Thinking of getting into SFV. Have been playing Smash for years, but after watching Capcom Pro Tour, this looks fun. What characters are good for beginners? I liked Cammy, and Ken seems solid too
Thinking of getting into SFV. Have been playing Smash for years, but after watching Capcom Pro Tour, this looks fun...
Just go with Ryu, you won't be disappointed.
He's easy to play, easy to master and he's top tier. He has literally every tools you need, and he has the parry which makes him scale even more in the tier list
super turbo, alpha 2/3, and 3rd strike are all better games
So is the game worth it's price now,considering it's on sale?Also how fast can you find matches?
Never takes too much longer than a minute for me, and it's good t o actually practice in training mode
I find matches in less than 30 seconds without fail, and I always set it to 4 or 5 bars only. The only thing that takes any time is long load screens connecting to PS4 players.
Not him but I want to confirm something.
Are you US or EU ?
Cammy should be good for beginners. Ken is also an option, but requires a lot of good confirms. The standard route is Ryu, but you don't really need it.
Just be sure to learn fundamentals and not fall on your chosen characters strengths as crutches. For example, if you go the Cammy route, you will find pressing buttons all day will get you far, but the minute you pick a character that doesn't have the same pressure with normals, you won't be able to rely on that.
Both Ken and Cammy have insane corner carry, can get in through divekicks, and have a meterless invincible reversal. Use those things wisely, but don't become too reliant on them.
Cammy, Birdie, and Ryu are the best starting characters.
>fight Ken
>he always lag
Why the fuck is this a thing? Ken players always lag. Also I'm convinced that Turkroaches only play Ken.
Turkroach here,can comfirm we also play ryu's a lot and sometimes laura
In SFV you can pick any character, except perhaps Ibuki. See who you like.
If it must be one of those two, please for the love of god go Cammy. We don't need more fucking Kens around.
Rashid is the best
I've heard theres a lot of Kens, hopefully I don't end up being part of the problem. Balrog looks insane and I want to try him, but I hear he's not too beginner friendly
>Ken jumps
>oh shit time to anti-air his shi-
>it's an air tatsu
>you get fucked, in the corner time for 50/50's
>block air tatsu
>sweet time to punish his whif-
>oh not fast enough here is a DP fuck you in the corner you go
This whole character is made on cheap shit.
How's the matchfinding for third world shits tho?I only played beta as a kebabroach and I had to wait 2 mins or so to find a match,only fighting other turks and rarely greeks.Did they broaden regions or something?
>Thinking of getting into SFV. Have been playing Smash for years,
You're a pro already user.
Remember. use hard punch/kick in every situation.
There are no hard divided regions. It's based on connection strength. And it all depends on when you play.
For me (US Midwest), if I play during the daytime, it can take up to ten minutes to find a match. During the evening, I get one 30 seconds after the last one, and it dies down late evening, to kinda pick back up at around 5 AM. No idea why people are playing at these hours.
ken ryu cammy birdie are all decent beginner picks.
most are fine though, except for stuff like Dhalsim and Ibuki, which can be a bit technical.
i'm 100% sure that Street Fighter was the developing cause of my foot fetish
Man what the fuck do I do with Alex, when people are pressuring me? I have no good reversals, even with meter, and no 3f buttons. All I can hope for is a V-reversal (which is hard to land properly as it's one of the slower ones), or to make a hard read on an AA or something of the like. Otherwise I just get fucked in the corner.
Alex on wake-up is a sitting duck. It's pretty rough.
Anyone want to play some lobby matches? EU.
No matter which character you are, if you get put in the corner you are in the hands of your opponent. You need to block, v-reversal, and tech throws. If you get a succesful v-reversal, you're off the hook, if you tech a throw, you have a chance to escape.
Most importantly, figure out why you got put in the corner in the first place, and work on that. (This is why Mika and Ken piss people off, they put you in the corner for free off a random hit, and it feels like there's nothing you could have done about it).
Ryu to learn the base game, then start experimenting. SFV characters are mostly not hard to pick up outside the DLC ones but you want to have a good understanding of the fundamental gameplay
Yes. Most features have been improved and a lot has been added.
Netcode is good now, not perfect though. Matches come pretty quickly
In vtrigger you can parry it, but that's pretty situational
Yeah, and if I'm already getting pressured, turning on V-trigger just leaved me open. If anything, I feel like his parry is more of a tool to augment his pressure. It makes them scared to press buttons, and a lot more eager to throw, making it a lot easier to read them. If they're pressuring you, it's too easy for them to bait the parry.
I'm currently maining Ryu and I want to play another character. I'm thinking of maining Rashid, what should I do and how do I play him ?
I also sub balrog but I'm having a hard time landing combos since his range is so short
Marvel is better
Does anyone have tips for learning Bison? I know that I should spam mk cause of the absurd range, and of course the dash-grab is almost impossible to react to online, but what's the rest of his plan and follow up? What about his wake up game and how to do pressure?
For reference I use Alex and Ryu .
Watch some alex valle and cool kid videos. They both have decent ones
yeah some really easy to get into stuff you're suggesting there
I will do that, thanks.
>Ryu jumps at me
>he dissapears into some timespace pocket while his hitbox persists
>im lose the game because there is literally no move that allowes me to hit something that is not there
Someone fucking fix Ryus hurtbox
>Largely inactive games where 90% of the playerbase is made up of people who have played these games for years and know most of the tricks of the trade
I like many of the games you listed, but you are retarded.
Hey you all seem knowledgeable.
How the fuck do you get good at this game. Like seriously. Logistically. As basic as you can put out it. How the fuck do I go from a solid bronze to like platinum.
so sick of ryus j lk it is not even funny. they can nerf ibuki airthrow glitch in a week but this shit persists.
What is the best controller to start out the game with?
>tfw I remember the beta days where people here were saying that ryu was absolute trash beta after beta
such a great feeling
Framedata is literally everything in this game
If you know what buttons/moves can be punished you will have a solid start.
then don't hit a button after air tatsu you idiot
This will sound retarded but literally just play.
Get a frame data app on your smartphone, watch general high level play and specific match with your character. If you want to get good you have to spend the time.
Just play and have fun while you're playing. Get a friend or two to learn with. The first 100 hours should be just getting a feel for the game and general combos and punishes. Lobbies are a good place to learn. Also watch high-level play to see how the game plays at the highest level.
any eu lobbie up?
Shitters said the exact same thing about Nash in beta, and he was almost broken as fuck.
I also remember during beta people saying that Birdie was great and easily top tier just cause of his normals. But here we are now.
Just learn one thing at a time and pratice every scenario that is uncomfortable to you over and over
The beggining is just technical issues because as soon as you get your big punishes and spacing on point with a few mix up you're in upper silver league very fast
After that you need knowledge and muscle memory, to many people try to freestyle some punishes when you need to train yourself to twitch as soon as you see Ken V skilling out of a move
Make one and I'll join.
>Cammy has no way of getting in, she sucks
The betas where a fun ride becasue we where all use to the shit from previouse patches and didn't know how retardedly stronk everybody was back then
>I could react to firballs with Necalli because his Disc wasn't a charge move
Fun times
I keep dropping Ryu's MP cr.HP, EX Tatsu
It's so basic yet I can't even do it. Fuck me.
k search for spaltazar
3 rounds 99 sec 1 win
pw 1945
I'll play a few before sleep. Tired as fuck. So there's that option select.
How to get the game for dirt cheap:
>The game is $26 on Amazon
>Best Buy price matches with Amazon as long as the item is sold by Amazon directly
>Get the Amazon app
>Show the listing to a Best Buy rep when you get the game
There, you paid $26 for a new game.
FANG main here. Got to gold rank solely off of people who don't know the matchup. Aside from having that benefit, life is absolute suffering.
ok whoever the blacksheep is, this is laggy as fuck lmao. and it showed 5 bars
Yeah it might be my connection.
sf v netcode is such a disappointment. i never had problems playing people from sweden/norway in usf4
>I have no idea what the fuck is going on
t.Necalli main
At least i finally get to get some Ibuki practice
Who's your sub?
i'll pick what i like over whats popular any day, and I can find plenty of people playing any of these games who have no fucking clue what they're doing