So now that Mankind Divided has been confirmed to be shit, everyone's going to start a new playthrough of Deus Ex...

So now that Mankind Divided has been confirmed to be shit, everyone's going to start a new playthrough of Deus Ex, right?

but it's not shit

reviewers agree that the game is quite good, it's just that the story's a bit shit

plus deus ex 1 is boring now for most players

da bomb JC

I won't replay an outdated game.


I know it's IGN but they were giving a lot of games bad ratings lately.

you faggots weren't even born when deus ex came out

I was born in 1995 and I played it when I was about 6
But I've played deus ex 1 several times over the years and I have literally zero desire to play it again. It's boring.

you're boring

>85 on promedium
>confirmed to be shit
Pick one

Fuck off shills you had make enough shitty posts, ban this dickhead he had make at least 10 fucking posts saying deus ex md is shit, when he have no proofs at all

But I already finished my last playthrough a few weeks ago.

Born in 1994, oh well.

Played DX1 and HR first time in July to be ready for MD. I'm setting in for a huge disappointment. The first one got me, probably the best game I've played until now. HR was really meh but I kinda liked Jensen and after all it's wasn't bad compared to other titles.
MD.. looks worse, a lot. We'll see.

What looks bad about DXMD in your opinion?

Until I play it I don't want to judge, but I've got some thoughts. Hengsha wasn't perfect, but it was nice to have some diversification. They said they worked a lot on Prague, but as far as I've seen 'till now I don't really like it. Boss fights are back again after the criticism over it. The whole aug/non-aug thing shuts it down after the interesting plot of the first one and the hr one, which I didn't hate also. The end was made in a rush, and the button room reminds me of that terrible ME3 ending.. so I felt pretty disappointed. There isn't much space about Jensen either in MD apparently?

Prague is quite varied from what I've seen.
And boss fights are avoidable or have different ways to do them. It won't just be like HR where you're put into an arena and have to kill a dude.
Yes HR's ending was a bit rushed since it had turned into a zombie game.

Space about Jensen?

Character building. There were some bits in HR. Anyway, hopefully I'm wrong.

>Boss fights are back again after the criticism over it.

The criticism was how badly done they were. The boss fights in the original are great and it's nice that they didn't completely abandon bosses. Let's just hope they aren't The Missing Link tier where they aren't even really bosses.

Fuck no, it aged horribly

Yep. I'm putting up a new video game history ep on it even.

no it hasn't

definitely not

Are you implying that it doesn't match up to modern games standards? Because game standards today are absolute shit.

Every single time I replay it, I'm disappointed.

The first half is very good, but after you destroy the UC it turns to shit very quickly.

Play it with kenties dx10 renderer and new vision it looks fine. If you want further animation, sound, and gameplay enhancements get GMDX v8.0

It just becomes more action orientated. Granted there are a couple duff levels but that was xcommon back then for a long fps game.

I recently played Deus Ex for the first time. It wasn't boring but the parts that frustrated me was returning to the shitty hubs, especially Hell's Kitchen, for the umpteenth time. The part that kept me engaged was the great story and of course the magnificent worldbuilding. I can imagine the gameplay was stellar for it's time but it's really nothing special now. Still holds up though.

Are you one of the pathetic persons that plays old games when some new game releases? I bet a faggot like you doesn't have proper hardware to run Mankind Divided. Go play your stone-age shit game faggot.


I've done so many run throughs, the last was probably a knife only play-through.

I can't do it anymore user

Have you tried GMDX?

i don't even remember what happened in the last dues ex game

>I can imagine the gameplay was stellar for it's time

It really wasn't.
HL and CS did better "realistic" shooting, Thief did better sneakan, there were better RPGs.
But DX managed to blend the mechanics all together and suck only bit.

>plus deus ex 1 is boring now for most players
gor most 18 yo with chihuahua attention span maybe

>deus ex is a shooter
It's past your bed time Jimmy

>dx wasn't weird but decent at shooting

the people that say it's shit think Rise of the Tomb Raider is a better game.
Basically casuals.

there is only one boss and it's avoidable

The whole series is shit desu

Did you read past the first comma, you ADHD ridden child?