Hey! What games did you play today?

Hey! What games did you play today?

Other urls found in this thread:


fuck off

Megaman Battle network :)


Stop spamming threads holy shit, three within the span of four minutes. Get fucked.


Played Venetica then promptly uninstalled it because it's a broken piece of shit that keeps crashing. Requested a refund but not holding my breath because Gabe Jewell is a fat greedy cunt who apparently needs more money to gorge himself and increase his waist line even further.

Haven't really played anything because this year has been pretty shit for games to be quite honest. Just waiting for Mankind Divided and browsing Sup Forums like a fucking loser.

die barney

Thanks for providing sauce!
I'm definitely following that artist now thanks to you!

Dragon's Dogma, but I don't know what I want to make my Pawn.
Male? Female?
Short? Tall?
Fighter? Strider? Mage?

I made the Arisen myself cause I'm a fuckface.

persona 3

I didn't play any games today. I did chores in the morning, then I had to give up my frames so ProOptical could wear down my new lenses to fit them which just threw off my schedule, and now it's time for the evening news. Oh well.

>stop spamming threads
>barneyfag said this
Why should he listen when you won't?

Dead by daylight


After a days work, I don't have the energy to play anything and just want to relax.

Hey, I'm not flooding the catalog with shitty GR15-breaking threads.

Played some KH2, had a good time.

If I like Witcher but couldn't get into Souls, should I try DD?

But you are, retard. We all know it's you.

don't fear death. There's no death in The Void

Well,i always say go with a mage pawn for support and female for cuteness

Borderlands 2

You have literally no argument for your case.

Stop making these threads you waste of oxygen.


Why is she so perfect, Sup Forumsros?

All the pony stuff on /aco/ proves him right.

Well as someone who liked all the Souls games, I dunno? I guess you could try it, that's what I did and then I bought it later.
The beginning is pretty slow, then it starts ramping up very fast near the end.

True but all the same I just can't seem to make up my mind. This is worse than making my OWN character in games.

I literally never have.

Holy shit barneyfag how deep are you now?

You've had more exposure to the show/fandom than 99% of bronies. I think you've gone native.

I finished this with my dual wield cleric warrior and the canon party
can't wait to make my custom party and finish it again before I jump to bg2


my nigga

The game of life my homie

That's what happens when they shill their shit so much.

Why are you bumping this thread? Do you enjoy giving ponyshit exposure?

How does it feel that you recognize more pony stuff than an actual ponyfag does? AKA me. If you didn't spam no one would even know.

I don't know barely anything about you, but let me clear this

do you appear in every thread that has anything to do with a pony even if it's a fucking random post?
are you that massively retarded and sad?

He only posts in his own threads.

It's almost as if you were surprised to see someone like this in a place like Sup Forums.

Never the case.

I'm just helping people know when degeneracy roams.

It's autism.

So you're shilling for these pony artists.

This. He's not some autistic crusader, he's a ban evader who starts all these pony threads to make a name for himself.

Its honestly pathetic, even more so than wanting to fuck ponies.


Get killed

Vibleo Jaymez

All you've done is make people start watching the show out of spite for you and given Anons sauce for hundreds of pieces of pony art.