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I take it you just watched the Hyper Bit Hero video



Doesn't the new one look shitty

Prey was always shit anyway.

Trailer for 2 looked like shit.

New one looks like a really interesting horror-fps-stealth game, and somewhat more faithful to the original.

I'm happy with the change desu

>New one looks like a really interesting horror-fps-stealth game,

It looks like Dishonored in the future and Dishonored wasn't anything special to begin with.

let it go man

It doesn't look like Dishonored at all.

>New one looks like a really interesting horror-fps-stealth game, and somewhat more faithful to the original.
It looks like another fucking System Shock clone
It's boring and played out

Prey 2 actually looked unique

>Prey 2 actually looked unique

It looked like any "muh open world" shit released in the past 5 years. Not to mention the bland uninspired scifi design.

Don't mind me i'm just going to shill

>Space bounty hunter game shit
>Another System Shock wannabee is better

Fuck you I want a futuristic bounty hunting game, there's none of those

>a bounty hunter game set on an alien planet is somehow less unique than a fucking Bioshock/System Shock clone
Fuck off

>get teased with a bounty hunter game
>get arkane horrible face survival horror

i fucking hate arkane.

>a bounty hunter game set on an alien planet

WOW so fucking original!

Name me some first-person bounty hunting games

Fucking fags are trying to turn it into Dishonored/BioShock


Please name more than 5 similar games

>Human Head studios make such a great and fantastic game
>Bethesda sees this
>Bethesda wants in on it
>They put up ridiculous milestones and goals that can't be met, or have been and still get declined
>Human Head catches on
>Bethesda tries to drain them dry, and in part tries to buy them to "help them out"
>Human Head says fuck you, loses their IP, but takes all the assets and the great game they made
>Bethesda is fucking salty, and Okays Arkane studios to make their own fucking System Shock with the Prey IP

Bethesda can really go fuck themselves

The problem is that you make it look like booty hunting is anything special.
It's just "kill that guy and get money". How is that original?

Please name 5 System Shock inspired first person games.

Dude we're already getting System Shock Reboot and an actual System Shock 3 by Warren Spector

We don't need another right now


>it makes a small throwback to looking glass studio in the very trailer
Spiritual System Shock successor confirmed.

Fuck your boba fett star wars shit with goofy aliens, this looks way better than prey 2 ever did.

At least Dishonored 2 looks decent....

Wish they would show more than repetitive high chaos combat. They said there would be more "options" for nonlethal. I wish they would showcase those.

And Corvo gameplay.

Nah not even faggot ass homo, this new stuff looks good I'm cautiously optimistic . a fuckin cup mate , A CUP!

They ruined fallout and made it into sci-fi elder scrolls and now their making the same thing with prey and dishonored.

Oh good a single game from the end of 2011 I already played

Generic fps vs aliens here I come just to fuck with crytek.

>Prey 2 actually looked unique
oh yes it looked like such a unique corridor shooter against a horde of boring green aliens

Where are all the in-depth bounty hunting FPS with similar mechanics to Prey 2?

>corridor shooter

frick off todd

What mechanics are you talking about?
Shooting with a gun?

>Corridor shooter

Quit being a faggot

System Shock 2, Bioshock, Bisoshock 2
the System Shock 1 remake, System Shock 3
Soma, Doom 3

Every fucking FPS with RPG elements

>corridor shooter
Fuck off Bethesda

How is that people who shit on Prey 2 literally don't know anything about it ?

So 2 franchises.
Soma and Doom have RPG elements. Ok.

Any good games about native american culture?

Doom 3 and Soma were inspired by System Shock in a lot of ways, and I didn't say they had RPG elements. Good reading comprehension, faggot.

First you're on Sup Forums.
Second, they either weren't around for the initial trailers or never played the first game.
Third, its never coming back. Neither is the bounty hunting Star Wars game. And if the Star Wars game comes back don't expect it to be remotely appealing.

This. Fairly certain Prey is only praised on this board because it came out during the 360's post-launch drought.

>ugly, uninspired alien designs
>devolves into a shooting in a literal linear hallway during each combat segment with highlighted target and "parkour" elements being its only saving grace and we already saw enough of them with far cry and dying light
>no sign of unique weapon or area design original prey was known for, no blend of aliums and native american spirituality as well, looks like a generic dark cyberpunk which was run into the ground already in virtually every genre
So was someone even really excited about this boring mess? It would just devolve into far cry-tier open world with missions in it. If anything, prey 2 is what had virtually nothing in common with original aside from one character shoehorned in.

Or maybe because it's good

Looks cool desu, you can change into a coffee cup and it let you go into a new area, if they are competent the game could have a lot of exploration.

I know right? I like the cinematic trailer for the tone and idea it had going, but the game really wasn't coming together.

Prey was a deeply flawed game with interesting concepts and mechanics.
It wasn't amazing bu it had so many quirks that it kept you entertained.
Then Prey 2 just looked really good.

>No space bounty hunter game with western elements and Johnny Cash music



>it's a 'Sup Forums pretends to have liked an old irrelevant shitty game no one played just so they can shit on the new one' thread

it's good to be skeptical but the contrarianism in this board reaches retarded levels sometimes


t. Bethesda

The game was literally finished when Bethesda cancelled it, mongoloid.

We barely saw anything of Prey 2 and even then what we saw was an E3 trailer of all things. You know what else looked really damn good? Watchdogs.

Don't forget that 2spoopy Aliens game.


which means they cancelled an abortion of a game

No it wasn't.

Kill yourself Beteshda cockmuncher

>So was someone even really excited about this boring mess?
Why not? We never had "Justified in space:the game".

New prey concept actually looks much more fresh and original than open world parkour-focused boba fett abortion.

>it's an "user can't understand that people like videogames and ends up making a convoluted theory of why people don't like a game that has no similarities to the original, re-branding it into something completely different," episode

>barely saw
There were fucking gameplay demos at the same E3 it premiered at, gameplay footage of three different hub worlds, educate yourself nigger

Todd, please.

Still E3 footage. Have you learned nothing about E3 footage by now? How many more E3 hype bombs is it going to take you?

Because it looked like shit. It was built around the concept of open world which means it would end up being just a shitty far cry-like abortion where you chase down yet another blue-marked boring alium shooting red-marked boring aliums.

You stupid nigger should actually work for Bethesda because clearly don't know anything about good video games

>It was open world so it was obviously going to be shit!

Of course it will. They always are.

Far Cry 3 didn't release until 2012 Prey 2 was scheduled for 2011 release date stupid. The game you think it would have copied it's open-world gameplay didn't even exist yet.

>the system shock 2 concept looks fresh

shut up you insufferable faggot

>Bethesda kept the Prey name just to make faggots cry

Pretty based

>Spiritual successor of X game

When will this fad end anyways? I'm tired of spiritual successors of System Shock and Earthbound.

>you think it would have copied
What are you even talking about fucktard? Where i said that it would COPY it? I said it would be similar in execution, that's all.

Good timing with hbh's new video, almost too good...

>So was someone even really excited about this boring mess?
no, but it's cool to be contrarian on Sup Forums so they'll say it was the most anticipated game that year and it'd have been revolutionary

>You can turn into objects in SS2
>You can use Glue to build platform paths in SS2

>developed by Arkane
>Avellone is working on it as well
>references Looking Glass Studio in the very trailer
It will be glorious to see contrarians on Sup Forums being anally destroyed.

How do you know it would it be similar in execution?

>A rip-off of a 20 year old game is so much more fresh than a completely new concept

What concept? Shooting aliens?

How do you know that, retard ?

Because the gameplay trailer already shows it. Travel to a base with big bad, kill everyone inside, kill or capture the target. Only target running away is somehow unique, everything else is just a typical open world mission concept that was present in games for a long time already.

>thinking you'll be able to do that in nu-prey
>thinking you'll be able to do that in an arkane game

But you can

>people pretend to defend Bethesda's shitty practices to trigger Sup Forums

>typical side missions with capturing some villain present in virtually every single rpg is now a fresh concept

what? there are like no recent cyberpunk games

i think i can think of 2 max

Kill yourself

america has no culture to begin with.

>Because it looked like shit.
Todd, only your games looks like shit.
>It was built around the concept of open world which means it would end up being just a shitty far cry-like abortion

Right. But before can you please tell me what new gameplay mechanics were introduced in Prey 2?

Came here to post this. Fucking Bethesda. Also, if you're here Hyper good job with the video as usual.

name 3 games that was present in pre 2011, the time of this games planned release


Most people were excited for Prey 2



Oh man dont know how many people in the comments about the cup thing is the best thing theyve ever seen. That it blows the first game away.

>People STILL think Prey 2 would have been anything more than a linear corridor shooter where you could choose to take a target in alive

I can't fucking believe you people. It's that one mission where the bad guy runs away and you can't shoot him until you go through a series of hallways and staircases expanded into a full game.

Boiling Point: Road to Hell
Asscreeds 1-2
Just Cause
wow that was hard