What games let me fuck elves?

What games let me fuck elves?

>not wanting to be the elf who's getting fucked

>wanting to fuck elves instead of green orc girls

neo Sup Forums everyone

Is that manga any decent?
Is the dark elf one of the main characters?

Can you fuck any of the elves in the Witcher games?

You can in the first one.

>elf (female)

I don't think I've seen any orc loli porn
I'm not sure it even exists, which is depressing.

Not the later ones? Damn, at least one in the third game was actually pretty cute.






>video games

There's an elf prostitute in the Novigrad brothel.

Nice, I'll check it out.

>tfw no /fit/ tsundere orc tomboy gf

life is suffering

I fucking hate elves and hate fucking elves and hatefuck elves and fuck hating elves.

>mfw all the degeneracy itt

This guy gets it

Why are you so edgy? You seem to have a lot of psychological problems. Talk with your parents first because I can smell the underage through my screen

>video games

>No cheeky ork tomboy loli who's interested in your 'dakka'
It's just not fair.

>you will never go WAARG and blow raspberries on her tummy for misbehaving

I'm 25 you dickweed. Tell me what exactly was edgy in the post. The word fuck? The overuse of said word? The recycling of the words in different order which I thought was funny?
I think I shouldn't even reply and be the mature one, but is a moral victory worth it if no one knows? This place is meant for shitposting after all

>video games

man Sup Forums sure is lewd as fuck today

> loli thread
> /ss/ thread
> ntr thread

and now a dark elf thread? what's going on? is it the same guy posting all of these or what?

>tfw no game where you take elf boys and make them janissaries
>tfw no game that has half-elven sultan that took up the throne by killing his half-orc brother

> Tell me what exactly was edgy in the post
>I hate
>I hate
>i fucking hate
>a fictional race
If you are really 25 and post shit like this you should try being an adult again.

Hating something is hardly edgy. If I said I want to dismember elves and fuck the stumps that would be edgy as shit, but voicing my dislike for a fictional race is just an opinion and nothing more kiddo

On the topic of "elves from various lore and settings", why does every single game do elves the same? It's always DnD elves. You never see Santa elves or fairy elves.

And why always elves? In the process of writing this sentence I thought up like four new concepts for races that are just as interesting, if not more. Hell, there are already-existing ones. If you have to make tall, sexy waifus based on existing lore, why not mutilate gnomes into your own special thing? Why not dryads or naiads? There's so much potential and elves are, 99% of the time, so fucking boring. Nobody ever plays up the racial supremacy aspect.

Yeah, you proved to me how adult you are. Disliking a fictional fantasy race is one thing, but filling a post with "hate" several times is something different.
> If I said I want to dismember elves and fuck the stumps
You are not far from it faggot.

Yes, a lot of fantasy games are not very clever about it.

>It's always DnD elves
Which aren't even the best elves. My favorite in video games will always be Dunmer, those are some elves. Elves in the sense that they are mysterious people, in person and culture, their religion and their myths.

Did that kiddo at the end hit a sore spot or didn't you even suspect that it might have been a joke.
And the post was filled with hate because as I said, writing the same words in different order multiple times to change the meaning is just something I found funny.
Now I'm just starting to think that you might not even read what I write you elf lover

>you will never rescue an elf from a well as a member of your nation's armed services

Agarest: Generations of War.

Gate was shit and you know it.

Hey mods, tell me when this thread becomes video games!

Gate is a shit anime

Fight me!

That Orc strikes back or whatever the name of that game was, the one where you and your Orc buddies capture and submit elves and then you force them to capture and submit more elves, and by submit I meant rape

Might have been cool if it wasn't for the demon loli, retarded characters, and similar stupidity.

Too bad 90% of all the girls you fuck were humans.

Reminder that elves are demons of society and must be stopped (raped).


I think you should tell reddit about all those ebin memes you know about.

Kind of boring t.b.h. fampai

Sir, Dragon Age: Inquisition might be just the game you are looking for!

>0 results
Is whatever this is any good, or should I give up?



This thread is making my ANGRY!


user said Elves, not Orcs.

1. people like old ideas. Elves are a folklore concept and are a permanent fixture in fantasy thanks to Tolkien.
2. Ideas are cheap. Execution matters more than originality. You can think of a half dozen different races. But if all they are is some hipster archetype based on a culture of humanity, you will never match anything Tolkien did. It is fine to come up with new races for your fantasy novel, but don't discredit the usefulness in ideas with a myriad of examples to use.
3. Elves have pop culture images. When you evoke elf you are appropriating pop culture to convey you idea. This is undeniably useful. When i say hentai elf are some of the images that immediately pop up. It's like a language between nerds. Say Elf and everyone has a general image in their head to get on board with you. Say Parshendi and you lose the general public. Which leads me to my final point.
4. Elves are easy to do. This is funny considering the monumental work that Tolkien put in his works, but modern elves are easy to do. They assist in creating the fantasy atmosphere without needing much work. New races require a metric fuckload of work. And honestly, if your storyline is shit, nobody is gonna care about your lore. Your fantasy race originality in my opinion should be important, but it's towards the lower end of importance. The story you want to tell matters more. All of your world-building and story elements should focus on this. If you can't do that, you should be writing P&P rpgs instead of novels. Due to all the reasons I stated, elves are a tool without much of a way of fucking it up. If the worst some could say about your novel is that the elves are really generic, then you're in a good spot. The story-telling should come first. So it's sometimes best to go with concepts that are a common language than risk fouling it up with too much lore exposition and mishandled world-building.


t h i c c



Has there ever been a more unintentionally ugly character in any form of media? Bioware had to have know how bad she looked RIGHT? RIGHT? Or her outward appearance was to illustrate how shit a person she was on the inside? I really want to believe this wasn't intentional.

Oh really? Fuck, my memory is really messed up.

Gate is shit. It's /k/ shit and not even good /k/ shit at that. It has shit characters. Shitty tropes. And it somehow is able to make it all worse with a self-insert otaku.

Gate is objectively terrible

you're on a board that's primarily text based, learn to read

>over 50 posts
>no manly elves
So you stupid fucking kids only post memes elves and hentai elves? How about you pick up some book?

>not enjoying the delusions of an Anti-NATO, Anti-West and hatred of the unfair result of WW2 autist in animated form


tl:dr- people who despise elves to autistic levels are the people who don't take the time to understand why some ideas persist.

i want a cute orc girlfriend

What games let me fuck up elves?


How about growing up first?

Do NOT sexualize Marcille!

Dark sorceress Marcille is already sexual.

Gate is too bland for me to ironically enjoy.

If it was the Tails got Trolled of animes, I'd be on board. But it isn't. It's a waste of a fun idea.

I agree don't sexualize such filthy pointy eared harlots, kill them instead

Daily reminder this happened and it was awesome.

I think the only manly elves I've ever seen come from Tolkien.

>defending the hobbit movies
Full retard.

No it wasn't, that trilogy was awful.

So what are the odds something went wrong with the resurrection? I feel like Farlyn is going to be fucked up in the next chapter. Fucking elves and their dark magick.

>t. Buttmad Elves

>It's a humans-bully-elves episode

There are also warhammer high elves, or warhammer elves in general that a utterly manly.

As shit as Gate was, the concept was fucking cool. It was about as ridiculous as power fantasies get, and that's part of the charm.

And let's be honest, if it had been the US instead of Japan, you guys wouldn't have been so salty. Imposing FREEDOM on the fantasy Roman Empire would've been hyped as fuck, even if the politics was still as retarded.

I think you mean Aelves, user.

Marcille will start her dark ritual to summon the mods, so they will delete this awful thread that isn't about video games. Nothing is going to stop her.

And Dwarf Fortress. There was once an elven king of dwarves who slew so many elves he became an interdimensional legend.

Probably some repercussions with using forbidden, ancient blood magic and using dragon blood and flesh (e.g. Farlyn having some of the dragon's memories, being strangely carnivorous, greater fire resistance, phantom scars from when they killed the dragon, her spirit and the dragon's are inseparable, etc.). We won't know of any repercussions for the next two months, at any rate.


and she was based on eva from wakfu

>the concept was fucking cool

When the only good thing about your work is this, then you know you fucked up.

>And let's be honest, if it had been the US instead of Japan, you guys wouldn't have been so salty. Imposing FREEDOM on the fantasy Roman Empire would've been hyped as fuck, even if the politics was still as retarded.

The reason why I hated Gate is that it was shit. The petty Japanese nationalism had nothing to do with that. It doesn't matter who made it, if you repeat everything Gate did, you'd have a shit product.

Fuck off Pelinal

Can fuck an elf in TW2 in Ch. 2 if you save her from dying in Ch. 1.

>It's always DnD elves.
Elder Scrolls elves are way closer to Nordic mythology than Tolkien, with some of them being divine, some of them being glorified natural spirits, and some of them being dwarves.

Thanks. I've been practicing!!@

It just focuses too much on the anime aspect of the entire thing.
I dont want to read about some skinny fag and his harem.
I dont want to read about interdimensional politics either.
I want to see armed forces blowing the fuck out of some cocky fuckboy empire.
That and operating to the highest degree.

>implying he doesn't have a Sup Forums pass

What if



Please don't be a doujin

Lel this pic became so much more funny after I saw it a nth times more! Keep the memes up!

was that a shield arrow?

Spinning rotor arrow thing which smashed the flimsy puny knife-ear arrows out of the sky and then did damage to boot.

Over the top and fucking stupid, but who cares? Hobbit was nowhere near the original story by that point anyway.

The movies were definitely bad, but those dwarven anti-arrow-volley trebuchets are fucking brilliant.

>Tfw there arn't enough Shadowrun games
>Not many settings where there is technology and magic and fantasy races

marcille has a hard life