Why aren't you watching Star Citizen's Gamescom presentation?
After the failure of No Man's Sky they are our only hope left.
Why aren't you watching Star Citizen's Gamescom presentation?
stream: twitchtv/starcitizen
Because I'd rather just wait for the pretty pictures then go back to forgetting it still exists until they release something substantial
>Scam Citizen
howbout no
>After the failure of No Man's Sky they are our only hope left.
Just play Freelancer with Discovery mod.
Way better than anything currently in development.
So many shots fired at No Man's Sky so far.
>People actually think this won't bomb
>having any faith in SpaceCuck
You're as bad as the NMS folks.
Holy shit this is what No Man's Sky could never be!
Are you guys seeing this shit?!
Nah Elite Dangerous looks better.
>space shitizen
>sells virtual space ships from 1k USD to 15k
LMAO retards, next biggest flop
Are you guys actually watching the stream? they are flying around, landing on planets and doing all kinds of shit.
They sell ships as low as $30 and come with the game, faglord.
Evochron Legacy, X3, and Freelancer all actually exist and won't fucking gouge you for features
I'd rather read Smarts tweets.
This guy is a comic.
>retards wasted 60$ on Nu-Male's Lie when there is this
Real next gen.
Why isn't it called Star Woman?
That's embarrassing. So Star Citizen is going to become the next Mechwarrior Online then. Can you at least choose your ship's color for free?
They just flew a Freelancer from a space station to a planet, landed and one of the guys is walking around in this underground moonbase city while the other guy is dicking around outside in the Freelancer.
Damnson! Imagine when he strolls through a photorealistic jungle in a few years. I hope I don't die before tech is ready.
They are only selling ships right now as gifts for funding and preordering the game. Once the game launches there won't be anything in the game you can buy with real money. It's all acquired with in game currency.
How the FUCK will this game work when there's 100000 players online?
>a few years
20 years at best
graphics aren't advancing as fast as they used to
>this stream
Actually this looks really good.
i like this "real open world" charakter...
If they fix the running speed i would buy
cant really watch now, pls provide a summary later
neat game
Seriously, will there be 5 people in line to talk to that guy?
>they're actually showing real content
And he just announced hand controls for picking shit up. Fuck me.
Here, I'll do one for you know
>It all looks very impressive
>But you wont be playing it any time soon
Kek exactly
Expensive cinematic "experience" with no good gameplay.
That's pretty ugly and stupid.
>nobody watching the biggest presentation in a while
And I thought this was a video games website?
lol what was that?
Stop being so fucking bitter
star citizen has a bad reputation on Sup Forums so not surprising
>every game is a terrible disappointment
>hey guiz, dis will be great
>trust us
>also, buy more ships :^))))
What is the best pc build for Star Citizen. I want to assemble a new computer just for this game, so I can run the game smoothly. I can imagine a high graphic mmo game like this will give problems if you run it on a budget pc.
I didn't need to upgrade my pc since I only played games like EVE.
Seriously, everyone talking shit hasn't seen this stream, holy fuck.
This looks insane!
The fucking ships still move so "videogamey". Why can't they have smoother aviation controls?
I hope nobody here is ticklish...
God damn, I fucking love turrets, especially rear facing ones.
They've come this far and it's not done yet so we'll see.
this is already worth $60
fuck me it looks amazing
The devs have stated a million times they want a more arcadey space flight feel for better dogfighting.
Otherwise you get a EVE online situation where people orbit each other from 50km and it's extremely boring
since the game will be released in about 8-10 years, I'd recommend you to wait before considering what hardware you need.
Thank me later.
so how much are they in debt?
Because they fell for Smart's bullshit and backed him up, thankfully now neo-Sup Forums knows Smart is an autistic bullshitter, regardless of Star Citizen.
>faggots who never played Wing Commander
go play cod in space kid, no one wants you
I was excited, then I got skeptical. Right now I'm excited, but I want it to do well so we get more PC exclusive AAA games and as a big fuck you to publishers.
>10 fps dogfights
>backed the game originally for squadron 42
>still havent seen any footage of it
>supposed to be out """""this year"""""
Flying around and landing on planets are doable in ED too, buddy.
Germans cheering for catastrophic damage. Kek
I want to have a raging boner for this but they'll fuck everything up.
I'll just go replay Freelancer and pray for good shit to happen.
There's a livestream of content right now you fucking retard
i wonder if anyone has payed the 10,000 to play this shit
ED > Scam Citizen
thats not SQ42 you dumb shill
You can play it for free right now you idiot.
The 10k packages sold out at one point.
thats not the point ya faggot
Imagine having one of those office tables. Hnng.
Yes it is the point. Everything you "buy" for $10,000 can be acquired in game rather easily.
Buy the game for $30 and have fun.
Today I will remind them.
This starfarer is huge. Imagine having all your buddies in this thing and flying around in it.
>No more Aurora LN packages
> tfw bought the quick goy package during the first few hours of day one when they were handing out game access for 5-10 USD
> this shit will never be released and/or be good
Oh man I sure am excited for the release of this game in 2027.
like this lmao
The polycount is insane. I'm speechless honestly.
>cinematic conversation shit
>laggy gameplay
Where do you bitter losers come from? There's a livestream of content that looks great yet you cant be optimistic for even one second. Your lives must be miserable
looks pretty fun to me desu
nice bullet sponge shooter.
>loud gunshots in space
>what is body armor?
>What should we do?
>a) Sensible thing
>b) Less sensible thing
Optimism is for retards.
If the game is good, I lose nothing and I can just buy it later.
If the game is shit I lose nothing and get to laugh a all the morons.
I win either way.
you will only see other players in hubs and a sort of "match-making" where you get placed in a zone with another player if they are close enough to you in space.
>Putting your any faith in Hyperbole: The Game 2
You guys are like fucking addicts moving to your next fix.
this is the sort of person who hyped No Man's Sky
From reality, familia.
They bit off far more than they can chew.
I will be the happiest cunt on the planet if they pull through with even half of the shit they promised, but I don't believe they can.
how do i play for free?
Just download the game from their website.
It's what 88% of people wanted. Vast, vast majority is who the game is for. Not you or me.
For all the creep, I have to admit the stream is more promising than disappointing. Freelancer 2.0 never, unless Everspace actually gets going.
So many bugs and clunkyness, jesus christ most clunky game in the world
It's kind of pathetic when a game needs to be compared to another in order for it to be promoted. No Man's Sky isn't remotely comparable to Star Citizen, for fuck sake. They are entirely different games and one of them actually got released.
this is the sort of person who wants to relive le epic tortanic
Don't get mad user, no everybody likes slow paced games with boring huds and designs.
Good for you if you love it.
Unlike Sean Murray, Chris Roberts has a history of making great games (that were only limited by the budget).
This is his dream game.
I know right? It's like the game is still in development!
>these sad Sup Forumsirgins
Must be terrible not being able to be optimistic about anything. Normal people look forward to games, they dont try and find every small thing to hate it for, then when they play it they enjoy it.
You miserable fucks just sit and complain :^)
The Mako is back bitches!