All confirmed leaders of Civ 6 so far

>"The Mongols were known for committing mass rape and murder and just kind of being jerks {laughs}, and how would people feel if we included someone like Hitler in the game? We still wanted to have a nomadic horse people from the steppe though, and eventually someone suggested the Scythians led by Queen Tomarys, who most people never even heard about. I remember we were doing our research on her and Steven literally asked me "How have I never heard of this woman?" Of course Genghis Khan can still show up as a great general, but I'll probably delete him if I ever get him." {laughs}

Nice false flag bro.

Absolutely disgusting they have been in every civ game and are required fare.

I'm more upset by no Persia.

How can you have a civ game without the Mongols?

>Catherine de Medici

I don't even..

Nice Zelda reference

>we're not including Mongols because their actions at their own time and place in history are controversial to people in the modern day and age
You heard it here first, folks! Real history that actually happened is officially controversial, and is not to be allowed in media.

>faggots sperging out because the civ leaders are caricatures


Fucking really.

>Real history that actually happened is officially controversial
I meanVideogames aren't good for you own culture...
Good just for virgins and wannabe black slave heritage activists

>it's a greentext quote with no source thread.

>all these threads talking about the least important thing in a civ

You kids are just retarded.

Shame cause Mongolians had the best tactics in battle till Napoleon


>least important thing in a civ
>leaving out an entire civ that has been in every game is not important

>Tomyris - Sythia

Literally what

They replaced Mongolia with Sythia because tumblrites got triggered over Mongol actions that actually happened in history

Meanwhile at Amplitude.

>instead of x we get x



>British leader
>British unit
>Ability is British Museum
>Call it England

The bitch never even ruled France and she was known for giving the worst advice ever to her sons. Makes no fucking sense reeeeeeeeeeeee

Difference is Genghis Khan won and Hitler cucked himself

no source, copy and paste in google leads to kotaku reddit, didn't happen, op is a fag once a-fucking-gain

>no source


>Implying British and England is not the same thing

>How have I never heard of this woman?
She never existed

lmao she looks like she got rejected from that shitty movie Delgo


>Everyone Else

For anyone who hasn't figured it out, this is a fake quote, trying to get people riled up about the recent theory that Firaxis is full of SJW's, these are the same Ameritards who don't know who Queen Victoria is. Go ahead and ask them for a source on that quote, there is none because it never happened. If they show a video ask for a time-stamp because they'll count on you being unable to find it. Not tumblr or reddit, just don't want 2 more months of this shit when it's so obviously false.


It just makes no sense to have anyone other than Napoleon for France.

Napoleon actually ruled the damn country

Louis XIV? Charlemagne?


>Knowing this little about history



I did not believe the "Sup Forums hates women" meme until people got butthurt over Scythia. Scythia is really cool and like the one major civ where it makes sense for a woman to lead it.

Just give up, teenagers who never even played Civ V let alone the earlier ones will get riled up about it anyway because at this point Civ is like a honeytrap for Sup Forums, it's cultural, historical, diverse, and supposedly educational, they can rant about it forever. Just be glad it's being released so soon and not in a year.

Blame /r9k/ cross posters. They're a literal cancer in every board.

Ok who are some legitimate female rulers that were actually pretty influential?

I'll start:
Queen Elizabeth

Damn son

Not getting your point bruh, Napoleon ruled France and forged an empire. Louis XIV and Charlemagne are just fine but Napoleon is more iconic to the masses. That Henry II's literally who queen consort is way out of line though.

P.S. if you've never heard of Scythia you're an uneducated dipshit and I hope you die.

>That half covered thigh

>Catherine de Medici


>Catherine did not rule France.

She was queen and regent of France for three years.

>Indari Gandhi
>Isabel Peron
That's just off the top of my head.

She was never a queen, only queen consort and the regent part is correct. Henry II preferred her concubines over his actual queen consort kek. Not to mention she literally ruined everything her sons tried to do.

>New leaders instead of the same old ones from the previous games
>This is somehow a bad thing

>female Napoleon

Victoria, Thatcher, Hatshepsut, Catherine the Great, Boudicca, also isn't there kind of a problem with this reasoning? Like yea, it makes sense that there were more great male leaders because for most of history it's been a male dominated society, or is that too triggering to say?

>moving the goalposts
>telling your bitchboy son what to do isn't ruling

There aren't that many, or at the very least I can't name them. Elizabeth and Isabella are the big two. Tomyris herself was famed in the ancient world but we're not sure how much of what we know of her is a myth due to that exact fact. At the very least she was competent enough to get widely mythologized.

Maybe you should educate yourself and actually look up what she was allowed to do as a regent.

But everyone told me Endless Legend sucked.

>According to Herodotus, Cyrus was killed and Tomyris had his corpse beheaded and then crucified, and shoved his head into a wineskin filled with human blood. She was reportedly quoted as saying, "I warned you that I would quench your thirst for blood, and so I shall"
pretty metal desu

Bonuses are what matters not what dumbo you have to look at on the diplomacy screen.

It did, That's probably from the second though.

Even though the art and setting are also excellent in ES1 it didn't save it from being a very weak 4X.

the first result is the gamergate subreddit

fucking cancer

Wait, i though you sayed Endless Space
Why would anyone say that Endless Legend sucked? That game was fucking great, i hope you're not regurgitating an opinion you heard from a single post, i'm pretty sure Sup Forums agrees it's even better than Civ.

>being upset by rulers that have killed some plebs

Is there a single ruler without blood on his/her hands?

If they never gave a reason for taking the Mongols out nobody would care as much. But since they took him out because
>we're offended by history xD check out my tumblr pls
they're fucking spineless panderers. Scythia will probably be a cool addition if she isn't exactly the same as the Mongols.