Sm4sh Sup Forumseekend

Hey, everyone! I've got your FRESH weekend tourney right here! Let the fun begin!
ID: 4502-8491-3028-74
Pass: rage

Joining shortly

Joining in a moment for a moment

Join in a few. Just going to empty my bowels. lso you sohuld probably put smash answell as sm4sh in the name of the thread.

Plenty of people search for "kend"

I search for "sm" tho the image while Smash related doesn't appear from a thumbnail so it can throw some people off

I usually search "Sm"

will join in a bit


>that parasol kill on roy

Just what was he expecting?

To clash the Blazer hit box with the parasol

>Tfw odd one out



I missed last Sup Forumskend on holiday. was it this dead? is the olympics/ Sup Forums shitposting stealing players?

Nah man, It was actually pretty bustlin'. It picks up later.

We had 35+ players just give it a minute

>connection issues on resulst screen
do I lose my win?

Are there ever any Sup Forumskends for sm4sh on 3ds? Or is this just a wii u exclusive thing

You can get someone to play with you if you wait for it to get busy

you have to use friend codes for the 3ds so its a bit of a hassle.
/vg/ has some 3ds players but be warned, they are some of the most narcissitic fuckers alive. LTG tier.

Nice spike finish Ganon

Hitstop is tied for respawn invincibility for laziest game mechanics ever.

Hey Kirby and DHD, you two were very annoying.

Hey, how's that Bowsercide working for you?

You still lost lmao

I'm not sure how I won with two stocks, Kirby. That first SD must've sucked.

Get out

you right.

I wouldn't have a problem with footstools if they actually were near me and not ten miles above me before I fell out of thin air. Not to mention the fall animation not even happening and me rocketing a mile into the air whenever I do one.

Yeah, I'm not used to playing against good pits either so it made the situation even worse

Today is not a good day for Ryu.

>TFW forced to tryhard on the first match after a bad day

I hate that feel
I prefer comfy games


>FSmash Falco as he rolls back onto stage
>Run into Ganondorf's UpTilt

this feeling must be karma

RIP Comfy games 2016 - Name/Tourneyfags' arrival

Oh shit why did I drop and FLUDD at the same time

>don't jump
>lose jump


is team attack on?

>40 minutes

Nick, this is why people think you're so retarded for this.

>Charge Mega Buster
>Dylan somehow always lands right in front of it


oh shit. Lemme fix this

Shit man I'm not planning on that shit
It just happens

cmon fats, you're better than this.

Here's the REAL Teams Tourney.
ID: 0499-0806-1770-10
Pass: rage

>Denigrating yourself by using Marth

>1 hour

>Not just using Corrin

deal with it.

I wish I was

Go fuck yourself Nick, either Ayres, Yoky or Philip extend this tourney later.

>Not letting taunt

>Paying for dlc

Sorry Oui, I must've hit you 10 times in a row there.

Those are the tryhards.

You can taunt and they'll take that opportunity to attack. They'll also get really butthurt if you shield break them or something.

thank god, i'll be back in a hour for ffa

>All 3 deaths to knees

How long until FFA

are you feeling it now mr fats?

its okay ridley i love u

Hey, you could've made it yourself. Don't give me flack because you're not happy.

>new to pacman
>keep fucking up recovery
well at least we won

>Can't get Mario combos right on FFA
Every time

>another gold for britain

Go away Aaron

dutchfags mad as fuck

>TFW You got gud
Shit f am gg

>try to use a character you're unfamiliar with
>get shit on

Falcon, what the heck were you doing?

>Dodge Practice with Aaron


i think i died from a broken heart more than i did from getting ko'd by my fellow ike

Sorry for bailing on you ness
had to answer the door

If only you noticed earlier they betrayed us ealier.

Capt or Borb y'all better fix that internet

>Aaron clutches

Now imagine if Charizard didn't bitch out

Im so fucking sorry for those kills DHD. We'll all look back on this moment and laugh though!

Coldramen massacring the entire game
Teammate included, which made him the MVP lmao

Finally home, joining now

Oh fuck I thought that was Robin's last stock so I went for the PKT2 off stage read

gg gaur plains guy, shame about that connection. could'nt be bothered to try to play in that.

>Watching Ridley and Aaron try to fig
ht through lag



>Robin vs Robin

Shit.. My bad Tire.

>Suicide against DDD on accident

not as planned

at the risk of sounding like a sore loser, Kongo jungle 64 has been my least favorite stage since I first played 64 and melee round a friends house years and years ago. That lower stage layout with the dip is objectively awful and those two floating platforms make the stage a complete clusterfuck. it's almost Yoshi's Island tier and I want to dismember the person who picks it every time..

it makes me genuinly mad whenever I see it. It's less deserving of being in smash than fucking pikachu.

>1v1ing Yoky with lag
I have become a masochist

>Got a new job
>Will finally be able to participate in these on Saturdays and Sundays, not just Fridays

I'll be on in a while, need to go eat.

Don't feel bad Coldramen I'm playing like shit


I really should have directed bowser the other way. Sorry bruh.

I assume someones already making one
If not I will

Just don't let Nick do it.

It should be another teams since this one was only a hour long

Please do Team items

That team tourney only lasted 1 hour, would be nice if someone made another one.

Buckle up for someone getting furious about a mistake.

Help, I've got a splint splint on my index and it's gonna fuck up my smashing


ID: 1587-8548-2767-35
PASS: rage