>tfw too much of a pussy to play horror games
How do I get over being a wimp?
>tfw too much of a pussy to play horror games
How do I get over being a wimp?
play horror games
is it the immersion that scares you or do you have the same problem with movies?
I don't like games with limited resources because i always feel like i wasted too many bullets or something in an area and feel like i will hit a deadend later in the game.
With that said im trying to force myself to playthrough Metro 2033, which i always liked but never played for fear of getting stuck due to no/low ammo
You can sit on my lap while you play ;)
The immersion. I've never been scared of a horror film, because I'm just a passive viewer. I'm not involved in the story.
As soon as I'm in the role of a character experiencing all this creepy shit, I feel anxious. It's even worse if it's first person.
play a softer horror game first, like dead space
get more efficient with your shots and if you feel you could have done a section better reload the game until you do. playing these kind of games where they limit you on ammo you usually end up having to do this a lot especially on the harder difficulties.
you'll get used to it. I guess start off with games where you are OP like the first Dead Space before working your way into stuff like on tier with PT where you are unarmed.
does that really make for a fun game though?
that sounds more frustrating than horrific
Play Silent Hill 3
By remembering that not a single horror game is scary.
I can relate to the first person aspect.
>jump scare happens
>hand on mouse flails wildly, causing the screen to shake like crazy as i yell "oHH FuUCK"
Has anyone here played Among the Sleep? I've played a bit of it, and I want to finish it, but I'm too much of a wimp to continue the game.
>tfw Aspergers blocks me from getting scared at something as trivial as video games
Can we trade, OP?
>TFW i have a huge backlog of horror vidya just to play with a future cute petite gf sitting on my lap.
with hardcore gamers it can leave the point of being fun and turn into just overcoming a challenge to wear it as a badge of honor. especially with achievement fags who like to show off to everyone how leet they are.
grow some balls inside your arse
with hardcore gamers it can leave the point of being fun and turn into just overcoming a challenge to wear it as a badge of honor. this goes triple for achievement fags.
>avoid horror games all my life
>play dead space expecting to piss my pants
>not scared at all
>100% chill at all times
How do people with aspergers react to real life videos of horrific gore?
Like a person or animal being tortured and/or killed, etc
>every time I see a horror game thread I remember there are no good new horror games
Hold me, Sup Forums
Just browse gore threads on Sup Forums and you will see
>avoid horror games all my life
>play a game that couldn't scare my grandmother expecting to piss my pants
>not scared at all
>100% chill at all times
Same here man, being a pussy is suffering
I almost wasnt able to beat Mirrors edge because the part where the freerunner guys in the suits chasing you was terrifying
until dawn is fun if you are into campy b movies that use satire and stick to tropes of the genre
Stimulate the reward centers of your brain by associating horror games or the feeling of being scared with something good. For example, play a horror game while using a black lock rotor.
I envy you, OP, I used to feel that way about horror games, but it's like I build up some permanent immunity for each additional one I played, horror games are all about scaring the shit out of you but persisting anyway, so you being scared as fuck actually means that you're in the greatest possible position to enjoy them the most.
Just push yourself, man, it's alright to close the game down for a short break, but then got on it later and try to actually enjoy the feeling of being terrified, it's what the genre is for.
I played that, but it wasn't really a game. More of a comfy movie.
My mom liked it.
yeah it's an interactive movie. not a game by any means. I don't immediately hate games like this such as the telltale ones but I can't consider them games by any means. the first season of the walking dead game is the same. very comfy.
Dead space isnt scary . Its 99% jumpscares
Try fatal frame or White Day
user what the hell are you even so scared of?
Stream the horror game on twitch or hitbox. I find that to help the terror but I get off to being terrified.
Start out with action focused horror games like Resident evil 5
Work your way up Alien and then pick something up with first person horror on pc
i only come here in the hopes some /x/fag has derailed the thread into irl creepy stuff posting
Can you introduce me to your mom please?
I feel the same way
I'm getting panic attacks just playing through Luigi's Mansion
Any good horror games without jump scares?
That sounds like a burden.
I wish I could still be scared of horror games. I just can't get immersed in them, whenever I'm being chased or something I'm just thinking "eh, if it kills me I'll just go back to the last save."
my life is burden
I think I love you.
She's on vacation with my mom's sister.
>creepy stuff
kek. I take it you've never been to /x/
Mind telling me exactly where they went on vacation?
>How do I get over being a wimp?
You dont. thats the best thing about horror games,
the horror, the scares, that moment when you dont know whats going to happen, that fear you feel while playing the game, the despair that you go through. its just the best. embrace it, feel it, enjoy horror games for what they are
that's why i come here looking for /x/ stuff, because the board itself is shit, but /vx/ threads can be good (though a lot of content is reposted byford dolphin every fucking time)
I'm the same way.
Except I can't play horror games or watch movies.
On normal difficulty you should be more than fine. Ranger is another story.
The game itself gets less scary as it progresses, It becomes 80% platforming towards the mid-point.
The only scary part is your abusive mother
iktf op, but it extends to even horror movies.
don't think i'll get over it since i'm already 27.
>buy dead space
>put it in
>"oh cool sci fi like alien"
>first inside-out monstrocity
>take out disk, put in case, hide under bed for rest of the week
>play horror game
>no problem whatsoever
>lying in bed that night
>suddenly my brain goes "boy wouldn't it be scary if that thing from the game appeared next to your bed right now?"
Yeah i'm playing on Normal. I'm getting near the section where i stopped playing last time. The fun part where you have to blow up the tunnels to keep the monsters from getting into one of the stations.
I literally can't play Amnesia. Those fucking invisible water monsters make me too anxious.
Does this work for imagining attractive women?
>Alien Isolation
>Perfect atmosphere and dread because they alien has 6th sense and always stalks your area
>Robots are a perfect blend of numb and orderly making them terrifying
>Flipped out personnel who attack on sight
>Perfect horror
>Suddenly flamethrowing
>Horror takes a screeching stop
>Now revolves around going around areas and occasionally flamethrower an alien
They could've atleast changed it up with a second alien, Aside from that ONE circle room.
maybe you could try some older games?
That section is the worst imo only because it's pretty easy to get lost. After that the game gets real gud.
>Go into room
>Split second thought of a horrifying creature just outside the door just as it closes
>Sudden need to hold the door handle so it doesnt budge
It happens every night
>light switch next to door
>bed against opposite
>flip off light switch
>divebomb into bed as quickly as humanly possible
It's only going to get worse with VR
>Avoiding eye contact with windows at night
are you literally me?
I just get scared and can't will myself to progress when the baby's vision gets fuzzy.