Hey Sup Forums i just finished dark souls and planning to buy another. which one should i buy and why?
Hey Sup Forums i just finished dark souls and planning to buy another. which one should i buy and why?
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DS3 then BB.
Question: why not 2"
every form of media should be consumed in production order
This , don't even bother with two. It's a completely different game with a completely different world so if you want a sequel go straight to three
Dark Souls 2 for replayability, weapons, and DLC. However the multiplayer is terrible and Soul Memory is also bad.
Dark Souls 3 if you want a giant throwback to 1. It has better maps but it lacks the replayability of the other two.
DS2 SotF, then BB, then play DeS
Skip DS3 because it's linear garbage cashgrab that does nothing new and is full of DaS assets and "hahaha guys remember *wink wink* this is referencing Dark Souls!"
Buy 2 (the SOTFS edition)
2 is controversial. Many gameplay changed didn't sit well with the community.
Play BB last; it's the best one in the series.
>muh lore
Eat a bag of shit.
2 sucks on its own, not just as a darksouls game
Personally i hated the setting, i've never had a thing for gothic so the novelty just doesnt appeal to me, otherwise the game itself is amazing.
"Dark souls 2 is a great game, not a souls game but a great game"-some random guy in a lobos jr stream chat
This is by far the best description of ds2
Why is ds2 not a souls game?
Play them in order, OP. 2 "feels" like a bit of an offshoot (shitty way to describe it, I know) but there's no reason not to pick it up. By the time you're done with that, 3 might have some DLC out which you'll want anyways.
DaS sequels are poop play Demons and BB
I feel like that's what matthewmatosis says in his DSII critique vid
It just doesnt feel like one, the lore is just aweful compared to what there is in 1 the combat is slow and plays much differently than ds1 and the only thing that ties it to the souls series is its name and a few nods to ds1
I disagree
Gundam was better chronologically
Thanks everyone!
Im going to play chronologically and then go demon souls
>I have autism guys lol
I feel like dark souls 2 should have been called like Lost souls or something. It has about as much in common with dark souls 1 as dark souls 1 has in common with demon souls.
Yeah, essentially this.
Different guy but remember when Vaati shilled his pants off for DaS2?
Don't listen to this nigger, Dark souls 2 is good story wise, and also has very good pvp compared to 3.
What the fuck?
This faggot, like clockwork, is in every single DS thread saying Ds2 isnt actually bad and that it's just a youtuber meme
no. story is shit, gameplay is shit. pvp is shit, too.
i regret playing for around 55 hours
too many diffrent answers
>being a different game is bad
>people actually want rehashes
2 is trash and would have been better off as a a more faithful rehash, 3 as well
Get DaS 3 and BB, skip 2. 2 is an good game, but no good souls game.
Demon's Souls, because DaS 2 and 3 really aren't very good.
>Dark Souls 2 for replayability
no. i didn't even went to ng+ because the game didn't motivated me enough to do so
>lacks the replayability of the other two
still i rather went to ng+++ here than on 2
skip 2, get 3 instead. sure it is more linear, but is has some of the best designs, bosses and music of the series
^ this
kek. it's not good. and the pvp sucks. And the bosses...
>covetous demon
>estus is more dangerous to use unless you dedicate stat investment to it
>rolling is less safe unless you dedicate stat investment to it
>actual dual-wielding
>no invincibility on fog gates so you can't just run from shit
>huge game with shitload of bosses
>SotFS provides some of the best lore of the franchise
>changed poise mechanics
>basically DaS I but remade, and every boss fight has 2 phases.
>healing and rolling are safer than ever, so throw caution and strategy to the wind
>poise literally does nothing