It was dead way before release, everyone who played the Russian and Korean beta said it was shit.
Game is full P2W now.
>buy to play
>pay 2 win
free to play when
It's dead already? That was fast.
expand upon your explanation familia
You can buy items, and resell them for in-game currency.
RMT always existed,
every online game is p2w,
there is nothing new here
it's just side companies that worked with RMT are being BTFO
Not P2W retard. If anything, this allows people who don't use the cash shop to remain on equal footing.
Late game in BDO is all about making dosh to buy gear upgrades, it's literally all that matters.
Not only have they introduced a paid premium service that makes it easier to earn money, they also allow you to sell cash store items for game currency.
Shit sucks.
That's not the way the game works.
t. faggot who doesn't know what he's talking about
Pay2Win means you can directly buy items that are only available for real money and better than what you can earn by just playing the game. What you're saying is that all you save is time by paying real money for items, converting them into ingame currency and spending that on upgrades. That's not pay2win.
>Pay2Win means you can directly buy items that are only available for real money and better than what you can earn by just playing the game.
Yeah. That exists in the game already.
>What you're saying is that all you save is time by paying real money for items, converting them into ingame currency and spending that on upgrades. That's not pay2win.
It's printing money.
BDO revolves around never ending upgrading gear and any sort of advantage through their cash shop to skip the grind or get a headstart when new content comes out by paying real life cash is unacceptable.
P2W has always meant buying an advantage over others. Fuck this attempt at trying to change the definition to excuse company Jewing.
So you're saying that the top tier best in slot gear is only available for real money? Can't get them by just playing the game? Okay, that would make it pay2win.
If this game turns actual free to play I may take a look.
I'm not paying money to play a korean mmo.
But you can't get an advantage over others, they could just keep playing the game and will eventually get the same gear. Literally all you would save is the grind to get the currency.
All Korean MMOs die eventually. Look at how fast Tera went from being paid subscriber only to F2P.
>You can spend money and get the same gear people have no-lifed several months for.
>Not P2W.
it released f2p in russia before it got released b2p in eu/us
What about the people that pay to skip the grind to get the gear fast and then use it to dominate PvE/PvP for months while non payers catch up?
And on top of this, you can now buy money to get further ahead.
>pay2skipgrind = pay2win
>they could just keep playing the game and will eventually get the same gear
But that isn't paying to win, is it?
What did you expect? It's a Korean MMO this happens to literally all of them eventually.
Its one of the main reasons I didn't buy into the hype train and waste my time with it.
And now people can get an advantage over others by spending real money to exchange items for virtual money.
Take these two hypothetical players for instance:
>guy one
>spends days farming money
>finally saves up enough to buy a +15 weapon
>decides to help out some of the core members of his guild
>spends weeks and weeks farming more money
>buys +15 weapons for his closest guild mates
compare that to
>guy two
>buys a bunch of cash shop items
>sells them all
>gets the in-game money over the course of a few hours
>has enough money to buy his entire guild +15 weapons
One player pays real money to have a massive leg up over another. This is pay2win.
>Skipping that massive grind and effort required in MMO's is somehow not pay to win
If you could pay $100 dollars in WoW to get a full set of the best raid gear would you also consider that not pay to win?
it's not pay to win because non payers can get the same gear with enough grinding :^)
Technically you're not winning anything by having a set of gear.
I only played this game because it had nice skills, I liked the girls and was kinda beautiful in it's own way, I never cared for PvP or pay to win shit. And now after some time playing on JP I can laugh all I want because I knew all that retards asking for pay to play were going to regret.
Technically no but it would still make raid content much easier and give you a big advantage in pvp.
Especially with Korean MMO's they are intentionally designed to encourage people to buy gear by making you grind a gorillion hours for something you can easily earn with your wallet.
You're a fucking retard and have no idea what you are talking about.
The goal of BDO is to make money. You're winning at the game by making more money that other people.
Spending real money lets you make WAY more money that you could make with in-game activities in the same time.
There is no way to keep up for people who don't pay.
If having the best possible gear is not the win condition of a classic MMO what is?
I opened a claim and cried to PayPal about how it was an i unfinished product about a week or so after release and they refunded the full amount since Daum didnt reply to the claim. They didn't even revoke the game I can still play it. Got a witch to level 50 and was bored out of my mind. Dat combat tho
I assume he was being sarcastic hence the :^)
>People are defending this shit.
>no beast races
well there's your problem
>Like literally all mmos out there
Its not because its p2w. Thats a weak lie.
The game is simply shit. Was before your "p2w" turn and after it.
Its a pretty sad day when people on Sup Forums are legitimately defending micro transactions.
wtf people still play mmos? why? they are all the same gear grind bullshit.
By their design, MMOs have no specific win condition.
Quck Sup Forums! Best free/p2p mmo out right now that's not WOW
All F2P MMOs are shit by their game design.
The only MMOs worth playing right now that aren't ghost towns are EvE, FFXIV, and Runescape.
Its not if i can get the same item by just playing, it only feels this shitty because the non playing players have to grind for days or months to be at the same level.
If implemented right, it works for people that simply dont have the time or will and it works for NEETS.
I tried runescape recently. Seemed boring as shit honestly. What's so great about it?
People want to live that mmo fantasy. You know. The one were you actually make friends and go on adventures together on a regular basis.
I dunno, I'm still having fun.
I don't think you guys really know what you're talking about.
You can only sell 5 items per week. The most expensive item you can buy (for $29) can be sold for ~19m before the marketplace taxes. You're looking at maybe 80m per week by buying items. Most people can make 2-4m per hour farming while some people can make upwards of 10m per hour.
To put it in perspective, high enchanted weapons cost hundreds of millions of silver. If you enchant it yourself, it's generally cheaper.
People who try to whale in this game are literal idiots because of the dollar to silver ratio.
What is that thing and why is it's face so shiny?
It deserves to die. Legit one of the worst MMOs out there.
you can tell some is a waifu fag when they defend their monotonous grinding game via spoilertag fun
Why is that even a problem? I never understood that mentality, every MMO i played people would say shit like that, what do i usually do in that situation? I laugh at the retards that payed a bunch of money to be good for a little while the others catch up. Even worse is saying P2W PVE, sure, that guy pay to play the game on easy mode, how is that bad for me? If anything it's good, i join the retard's party and take advantage of his money for free.
It's gloss. I'm thinking of turning it down a little. The body and face gloss is on the same slider, but the face is affected by it much more than the body. Between the sweat and rain/water effects, the standard shininess isn't really needed.
Fun is an abstract concept to some people so I didn't want to offend anyone's sensibilities. I will say that you're right though. It is pretty grindy. It feels like a multiplayer Musou and I think Musou games are fun. My points still stand.
thats not Pay 2 Win. its Pay 2 Not Grind.
Korejews can't do anything right.
That would be the case if there was something after the grind. But in BDO the grind is the game.
You can buy gold for real money in GW2 and that game is not dead
So is guild wars 2 pay to win?
Isn't guild wars 2 item shop exclusively cosmetic shit?