Why is console "Home brew" a thing in 2016

I Question the values of hackers who break console security

Pc and Phones/tablets have gotten so fucking cheap and offer much better hacking Exp,

All "homebrew" on modern console vender hardware seems to be focused on Piracy or online cheating.

fuck off with your "fan translations, spoofing" ect. The sec you unlock those, piracy and rampant cheating effecting countless online users happens.

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Because it's a challenge

why distribute then?

the only thing you do is

jeprodize 1000s of jobs of content creators

and potentially change policy that will end up hurting consumers more

fuck off

>content creators

>games are just made from thin air.

Pirates are usually either poor or are edgy and making a point. Either way, a developer shouldn't care about pirates.

because it's fun

Content creators need to stop searching excuses for not selling their games, especially with things as niche as the homebrew community. The impact is likely negligible or at least not worth all the money the spend on trying to prevent it.

If your game doesn't sell, it's not good enough

>he calls developers "content creators"

If you knew anything about homebrew you'd also know that getting the required access to run a fantranslation or remove region locking is much less difficult than getting the required access to run pirated games

I personally love homebrewing and jailbreaking, not for the free games, but because of the cool homebrew programs you can load up.

It's very relaxing to me, for some reason.

>If your game doesn't sell, it's not good enough

how bout Every game should get ALL of its sales.

Fuck off

literal autism
> remove region locking
better way to remove that is to boycott the company till they cave in

>why would someone do this?
>here are reasons
>fuck off with your reasons


>every pirate would have been a sale


not compelling reasons, its mostly a veil for "free games" and "look at me i can fly"

Doubtful. Out of PSP, DS and 3DS, none fit your criteria: it's not any more difficult to alter the game (fan translation) and run it than to run an unaltered one.

>focused on Piracy or online cheating

or maybe

>using the console's peripherals in new and exciting ways via homebrew apps (wii had a head tracking app that looked sublime almost a decade ago)
>bypassing ridiculous regional lock nonsense in order to play a game in another language or uncensored
>backing up game saves and data in ways you normally can't
>diagnosing problems with the console's hardware or software in ways you normally couldn't

and so on and so forth. saying homebrew shouldn't exist is like saying the ocean should be closed until no more pirates are about


It's fun to hack things. It's a large puzzle. It also gives more power to users to do what they want with their console if you can break a system.

Piracy is just a consequence of it.

because I fucking iPhones. They created this industry of touch screen only devices which are fucking terrible for action games. There isn't fucking ONE decent handheld/mobile with buttons that can run Windows made by a reputable company that is publically available. They're all walled garden shitters hacked together based of tegra and droid or rasp pi bullshit.

>literal autism

>release a series in a region
>randomly leave out some of the games and spinoffs

There are several games I'd never have gotten to play without fan translations

No one is trying to convince _you_. For others, those reasons are good enough. If you just want to find out why others are developing homebrew, you should be satisfied with hearing those reasons (but of course, we all know you just came to fling shit).

>calls fan translations autism
>minecraft image
>thinks a few people not buying a game will remove region locking
You may as well pirate it then if you're not giving them a sale, faggot.

>or maybe
almost all those reasons are just more ways to cheat and steal

>fan traslation

literally a retard. good luck trying to play a game in moonrunes

>fuck off with your "fan translations, spoofing" ect. The sec you unlock those, piracy and rampant cheating effecting countless online users happens.
So you're saying no one deserves those legitimate things because pirates and cheaters come in through the door?

You're an asshole.

wow your intense debate skills have sure won me over

guess i'm a #homebrewh8r now

>diagnosing problems with the console's hardware or software in ways you normally couldn't
Goy, you're breaking warranty. Better purchase more of our products instead.

There were a number of truly indie games developed for the wii homebrew channel that were actually pretty fun so you can suck it

Once you have access to the kernal, literally everything is ezpz, actually discovering kernal exploits however takes a million years nowadays. Look how long it took for the 3DS, and PSV kernal exploits are still non-existant. Userland exploits on the other hand are a lot easier to find, and allow for just about any kind of homebrew you'd want to make. Kernal exploits on the otherhand are just for changing around the main system of the console itself, which includes running pirated games.

>literal autism
Not everybody speaks English, you twat

and 95% of them were also on PC, woah

1. Please learn to spell kernel.
2. This is unrelated to my post about comparing difficulty of running altered commercial games compared to running non-altered commercial games.

it is however related to my original post on getting the required access to run said altered games

No. It's not. You claim that it's easier to run modified commercial games compared to non-modified commercial games in your post (), and that's just false.

If people want to translate a game on their own, more power to them. I see no issue.

No. Let hackers remove region locking. If we have the power to then we should.

>getting the required access
>getting the required access
>getting the required access

That's irrelevant, homebrew allowed these devs to get their work into the console space- you need significant infrastructure to get games on psn xbl or the Nintendo store

You require kernel level code execution to run modified commercial games and you require kernel level code execution to run non-modified commercial games, which are same requirements.

Out of your listed consoles, fan translations occur without piracy for the 3DS (through HANS, or whatever).

We can't pirate on a Vita (yet), but we have an undub of Persona 4 Golden.

If I can intervene for a second, it is easier to do so on the Vita. We already have undubs and yet no piracy (except that one DRM-free game dumped from devkit)

Well, I pirate the game only after the makers are aware that they're not going to profit anymore (3 or more years), so that won't hurt on their pockets. Old ps2 games for example.

Hi Sony

>fuck off with your "fan translations
You fuck off.

>he questions the motives of thieves and cheats
>he must work for an effected company

That same was true for the 3DS for a while. Fan translations and game mods were often done with just ARM11 access (which was MUCH easier to get than ARM9 access). For actual piracy we needed ARM9 access, and that took much longer.

Let's be honest, you only pirate those games because you don't have a machine capable of running anything new.

>he doesn't want fan translations
retard alert.

i got a phone app that can read text off a screen and translate it.


"I don't want to own my devices"
Stop kneeling to companies you fucking sheep.

What the hell happened to proud Americans? nowadays even fucking spics have more self-respect.

Anything worth playing either gets official translation or is developed in english from the get-go.

You're assuming playing a fan translation is just installing a pre-modified game. That's not the only method. Homebrew can run something similar to mods in legit games, including a fan translation, and that does not require kernel access.


Well good for you, child.

Some of us don't use smartphones, some of us don't want to point a fucking phone at the screen the entire time we play a game.

then i recommend

Oh boy, that must be a 100% perfect translation app and doesn't ruin game immersion/pacing at all.

>working to make a game better for all
>sitting on your ass and wait for the company to release it
>not autism
neck yourself

>"I don't want to own my devices"
if you view a closed platform as not owning it, dont buy it

Or, I could just download a fan translation and save time.

Coincidentally, here's a game that wasn't popular until it got a fan translation

>abloo bloo bloo let me suck your dick mr. CEO, please tell me what I can and can't do on your mass produced piece of hardware


oh shit I had the Sega branded version of that thing

Why the fuck would you assume I own a smartphone? I barely need a landline.

already seen what open platforms are capable of


i want atleast a few closed platforms so i can enjoy online games the way they are intended by the creators

and no, i dont want my fucking save files on a fucking cloud server making it an online only game, just to stop cheating

Buck up buttercup. Shit is going to get hacked sooner or later.

any smart person would own a mobile device, the utility alone is worth it

Hey OP, I'm pirating a game RIGHT NOW.
What are you going to do about it?

>Pointing a fucking phone during your entire playthrough of a game or needing to spend months/years learning a new language is way better than just downloading a fan translation! I promise the company will cave in in a handful of people refuse to buy their games
Lmao has autism reached its highest point yet?

>he hasnt read the new Sup Forums Legal


>learning a new language
couldnt hurt


Lmao yeah I'm going to spend months learning a new language just to play a new fucking game great idea autismo

>double spacing
Fuck off reddit

oh god oh lord fuck shit user ok im sorry i take it back don't tell nintendo on me please ;_;

>boycott for a game that is 15-30 years old

Sure, they will get right on that

>from zimbabwe
i don't know why but that made me laugh
i might be retarded

>Lmao yeah I'm going to spend months learning a new language just to read a new fucking story great idea autismo

Cheating is sometimes funnier than playing the game itself.

Except that's litterally not why people learn new langauges


fucking what.
What jobs? you make a game. you throw the game out there for people to play it. your fucking done. YOUR JOB IS DONE. Someone cracking a game doesn't suddenly make your job disappear.

Not a problem for content creators with valuable skills.

There is nothing wrong with learning a new language. If people want to, more power to them.

If people want to fantranslate or use fantranslations, more power to them.

Holding up a phone to (incorrectly) translate something every 3 seconds is fucking stupid though.

I pirate day 1 AAA shit including Marios/Zeldas but buyfag my favorite niche games. You pirate intelligently you pirate good

AAAshit doesn't need more buyers