What games best represent the current political climate?

What games best represent the current political climate?

>it's another pol-cuck episode

Really makes you think

>A rightist drawing what he thinks a leftist thinks leftists think of rightists while accidentally let slip that this is just what rights think leftists think of rightists

Check my 3


neither side is perfect, you can take a little something from both but purists are cancer



So it was Dale that cucked the firehouse, right?

This situation makes one ponder.

Why is a jew representing the right?

Fuck off back to

>leftists think the facts are on their side

Because the one that drew it was a false-flag righter and when trying to draw what they considered a natural bogeyman-subhuman type, they instinctively drew a Jew

wtf I hate trump now

>it's another Sup Forums false flagging episode

>Sup Forums is becoming more left as the day passes
Thank god

Wow look at all that fiction the guy on the left reads he is really smart I bet.

The left seem to have brain cancer. Probably should go get that checked. Speaking of checked did you notice my 7?

dumb frogposter

Looks like we've finally corrected the record

The joke is that all of the books are cuckold porn.


>Can't tell a two from a seven
Go get your eyes checked


So CTR has been flooding this board also? What a shame, I bet you would vote for hillary


>tfw if you mention you're not voting for Trump on Sup Forums it's automatically assumed you're a Hillary shill
>Sup Forums then gets sincerely confused why everyone laughs at them
Your entire board is full of even more elitist retards than Sup Forums

Shit user, I forgot to put my glasses on, here have a 3.

Is that the newest boogeyman these days?

Back in my day we blamed the Illuminati and went about our business

>Both sides are corrupt as fuck and out for power
Fixed that for you.

I'm not even an americuck.

hey fags did the cptcha got nucked ? i hava been posting without solving one since yesterday

Deus Ex is somewhat close. The writers have always been deep in conspiracies even tho they've drifted towards a pro transhumanism SJW outlook that future is very similar to the one we're gonna be in.

Also you're a cuck op

>tfw you invent scenarios in your head and post them on the internet

shut up charlie

>What games best represent the current political climate?

Damn right I am.

Why is the left a neanderthal?

It literally happens every time.

its gone or what?

>not enjoying the jewess beauty

>oy vey
>oy gevalt
>Sup Forums

Better than the even more Islamic/Jewish run world outside the US.

Fuckoff crts are great for old games

>every country worth looking at has recently either made or is about to make a hard-right-wing choice for their future
>Sup Forums sees this and is starting to get contrarian in advance like always

Low energy bait.

Lower energy than Jeb.

That's really low energy.

This bait is a big, fat mess.

well go into /vg/ and post "I don't like this game"

see what happens

they either don't care or are sick of shitposters

If it is, it's not for me.

Are you stupid?

That's what happens when people grow up.
The left actually practices skepticism and critical thinking while the right takes everything at face value and insists it's truthfulness.
>muh bar graffs muthafucka
>muh percentages