Graphics thread?
Graphics thread?
too bad it'll never look that good
Amazing that this POS series sold so well to warrant 2 sequels
PC footage*
downgrade thread?
PS4 NEO footage*
Surely that's not the actual framerate.
its a grafix thread not gameplay thread
I know, I'm just saying. Though it doesn't look that good tbqh.
^better than the other games posted
>those lazy bags of food
at least use a bump map to make it look less flat for christ's sake
Is this a game or benchmark test?
It probably is, the jumping marker on the right looks a lot smoother than the rendering.
Also the NPC pop-in at like 4 feet is laughable.
What do you mean? It's FFXV.
kek you wish
Luminous will never run on anything other than a high end pc while looking like that.
You idiots expect way too much from neo and scorpio. No amount of teraflops will change their sitty low level cpu and small ram pool
It was, and then consoles happen.
Sorry, been sleeping under a rock.
It doesn't look that good, does it?
so I was curious
Stay mad PCuck, now go beg for more scraps
It does on PC
and wow GSC has not aged well
He's not wrong, they most likely will have the same amount of ram and CPU
They'll probably push for 4k upscaling and nothing else
>pkek thread
The PS4 can already do 4k upscaling kid
Really? Are there some good gameplay vids to convince me to buy it?
Squares PC built does and of course that's the one from all the trailers
This is the console version
Okay, now you can stop telling lies "kid"
At least learn shit about hardware before you try to act cool
Just watch every single trailer and gameplay video without specific xbox or PS prompts
Of course they all look way better than the console version, but who knows how long it takes until square releases the PC version
Console version is downgraded to hell and still can't hold 30fps locked
You really don't know what upscaling means, huh kiddo?
Do you?
Name me some games that the PS4 upscales to 4k
If you have a 4k TV, all games will upscale to 4k.
Oh so you're just shitposting and trying to damage control. Alright
It just outputs in 4k, you TV does it. The PS4 doesn't upscale games to 4k
>mfw the game has now been butchered and the PC version will NEVER look like the old trailers again.
Whats wrong with that? Maybe the floor is just really slippery.
Holy shit is that real?
The art director must be on suicide watch after such a downgrade
>Oh so you're just shitposting and trying to damage control. Alright
Cool your jets, turbo. That was my first post in the thread. It was a joke. You know, humour?
>its a "hey guiz look at these youtube compressed images" episode
If the TV already does the job why would the console need to do it?
Because normies will buy it as long as they hear 4k
These cliffs look like they were ripped from FFX
>it's another "compression meme" epsiode
Yeah sure the compression will decrease the draw distance, turn off shadows, decrease LOD, decrease amount of vegeation right?
>Crouch-walking makes you quieter
Who started this shit, and why haven't they been burned to death yet?
So this is why they're making the neo with new hardware? To upscale instead of the TV? Without providing any visual upgrade whatsoever? No I don't think so kid.
Not with games.
And it can't output 4K, unless it's MN86471A HDMI transmitter has been updated to HDMI 2.0 spec (which IDK if that's happened yet).
The TV would do the scaling in that case, not the PS4.
Because of the tremendous input lag added by TV scalars.
holy shit these vegetations
No, it will most likely upscale from 1800p to actual 4k
The NEO isn't strong enough to run every game better and with way better settings
Sure the GPU will be better, but it still has a huge CPU bottleneck so every game like AC Unity or even FFXV to an extend won't benefit too much from it. It also still only has the 8gb ram pool so around 2 for OS, 2 for ram and 3.5-4for vram. So we won't see any increase in draw distance, texture quality and LOD either
But believe whatever you want if that makes you sleep at night
You will never play the trailer version of XV though unless they actually release it on PC
Guys this isn't an FFXV thread
Post some grafix you shitters
So you agree GTAV looks better on ps4 than pc :)
So this is the power of the Cell Broadband Engine.
>No, it will most likely upscale from 1800p to actual 4k
I'm sorry what? You mean 1800p native and upscaled to fake 4k?
Bad graphics are also graphics
NEO still has a cpu bottleneck. Any game that is even remotely cpu intensive won't run much better
Looks amazing at an ant resolution
but bump it up to and it looks like what you exspected it to look like
like a game thats 4 years late
No, it looks amazing in 1080p as well
It looks worse in that webm because it was downgraded for consoles
Been playing Witcher 3 recently and took some screenshots
Can you climb that mountain?
I just got back from gamescom and FF15 does NOT look like that, at all.
Sorry man, but after playing gat5 and arkham knight or new ass creeds on pc this game really does not look good
and ucharted looks miles ahead of this game
i have yet to play witcher 3, but from what ive seen it looks better
Which is better?
Sadly no. You hit an invisible wall before you get to it.
I tried.
The trailers of course
They all run PC hardware and they even confirmed it
Either bait or shit taste, kill yourself
Wish it was true
They're wasting a shitload of money on merchandise to promote the game. Makes me doubt if they got spare money to work on a separate downgraded version, but who knows.
The webm in the OP, by a large shot, the gamescom build has no shadows patches of grass and there's a lot of missing effects, shaders aren't like that at all, particles are simpler and the water looks like jelly smeared on a flat surface, it's a massive downgrade compared to episode duscae as well and frankly it feels insulting since the framerate is the same shit it has been since the beginning, only this time you can cast fire more than 2 times before reaching single digits.
Those volumetric clouds would make the PS4 implode on the spot with its shitty CPU, no way it could run this shit.
Damn, that's sad. So that's what happens when JRPG wants to become "a game for westerners".
The temporal AA isn't working nice with the trees.
More like what happens when you develop a massive game with directx 11 tools and then try to cram it all into a console thinking it will run the bloody thing.
I swear if Tabata goes for 4k30 with the same settings instead of 1080p with way better settings i'm gonna fly to japan and punch him in the face
Fuck these japs and their dumb engine that was enver meant for consoles, what the fuck were they thinking. Did they suddenly remember a month ago that their game has to run on consoles and not on a high end PC
Shit taste?
man, i could upload my screen shoots form uncharted, but you cna just google better ones,
Ir hell, even the new battlefront, its not even in the same competition, they look generations apart.
You need to play more games on anything other than a toaster or get yourself a ps4.