Ubisoft announces a new entry in a beloved franchise

>Ubisoft announces a new entry in a beloved franchise
>It's a multiplayer FPS
>It's actually good
What the fuck happened?

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Don't worry user. Everybody who made it was fired. They have returned to making shit starting with The Division.

I've heard the next operators will be Japanese?
Can anyone confirm?

Also how would you change/fix Tachanka to make him more viable?

Personal Ideas:
>(New Passive ability) - When aiming down sights on the turret dampen all game sounds heard by Tachanka. Increase volume of noise/sound created by enemy team.


>Give his turret a BB shield, allow Tachanka to hit Q and E to tilt on the turret. Make the Turret placement hitbox tighter so we can place it in better areas.

>R6 Siege - Developed by Ubisoft Montreal
>The Division - developed by Ubisoft Massive Swede Cucks Who Cant Even Write RNG

Tachanka is already viable, you just have to be creative.

Or, alternatively, use him to destroy ALL of the cover from an entry point. Like if you're defending the bedroom in house, secure it entirely and destroy EVERY other wall in the game. That way you can easily get them with murder holes, or force them to come through an area you can watch better.

He works sometimes.
Requires a lot of work, to work.

I think they just need to do something to make his pick rate higher. Giving him the focus ability would also give Defenders 5 Operator slots instead of Guaranteed-Pulse + 4 others.
Could open up possibilities to different strats.

I have seen literally one time Tachanka was useful ever, that's when we had to defend the basement in Hereford and he set up his turret right opposite the stairs.

I think turrets, especially man-mounted ones, are inherently bad in multiplayer games since you can just peek and headshot the user. I guess you can add an anti-headshot shield to his MG but that might make him too OP instead.

It was a general statement. Went over your head.

I just wish that Terrorist Hunt had bigger maps/more complex objectives.

still pretty fun.

>Enemies have to defend the passenger compartment

Nothing happened, R6S isn't good, it's decent at best, and that's when you play it with friends.

People actually play Terrorist Hunt?

its comfy.

playing a few games of Terrorist Hunt with your bros at night.

It's more carefree then the standard multiplayer.

>westacucks think some generic multiplayer shooter is 'good' now because of the abysmal quality of modern western games


I have no idea. I avoided the game completely when they announced it, didn't bother looking at any gameplay or anything, thought it would be another generic CoD clone or something. My friends said it was good after release so I said fuck it and bought it, been playing it at least once a week since December.

Underage Panty Quest doesn't get PC ports so we have to take what we can get.

at least westacucks get both multiplayer games and shooters ;^)

>Calling Siege generic
>Dumb gaijin doesn't realize Siege is popular in Japan

Fyi, game's on sale for 17€ over at GmG.
No discount on the season pass thought, i'd like to get that because unlocking ops with starter edition takes a while.

>being so poor he can only buy the starter edition


>it's actually good


This game is UTTER SHIT! I tried it on the free weekend and was blown away by how bad it was.

You know your post is garbage when I could literally add the opposite adverb to all of your adverbs and my post would make sense.
Why not try making actual points?

>I kept getting shot by people who knew what they were doing! This game fucking BLOWS!

>not realizing that Japan was one of the four countries with the highest siege playerbase



Wasn't gonna waste 50€ on a game i guessed i was probably gonna play for a handful of hours.

I'm not rich tho i'll admit to that.

Not an argument

>i suck therefore the game is bad
wow. sad.

>Hear about it
>Looks interesting
>Fuck no
>Friend shills it for me
>Not that expensive, actually
>Buy it
>Play for 200 hours and counting



and japan being one of the of the 4 countries with the highest playersbase is plain bullshit

its the US + insert 3 EU countries

>mfw people finally came around and like this game

Even a broken clock is right twice a day user.

No you retard, top highest was
It's how they based the DLC operator countries

i cant tell if this is bait or someone is legit this retarded

Neat. Got a source? That's kinda cool if so.

No cykas, though. What's going on?

I wonder how many people realized that hating a game simply because it was made by X company is retarded.
It's one thing if there are red flags all over the place and the game actually looks like garbage, but when you're manufacturing viewpoints (Games is dead! Steam numbers prove it!)
(Look at this minor issue! If I point it out enough times it will kill the game!)
You're a fucking child.
Any game made by any company can be good.
Are they always?
But that doesn't mean it's a 0% chance, and only children subscribe to that mindset, as shown by Siege.
Also bonus image I've had since release when people swore up and down the game didn't sell.

It's bullshit. DLC ops were planned before the game came out.

They just picked Brazil and Japan because you never see operator shit about them in video games.

>$60 game more popular in BR than Europe
>implying they can even afford PC that can run Siege

>western slow paced military FPS in japan
>higher than in anywhere in EU

retard confirmed

chinks have ADHD and cant aim for shit
Brazilians simply cant afford the game or the hardware that can run it


so its just bait

>Spend wasted hours defending it last year and early this year
>nuh uh Vegas was better shill
>Move on to other games after 200+ hours
>Now Sup Forums starts getting positive/neutral threads about it



IQ is really low on the teir list of operators

Game is on sale for 50% off at Humble Store

She's useful to counter Pulse and that's about it.

>counter Pulse

10% success rate isnt a counter

droning plus thermite or fbi recruit with a shotgun is has better chance against pulse than IQ

She's a good fast attacker and the AUG is really good

The gadget is ok. It's to counter Pulse, and Pulse is in every match so, it's ok.

But her butt cheeks are top tier

56% off over at GMG if you have a GMG account.
No sale for the Season Pass in either site. Fuck me in the butt.

>Shotgun on attack
Bro, we're not playing on console

How do I not suck dick at this game?

Nice meme

t. copper II

It's a simple concept with small maps. Unlike most modern shit from Ubisoft it isn't over-ambitious and there's no room to pad the game with pointless filler.

The one thing this game really needs is a full campaign.

Game is great and has had a ton of improvements since release but goddamn Blackbeard is so annoying. Yeah, yeah I know; flank him or use C4 but the game seldom works out that way, especially on a map like House or something he can lock down so much of the map sometimes.

It's still got problems and everything surrounding the 5v5 gameplay Ubisoft fucked up.
We are just lucky they didn't fuck about with the core too much.

It costs too much
The DLC operators are sketchy balance wise
The semi f2p model makes people skeptical
The semi f2p model is in a multiplayer only game with a lack of content as is
The netcode sucked and lead to unfair losses
Somethings like recruit shields were broken
No hacking protection in a multiplayer only game which wants some of that MLG action

It's a shame because the core idea though simple adds a lot to the gameplay. The Division was a mistake.

I do wish there was a Raven Shield style singleplayer campaign with this. It would be truly incredible. I'd even buy it as a 30-40 dollar expansion pack.

>Ubisoft buys out Massive
>doesn't make WiC2
>doesn't even make Endwar 2
>just hollows them out and forces them to make a shitty MMO
I'm still mad

Learn the maps.
Sound plays a big role in this game. You need to be able to tell where footsteps/shots/etc are coming from.
On attack, taking your time is actually a negative. You need to learn how to find and rush the objective, but in a coordinated way.
Speaking of coordination, use your mic and communicate with players.

In general though it will probably take some time to get used to how the game flows since it is kinda different compared to most shooters on the market right now.

oh baby

And it's quite obvious they had one planned from the cutscenes from that last Situation where you need to defuse the bombs in that campus covered with toxic gas.

Seriously, fucking why.

Same here senpai.
>each Operator in a Team Rainbow uniform
It'd be fucking amazing.

Battleye is actually doing it's job. Players get kicked before they join a game.

>No hacking protection in a multiplayer only game which wants some of that MLG action

They added Battle Eye anti cheat and it seems to work pretty well. Haven't seen any cheaters since it was put in and it gives global notices everytime it bans someone.

It does cost too much I agree. It tries to compete with CSGO but the price is way too high when coupled with mild grinding for in-game currency.

Ubisoft Montreal is the one I've noticed that actually does good with their games.

>It costs too much

get a job
>The DLC operators are sketchy balance wise

the defenders yes, OP shotguns
>The semi f2p model makes people skeptical
what f2p? its pay 2 cosmetic to attract CSfags
>The semi f2p model is in a multiplayer only game with a lack of content as is

there is no lack of content
playing House is still just as much fun as it was at release
gameplay itself has plenty of variety that lack of content is only said by people who are only impressed by big numbers

>The netcode sucked and lead to unfair losses

netcode was literally improved 1 week after release
sure it could use some improvement

>Somethings like recruit shields were broken

not really
>No hacking protection in a multiplayer only game which wants some of that MLG action

oh right, you obviously dont know shit.

I really like it but there are some things I hate about it.

>the p226 feels flimsy
>the night sights on the pistols look like hot shit
>some guns are operated in a retarded way that no actual specops would do
>community is absolute fucking garbage

Some kid called Lightriz on a ranked map was screaming into the mic and swearing for no reason, it was him and me left and I got downed and he shrieks "IM NOT FUCKING HELPING YOU" and kills me then dies and we lost and next round he just kept team killing everyone while screaming and shouting memes.

then another game we got a black dude doing his shitty freestyle rap over the mic the entire fucking match

Then of course the redneck who u ironically says git r done and thinks he's amazing at the game since he was in ROTC once

And the gun mechanics on some guns like an empty reload on the hk417 she pulls back the charge handle instead of hitting the bolt release. no special ops member would ever do that.

>It costs too much
You could literally buy it for 40$ months before it came out. If you didn't think it was worth 40$ you should have to wait on a better sale.
>The DLC operators are sketchy balance wise
Only the defenders shotguns, never had a problem with anything else.
>The semi f2p model makes people skeptical
Yes, free stuff makes people skeptical.
>The semi f2p model is in a multiplayer only game with a lack of content as is
Game thrives from being barebones, you don't need that many guns, all you need are more maps and even then you NEVER play the same round twice because of destructability.
>The netcode sucked and lead to unfair losses
>Somethings like recruit shields were broken
Le C4 man.
>No hacking protection in a multiplayer only game which wants some of that MLG action
Battle eye is up now.
I don't understand why people would be skeptical of being able to straight up grind instead of pay for shit, I played for 3 months straight, stopped, and when I got on I could afford 5 out of the 6 DLC operators.

Montreal does AC, FC and Watch Dogs too just FYI

not that i hate them, i am capable of having fun unlike most of Sup Forums

The most OP op in the whole game is Blackbeard thought.

Agree with the rest.

I don't mind that it doesn't but it was a big cocktease that the finale of the tutorial threw you into a multiplayer match with randoms on the university campus. That made me hype as fuck working with people from around the world in the first rainbow mission.

>blackbeard most OP


Super90 and Spas12 is the most OP shit in the game

>DLC ops are sketchy balance wise
Only Valk, who like rook is just always going to be useful on every map, and BB, which could be fixed by just having the shield take only 2-3 shots before breaking, are sketchy, with BB being the only OP DLC operator
What? It's p2p with a progression and unlock system
>lack of content
Decent variety of maps which themselves have replayability, 26 operators, T-Hunt, situations, it has content
>recruit shields
Fixed already
>no hacking protection
Just put in one that's working just fine.

They still can't do shit against a BB peeking upsidedown on a window or door.

I hate this meme.

>Don't sit on objective
>Catch him in an area with a ton of angles he needs to check
>Pop his head when he has his shield up because if he's looking 10 degrees away from you he dies
Or alternatively
>Pack a shotgun, aim at chest
>Pellets hit head AND legs

>you cant do shit again an operator doing the job it was designed to do

whoa shit

the only thing BB needs fixing is that the shield should break after like 15 bullets

>Enemy has advantageous position
>"Better peak anyway"
The amount of teammates I had with your mindset that have died by sitting under a roof hatch waiting for the guy with the high ground to peak makes me angry reading your post.

>And the gun mechanics on some guns like an empty reload on the hk417 she pulls back the charge handle instead of hitting the bolt release. no special ops member would ever do that.
Actually, some people prefer not using the bolt release because they think it's more reliable. Not unfeasible that an Operator who Operates Operationally would reload like that.

If you really wanna get mad, I think the characters push the slide release on the Five Seven to drop the magazine.

You just need some friends to play with user. And to play casual, I've found that even when I play alone if you're just friendly and positive in the voice chat then the community is good to you as well. Ranked makes people sour, and I think it only has minor improvements over casual unless you're playing as a full group.

Attackers need another Speed 3 operator.
IQ is still pretty situational.

i actually liked the vegas series more than this

That's my point. Sure, he should be pretty great at doing that shit, but there should be some way of countering it.

A breakeable shield would work, as he'd still be effective enough for people to use him and give defenders a fighting chance.

That university campus scenario was fucking great. I ran through all the scenarios before playing any MP, then me and all these random dudes who just bought the game had our first multiplayer encounter together. Clearing out buildings, calling shit out all tacticool on the mics. God it was great.

>Ubisoft Montreal used to be a sign of excellent quality up until Ass Creed

I had a couple of faggots, one who was clearly underage who did nothing but yell YELLO into their mics the whole match. They ended up carrying us

Fucking hell Chink moot, that's not the image I posted

I'm sorry lad, this is the wrong opinion to have. Vegas games were decently fun but not even close to tactical or interesting. Turning Rainbow Six into a third person cover shooter was pretty shit as much as I liked rappelling upside down and deagling guys. Siege is much more fun, tactical and as much as people get butthurt, closer to the feel of the earlier games than Vegas ever was.

Defenders need more 3 armor operators and less shitter roamer oriented types. While they're at it, improve 3 armor operators as well since there's literally no reason to use them over 1 armor operators if everyone all dies with a single headshot.

user, I hope you know that your opinion is perfectly fine for you to have even though I disagree with it.

What happened with recruit shields?

>no qt female Shield operator
Maybe if there's a second DLC season.

There's been some sort of nerf but I don't know what. I haven't seen anyone do that for a while.

No, I mean what was the exploit. I've only started playing recently.

I really liked the customization options in Vegas

They should make shields something more than an invitation to get C4'd first.

>is really qt
>maximum waifu
>operator as fuck with jeans and running shoes
>motha effin 552
>handgun uses fuddyfive
What else could you want? Honestly my favorite operator and I dont feel bad picking her since pulse is in every game

The customization in both Vegas games was fucking insane.