They make a good point

They make a good point

I can only remember one large list of fictional things at a time.

something something charmanders squirtles


That's not how immunity works you stupid fuck.

samefag but still good

fuk u

>insert canned charmander squirtle response here

What the fuck is wrong with his mouth?

>implying immunity cat can just be gotten rid of like that
>implying I care for my mother all that mucg

I barely know any pokemon. Also who draws this shit? She looks like a fat little kid.

But charmanders don't go "squirtle squirtle" you deluded fuck.

there he is
there he goes again

hey I saw this reply on reddit

No she doesn't


I never called made up pronouns complicated. I call them retarded and I'm not enabling retards being retarded.

"Probably because unlike you they're likeable. Now why don't you run along and become the crack whore you were destined to be"

I can remember all pokemons because Bulbasaur usually don't go around screaming "Squirtle"

>Mara 18
>18 year old with a baby
>Baby looks like around 4 years old
>yfw this girl gave birth when she was only 13

Are europoors so poor that they need to breed this early?


Because if i dont know a new pokemon that pokemon doesnt go on some bullshit diatribe about how im an ignorant cis male or be a judgemental shitty artist who isnt aware people dont know what someone attributes themselves towards

Because a charmander doesnt go around screaming bulbasaur

Go away.

Charmanders don't say "squirtle squirtle"

Finish the dick


>baby looks 4
nigga, it's just fat

Why is the first post always the best post

inmunity cat and such


I don't give a fuck about you, attention-whore. Go and seek treatment for your Histrionic personality disorder.

It's not complicated, I just don't give a fuck about you or your feelings

I want to have sex with pokemon tho

I don't care what the current year is, I'm not calling a someone "zorf" or "xir" or whatever other bullshit these mental patients come up with

>all those corn dogs
for what purpose


Is that a bottle of what I think that's a bottle of?

A Pikachu doesn't suddenly demand i call it a Bulbasaur.


>Baby looks like around 4 years old
you don't know what 4 year olds look like, do you?

Nah, think about it like magic immunity in Oblivion, that is, 100% Resist Magic. Weakness to Magic is itself a magic effect, so if you're immune to magic, then you're also immune to weakness effects.

Thanks for the free meme

absolute Sup Forums tier garbage

liquid protein user.

>tfw I can name probably 5 pokemon at most
Yes, those pronouns and genders are impossible for me.


Man what heinous grammar. "We used to think my sibling was a boy but they aren't." This reminds me of what happens when two people are collaborating on a paper and one thinks "data" is singular and the other thinks it's plural.

>immunity cat is always with you
learn to meme you fucking retard

Anyone else wanna just know the story of the corndog guy in a funny outfit and a hat instead? Like, what's his deal? It's far more interesting than the rest of the ****comic******

I'm only calling someone zor if they're from outer space.

You're seriously comparing to a Pokemon?

Data is plural isn't it? It's always presented that way in scientific journals

make your own jokes you fucking hack

This is literally the worst meme.

Have you never seen a 4 year old? Have you never been a 4 year old?

I've read these 100s of times and she's still kicking.

You have no power here.

Corndog guy is probably pretty cool to hang out with, he looks like he's been stuck listening to identity politics rambling for so long and he just wants to go home and enjoy his fucking corndogs already.


was waiting for it, bless you

>established system in use for thousands of years
>suddenly want to change how everything works because you feel out of place
>complain that people don't want to learn something new for your special snowflake system

Well, that depends doesn't it? Strictly speaking, data is the plural of datum, just like agenda is the plural of agendum, but a lot of people use both of them as a, whatever, collective singular. To the point that singular data and agenda are probably more common in usage now. Whenever I end up having to review papers, I only bring it up if the authors are inconsistent.


Maybe when something has been around for that long and it's considered counter culture to change it, just maybe, you are the one who is out of place for wanting it changed.

Remember when Naoto was championed as representation for trannys

what is this meme? I've seen it in a few places but I don't get it

First post best post, as always

There are a fixed number of Pokemon and it only changes every few years. Special gender snowflakes all have their own pronouns and they change their "gender" like we change our clothes. Also, their feelings are significantly less important than Pokemon.

It would entirely depend on the class. If it is in fact for a scientific journal, then as long as the authors are in congruence it can fly. If it is for an English class, depending on the type of English class traditional usage, or lack thereof, should cost points


You know what they say about first posts

Why is the kid calling the cashier "she" if he didn't ask them their gender ?
Fucking sexism everywhere, I swear