list-manage.com
Only on Sup Forums will you get comments like this.
And YouTube.
>Game designed with realistic backblast, death screams, health and damage, etc.
>RPG kicks up like half an inch and the person carrying it suffers no ill effects
What a bunch of morons
>RPG kicks up like half an inch and the person carrying it suffers no ill effects
>recoiless rifle
>t. neverplayedro
Does your dad work at TWI? Cause it sounds like you pulled that "fact" out of your ass.
Won't be any early access. Was in the steam update news comments thing.
Not that hype, love ro2. RS was ok but jungles make for boring as fuck fps battles. Would rather they had done a western front expac. Also, sequel to an expansion set in a completely different theatre of war is retarded.
the fact that there is backblast means that the gun won't kick up. it is not absorbing the blast itself. there's nothing to kick it.
So thats why troop carriers where added..
Actually they were made by modders.
The crack is most likely from the water hitting that exact spot more then once
Damn double duped
Are you a moron?
>I have no idea how an RPG works
RPGs don't have any recoil and the operator will remain completely still once shot.
Well, technically it's a granade launcher.
I installed RO2 because it was ages since I played it.
Literally uninstalled it within 5 minutes.
Jesus fuck.
Damn, these guys look like idiots. Standing upright looking over their cover like there's no danger at all. Firing random unaimed shots. Messing around chatting and trying to high five each other in the middle of a gun battle. They look worse than airsofters.
>"Watch the backblast, you idiot"- Sun Tzu
its a launcher that fires a rocketized grenade
You must suck some mean dick user
Wow, you're Sup Forums as fuck!
No, it felt like playing a 15 year old game.
How about a dose of git gud?
How would you even know? You are not even 12 years old yet.
>A weapon that has very minimal to no recoil irl has no recoil in a videogame.
Yes, and?
>>yes and firing indoors will kill everyone in the room
>No it won't
In an enclosed room with little venting an RPG will fuck you up badly and highly likely kill you and those around you there a lot of power in the initial charge of an RPG, it's the overpressure/concussive effect.
Pic related is another device which primarily used concussion to kill
Not shown: the guy's eardrums getting blown the fuck out.
kek the potato masher had a surprisingly low lethality even from inside what was supposed to be the kill radius. Concussion is shit compared to frag, hence the cap the germans started manufacturing to turn it into a frag
That one scene in Band of Brothers is based on the real story of a soldier who served as advisor in the show. A stielhandgranate came in through a window and went off near him, but he was just knocked out for a few seconds, then woke up and got back into the fight
They should have called it RO3 desu
I just want a good game with an alive playerbase
nah, that should be a korean-war game.
> Any year
> Buying anything from jewwire
Fool me once
Say what you want, but KF2 is getting better.
you do realise water cutters can reach upwards of 60,000 psi right?
I can't wait for all those FREE content updates when I purchase the game on early access
Also, weapon crates would be a great addition. I'd love to have pink colored bamboo sticks smeared in shit as my melee weapon!
I hope Tripwire listens to their fans and implement these features
Rising Storm is pretty alive
RO2 is just Wehraboos playing that shitty bridge-in-the-forrest map all day
>kill you and those around you
Very unlikely. There's just so much gas moving, you'd be an unlucky fuck to get a single casualty if they weren't standing directly behind it. You'd probably give everyone a flash tan, though
>his head just disappears
Yeah all those free content updates sure are working. It only took a couple years and worthless updates like microtransactions and PVP to get the sharpshooter! the game is good now!
Bridges aside, RO2 is still more popular tho.