So, some sort of successor to Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines is probably in pre-production. Possibly at Obsidian...

So, some sort of successor to Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines is probably in pre-production. Possibly at Obsidian, possibly elsewhere.

So, what are you hoping for Sup Forums? Honestly I'm a bit disappointed because nWoD>oWod.

Other urls found in this thread:

It's probably not going to live up to expectations.


Wake me up when it's official, fucking sick of rumours.

Well, they've filed a trademark and sent out a survey. That's not so much rumors as 'It's Happening but Not Yet', like when that survey came out that decided which companions they'd put in Dragon Age III.

Bloodlines is basically a less good version of Deus Ex: Human Revolution built on what White Wolf calls Goth-Punk rather than Deus Ex's Cyberpunk. So it's not like it'll be impossible to deliver a good Bloodlines game.

It'll probably be better while still disappointing fans.

Paradox confirmed they are working with an outside studio on a WoD property

will probably be Obsidian doing a VtMB game, but the game will probably only come out after Tyranny

The only thing I hope for is that it isn't Obsidian doing it. I'd still get it, but I would expect disappointment instead of being excited.

Obsidian is the perfect studio to make a VtMB game. VtMB was extremely ambitious, super buggy, and went to shit at the end. Just like KoTOR 2, Alpha Protocol, and Fallout: New Vegas.

Which engine should it run on and why is it Source 2?

Is this any good?

>pillars 2
>armored warfare
I don't think they have the workforce, time or money to work on a fully voiced, choice and consequence focused, AAA first/third person RPG with multiple city hubs. Sorry, at best they'll crank out another top down party RPG.

>perfect studio because they've made all these other buggy blunders with good stories
your logic is FUCKED
thank g*d you have no sway in this industry

I think he was being sarcastic.


I will literally take anything at this point.

It's fun in a kind of cheesy, idiotic way. It's totally different from bloodlines and it takes itself really seriously, which is hilarious because all the voice actors use this horrible "medieval Transylvanian" accent. It's worth a pirate but I honestly wouldn't pay more than $5 for it. Combat is pretty awful too

Good RPGs are almost always buggy blunders. If you want something that runs stable, go get something boring and hyper-linear like Mass Effect.



I bought it today on GoG for 1.97, so I don't think I'll regret it. It seems fun and I love the world at the very least. Thanks user.


VtM R = old era
VtM B = modern era


I don't think he was a human.

Are you ready Sawyer's new take SJW-approved take on vtm Sup Forums?

Try attacking him.

>an sjw

He's the opposite. He BTFO some sjws who got mad that New Vegas had rape in it. Seriously, why do you guys call everyone sjws nowadays?

More realistically it'll be some kind of reboot. Bloodlines was meant to lead up to Gehenna, and has bits of marketing for the Gehenna splat in in-game newscasts.

It'll most likely be set in the (toned-down, less apocalyptic) version of the setting they're publishing now. It *might* be set in the Requiem continuity as Paradox is a lot more bullish about the New World of Darkness lines than Crowd Control was, but I doubt it.

I believe in whoever is making it.
I mean I overlook a lot of flaws to enjoy the older games anyway, they can't possibly be incompetent enough to fuck it up completely.

classic tribalism. you're either with us or against us.

Sawyer's self-insert in New Vegas is a gay NGO worker. He has had shouting arguments at Obsidian about how important representing queer and non-white characters is to him. He's also a member of the now-defunct LF subforum on Something Awful, which was a far-left board.

Sure, he's not an SJW because he's actually a reasonable, smart person who understands that depicting something isn't condoning it, but he leans further to the left than a man who's just had his left leg blown off.

I think you're right. Plus, if they go nWoD, they can bring the game into the modern era. As cool as the original 90s aesthetic is, I just don't think it's super marketable at the current time.

I want another early 2000 game.
It's the perfect setting for this game.

>toned-down, less apocalyptic
In the setting being published now, Gehenna already happened, but it wasn't the world ending event vampires THOUGHT is was going to be.
As usual, they had no idea what they were talking about.
You are making a fool out of yourself.

>Bloodlines was meant to lead up to Gehenna
>The sequel is set in a post-Gehenna setting, where Methuselah's have conquered humanity and the previous vampire society
>literally a post-apoc game with vampires

Perfect game for Obsidian to write and develop.

You sound like you blew over from Sup Forums and anytime somebody does anything with a non white non straight character you get triggered. Funny how you're exactly like those filthy ess jay dubya boogeymen you hate so much in that regard. They see something that doesn't fit into their personal worldview and flip shit - same as what you're doing.

I meant apocalyptic in terms of tone. Each of the main games in the old World of Darkness was meant to be leading towards an apocalyptic event, hence Time of Judgment.

Nah, I agree with Sawyer on most issues. I just think it's silly to deny that he doesn't have a specific political point of view that comes across in his work.

er, to deny that he has a specific political point of view that comes across in his work. That one got away from me.

So what happened to different povs and experiences on a dev team leading to a better vision and product?
Or does that only matter when their pov agrees with yours?

But it's never over the top. The gay and minority characters in New Vegas were exceptionally well written. Arcade Gannon, Veronica, Raul - these are all top tier characters. It's fine if you don't like gays or minorities or whatever, that's your business, but Sawyer never injects more than is necessary into his work.

And I say more than is necessary because a game starring only white male straight men would be fucking retarded. His works are organic and flow naturally, it's never in your face or over the top.

It leads to a product that I, as a gay lefty social democrat, prefer because I find it a lot more recognizable and compelling. I agree that it makes characters more interesting, stories more interesting, and that Sawyer doesn't really lean too hard on it. It's not clumsy virtue-signalling like that tone-deaf conversation Beamdog wrote with the trans priestess.

But reactionaries aren't going to like it, and they have reasons that they feel are valid. I think it's better, and more honest, to own the fact that Sawyer and people like him have their politics and their agendas rather than to deny it.

You call have a wide cast of well written, well presented characters of different stripes and backgrounds "an agenda".
You are the same as the reactionaries you speak of. I venture that YOU are the one inserting an agenda into this. I just want a good fucking video game.

>Or does that only matter when their pov agrees with yours?

Everyone is like that. I don't think anyone buys anything thinking "Oh boy, I sure hope this goes against the things that I believe!"

Sawyer has politics, sure, and we agree that he uses them responsibly and organically. But agenda? That word gets thrown around FAR too often for my liking, it's usually by Sup Forums shitters who think liberals have some secret agenda with some Jewish space lizard or something. Sawyer just makes good games that tackle issues in interesting and natural ways. Nothing wrong with that.

>But reactionaries aren't going to like it
Those fags literally hate everything. We're talking about the blunder fags who cry that every game is a blunder. Every game that gets below a 9 is a disaster, and if it's not a game they personally like, from a dev they personally like, with mechanics and features they personally like they'll attack it anyway. Doubly so if it's popular like Skyrim or Fallout, etc.

You will literally NEVER make these types of people happy. They only exist to spit vitriol on Sup Forums, calling every game a blunder and calling anyone excited for a game a shill, or a cuck, something like that.

I expect a video game to explore themes I need not agree with, even things I hate.
It isn't mine, and I am not so insecure I need to have my opinions reinforced by others lest they "trigger" me.

>not WoD for the lore and CoD for the mechanics

Kill yourself you faggot

The fact that he specifically advocates for it makes it an agenda. That doesn't make it bad, or sinister, or some kind of evil conspiracy. Especially since he's readily admitted to it in the past. But it's still a deliberate decision he's making, at least in part, for ideological reasons.

>le false flag face

So, videogames?

>[CURRENT YEAR] devs buying into classic games so they can take a shit on it

lol baldurs gate

>Not even a confirmation and everybody already screaming that the sky is falling.
Oh boy when it gets confirmed say goodbye to nice VtM threads. It's gonna be full of people trying for a new tortanic.

Devs expanding the pool of character archetypes, especially ones rarely explored, to create more engrossing stories != Agenda, it means they are good at stories and writing.
Actual authors do the same thing without being screamed at for "agendas", user, so why are you applying this to video games?
It's the most you can expect from Sup Forums.

it's really good until the second act and it becomes very clear that the quality starts to fall off almost as if they were either out of budget or ran out of time or both.

I really hope someone remakes this game. It has a really good story, writing, and themes.

to me mitsoda is what made vtmb truly shine, if he's not in, I don't really care

Have you checked out Dead State?
I lost hope for the man.

I did. Even though it was poor I won't judge him for that, I believe he can still make it if he keeps the philosophy he contained while working on VtMB, in mind: "Characters are the protagonists of their own game, from their perspective."

I think this one sentence of his explains how we got such diverse characters with a decent execution.

Source is a shit engine that has way too much trouble managing resources. It's why every Source game as to load every 5 minutes.

Give the IP to some eastern dev, the west is full of limp dicked progressives right now.

That's why I wrote Source 2.
The 2 is very important.

its going to be shit, it wont live up to the expectations and everyone in this thread know that already

How much of a shit taste one must have to believe in this?

Where is any new info? That paradox would work with outsiders isn't any new shit.

Obsidian will probably want to do some sort of top down game, like Shadowrun. A shooter would be too far of their comfort zone.

>A shooter would be too far of their comfort zone.
They did do New Vegas, which had 1st and 3rd person mechanics, just like VTMB, so it might not be impossible for them to make another one, albeit with a less cancerous engine.

Realistically speaking though, what other potential choices are there for VTMB sequel developers? Obsidian are the only ones that still use lore effectively and make decent cRPG-quality plots and dialogues, features which were very prevalent in VTMB. It's not the perfect fit, but what is the alternative (excluding NOT making a sequel)?

Do the troika devs work at obsidian?

>what other potential choices are there for VTMB sequel developers?

I will probably regret saying this, but Eidos Montreal. While I don't like Human Revolution as much as the other two, I think they did a pretty good job at their own game. And games like DX are not easy to make.

Definitely not a bad choice, but I don't think their dialogue and choice-consequence system is up to par with Obsidian's, things that are irreplaceable in a VTMB game.

But then again, Eidos Montreal is not a realistic choice because there is never any chance that a big studio like them will work with Paradox towards a vtmb sequel, especially considering they got more AAA games to make.

You mean the dumbed down HR games they made? If they ever make a game for Vampire, it won't be for the fans of the previous game.

I never played VtM but I understand it's supposed to be pretty good. Don't know if I want to check it out though, what's the main appeal?

First person RPG set in classic World of Darkness.

Story, characters, always finding something new on replays, dinosaur memes.

Some. Some of them went to DoubleBear. A lot of them left the games industry after Activision fucked them over midway during production of Vampire.

While I agree that HR is dumbed down next to the others, things like takedowns and health regen was something that Bloodlines already had.

Their writing team is hot garbage though. I can't remember any NPC outside of the 3 people you always interact in HR. Everyone's just forgettable. Compare that to the NPCs of VtM:B and they pale in comparison.

I like the goth feel of oWoD more. I hear nWoD mechanics and accessibility are leagues better though

That's what I'm thinking. I know obsidian would love to do it, but between that, all the other games they're working on and the *possibility* of bethesda approaching them for another fallout they have a shitload on their plate right now. I hope they don't bite off more than they can chew.


V20 updates de mechanics towards nWoD level. So that part is pretty much fixed. There is something lacking from VtR that it wasn't in VtM, mybe it's the goth feel or a certain form of decadency.

it's comfy as fugg

Bloodlines was a beautiful mess, it was amazing it turned out the way it did (despite being literally unbeatable on release) despite all the difficulties it had in regards to Activision fucking over Troika. Just let it be, don't try to make a sequel or reboot, no one needs it. At best it would be some crap like Human Revolution.

VtR from what I've read seems more like the players have to put feeling into it, if that makes sense. Better for freedom, but feels a little bare desu. VtR doesn't have as much lore for better or worse so it'd probably be much harder to make a game based off it

I really doubt it'll be nWoD. The guy Paradox put in charge of White Wolf, "Dracula", really dislikes it and he's got a gigantic hardon for "multimedia global campaigns" where LARPS in Scandinavian countries have real influence on a global metaplot.

Its probably for the best.And I say that as a nWoD fan who really, REALLY wanted a Hunter the Vigil game.

Anywhere between 1970s to 2005ish would be fucking amazing. Maybe set a game in New York around the time the camarilla and sabbat were fighting over it

Tim Cain and Leonard Boyarsky do, maybe some others too. I know Brian Mitsoda said he'd work with them if they got hands on the license

a big part of vtmb was feeding bits of oWoD to the player (assuming the player didn't play PnP). if they want to replicate the experience, it may be better to introduce the players to a new setting (nWoD)

If Obsidian were doing it, they'd be taking on new staff/rehiring old staff anyway because of how many projects they're working on.

A mix of New Vegas and Bloodlines staffers on it would lead to a really great story and characters. Just not sure I'd trust them with a Shooter/RPG's gameplay.

I mean it would probably be better than bloodlines or new vegas as a baseline

>VtR from what I've read seems more like the players have to put feeling into it, if that makes sense. Better for freedom, but feels a little bare desu

That's pretty fair. There's far fewer "this city has these guys in it, they are connected to these novels" books, with most nWoD lines having one only pre-written adventure location (like New Orleans for Vampire and Chicago for the Big Three together). Part of that's because of the way publishing changed between the 90s and the 00s - 90s rpgs were on a supplement treadmill, the business model relied on churning out tonnes of content to make sure you kept buying new things regularly. Most of it was pretty shit, in hindsight.

You can make an argument that its actually easier to make a game set in nWoD because there's more freedom to just make shit up and still have it be canon. There's none of that "The Taxi Driver can't be Kain because this obscure book says he's somewhere else" or "that Prince isn't correct for that city and isn't acting right anyway".

Yeah a lot of the oWoD stuff was bad, but a lot of it gave it a really nice feeling. That grungy 90's goth/punk feel was amazing


To be fair though, that's part of why people balked at Requiem. At the time, the core book seemed really prescriptive in terms of how each Clan and Covenant worked despite the need to put more effort in to create a coherent city. It seemed like the worst of both worlds, particularly with how the Carthians seemed primed to be the 'good' vampires.

That's true, gameplay wise. Those games were both janky because of inexperience with the engine. Troika because no one else had used source and they kept having to use unfinished builds, and Obsidian because only Oscuro had ever even modded a Bethesda game before.

Hopefully they'll license something that's easier to work with.

>it's not going to live up to a broken game with a mediocre second half

hmm.... you're probably right.

There is that. Its very of its time though, and quite a lot of it just doesn't hold up so well. There's no telling some people though. I can tell you from experience that the "not muh, won't look"'s can be unbearable, as a friend who is a really big Changeling the Dreaming fan. Good God.

Oh true. I was the same ("Where's the Tremere? NOPE") until I actually had to read through it and discovered I liked it more. Going further, the first three core books do have some serious problems, and while the Covenant and Clan Books are seriously excellent I know full well that fewer people bothered to look at them at that point. Even diehard oWoD fans tended to like Changeling, Hunter and Promethean though, even if nobody played the latter.

Being absolutely honest, I'm also not terribly impressed with the way Onyx Path is doing things right now. Christ almighty, Beast damn near killed my enthusiasm for RPGs in general, let alone just Noun: the Verbening.

I want to diablerize Jeanette.

>despite all the difficulties it had in regards to Activision fucking over Troika

How deliciously false this statement is.

They should have just rebooted VtM and kept all the clans and shit, but gone really light with all the extra loreshit. Keep the feeling and the old clans, but trim the fat

je sawyer has obviously leftist political views and hes one of a handful of people in gaming that can have them and simultaneously not be a gigantic fucking faggot about them.

>The team was left without a producer by Activision for over a year before David Mullich was assigned to the project.
>The game's scope suffered from content not being removed when necessary; other components would be endlessly refined without being finalized, preventing the developers from focusing on other parts of the game system.[1][31] All content additionally required approval by White Wolf and Activision.[35]
> Activision decided that the game was suitable for release, but was contractually-bound to withhold Bloodlines until after the debut of Half-Life 2 in November 2004.
>Bloodlines' creative director Jason Anderson blamed Activision, saying that the publisher took the game from Troika without providing enough time to test and polish it.[34]

Then you run into the problem of "why should I rebuy all these books again", and ultimately you get a D&D style edition war. It also turns out that a lot of people who didn't actually play the games (and so didn't have to deal with the bloated metaplot regularly, just enjoyed it like a series of novels) really liked the loreshit, so once you take an axe to it people are going to be up in arms anyway.

I maintain its mostly a failure of presentation, if they'd been a bit more bold at the start there wouldn't have been as many problems later on. Although that said, nWoD actually did remarkably well compared to all the other RPGs on the market and a lof of oWoD. The global economy crashing, a lot of LGS going under and printing costs going up really hurt them though (them and everyone else who makes books). Nobody else had to deal with CCP being pants on head retarded about the licence though, which is what really staked it out.

You can get some of that back if you're willing to run an off-beat chronicle. Check out New Wave Requiem maybe?

Yeah- they really dropped the ball in trying to create a game that was both pick-up-and-play simple, but steeped enough in lore and strangeness to please old fans.

Onyx Path is bad and they're only getting away with what they're doing because CCP really didn't care about the tabletop end as long as it was cheap.

The new head ST or whatever is at least open to off-beat ideas. I think he mentioned wanting to see a Geist game?

It's because he actually believes in them rather than just using them as a means of virtue signalling online. So he'll get into arguments at work and make a point of conspicuously including a more diverse cast of characters, but he won't blog about how woke he is or harass teenagers.