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It's going to be overhyped shit and you know it

They've never made a bad game.
Each Witcher game was more or less completely different from the ground up.
I think we're pretty safe.
If anything it's likely to be even better because there's not as much focus on melee, which seems to be CDPR's weakness.

I don't feel like clicking /tg/

If Cyberpunk sucks shit hard enough is this a game worth looking into instead?

Thats a tabletop game

I know. Is it good?


Assume it's shit and be pleasently surpised, hype is just delayed agony.

Are you asking about the Cyberpunk 2020 role-playing game?

Already looks like shit not to mention the music was shit too.

It's not even going to come out until like 2020. Might as well put it out of mind, it'll make it come faster.

Don't make threads about this, I'm trying to forget that this game is still 2-3 years away.

No one knows what to expect. Many people are hoping for Vampire the Masquarade kind of game, shorter but many ways to approach it in first and third person

It's going to be trash riddled with a bunch of useless garbage to make itself seem deep. Have you read the wiki page? It already sounds like shit.

And it will still get 95/100 on Metacritic.

Have they ever made ever made a shooter before?

> riddled with a bunch of useless garbage to make itself seem deep.

Like what ?

Why would that happen? CDPR said it's going to be their biggest, and most ambitious, game ever.

Is like d&d, it stopped being good after the 3rd edition

If you have friends and like creating your own characters and story then yes very good and try numenera too

They never made a good game neither

This is their chance to try. What do you lose if they fail? You're just going to pirate it anyway.

forced shitty language implants for starters.

And when I mean language implants, I mean there's one universal language but the player character can't understand anything so they need an implant to understand things. There are tiers of implants and the lowest tiered implant only translates a very small number of spoken words, and it does it very poorly so the translation isn't even going to be correct most of the time.

It's just a huge hassle.

It's going to have driving sections

They're never made a bad game but they're made very overrated ones. Witcher 2 was really the only good game that they made. Witcher 3 was alright, but extremely overrated and full of bloat ye tit's heralded as the best game ever because it has more quantity than quality.

>expecting a good game
>from CDPR

language is something that is never done very realistically in games

that sounds fucking awesome

>follow blue shit
>90% of characters use sarcasm every 5 seconds
>unfunny jokes for kids
>worst bosses in any ARPG ever

Can't wait

That actually sounds good.

>trying to force yourself to think shitty game mechanics will be good because CDPR is doing it


>language is something that is never done very realistically in games
Yes, and there's a reason for it. It's because something may sound good on paper but it won't work well in a video game. This language implant thing sounds like absolute trash.



Is that the official title? Cause sounds like shit, honestly.

Oh don't you worry, Sup Forums will find something to meme on the game to the moon and back.

Cyberpunk 2077 is a role-playing video game played from either a first-person or third-person perspective.[2][3] It is set in an open world[1][4] metropolis called Night City, whose inhabitants communicate in non-English languages. Players who do not speak the languages can buy a translator implant to better comprehend them; depending on the advancement of the implant, the quality of translations will vary, with more expensive implants rendering more accurate translations.[5][6] "Braindance", a digital recording device streamed directly into the brain, allows the player character to experience the emotions, brain processes and muscle movements of another person as though they were their own.[7]

Along with the single-player story, Cyberpunk 2077 will also include a multiplayer component.[4]

This sounds fucking amazing and if you think otherwise you're just retarded.

>Implying 3.5E isn't the best version

Sounds awful, kys faggot.

But that sounds fucking neat user

If you described Skyrim, Bioshock Infinite or Fallout 4 the same way it would sound just as awesome

This was from three years ago..It was just juggling of ideas before the game started serious development.

Don't get too excited about anything said three years ago

You must be 18 or older to post here.

>Along with the single-player story, Cyberpunk 2077 will also include a multiplayer component

And fucking D R O P P E D

I checked the wiki and all the sources are from this year.

>post yfw Ciri cameo where she phases into the world and you get to help her fend off the wild hunt for one sidequest

This seems to be a love it/hate it scenario. I personally think this sounds like complete trash.


that's it. anybody thinks in any other way is retarded

>whose inhabitants communicate in non-English languages. Players who do not speak the languages can buy a translator implant to better comprehend them
It sounds like Sup Forums and Sup Forums teamed up to make a game.


Every single SP game with MP released in the last 5 years has been complete and utter garbage.

Witcher 2 was by far the weakest Witcher game..shit taste discarded

Where the gameplay at


2 > 1 > 3 easily.

the previous game in a series is always the best, and the latest game is always the worst. lrn 2 hivemind

E3 2019

the zelda cycle speaking.
once cyberpunk drops, your opinion will shift to w3>w2>w1>cyberpunk, I guarantee it

>le zelda cycle meme

Fuck off.

Honest 1>3>2 here

Are we done yet?

so you need to buy different items to understand different dialects.

doesn't really seem like that big of a deal. i highly doubt it's a feature that will make or break the game, nor will it be indicative of the game's quality as a whole.

That isn't Zelda Cycle you dumb ass.

You don't know what the Zelda cycle if if you think that's the case. If that was Zelda Cycle I would be saying that the first game was the best, or that I thought 1 or 2 was shit but now think it's good because 3 is out and I hate it.

In terms of how indepth the game actually is with its systems, 1 > 2 > 3 definitely. But 2 was blatantly unfinished. I'd still put it and 3 above 1 in terms of how fun it is though because I hate 1's combat.

Fuck you your opinion is a meme

>she thinks I was referencing a specific series

This better have a soundtrack on par with Hotline Miami 2 or it's gonna be a forgettable pile of shit.

As far as the wiki is concerned, there's only one universal dialect in the city and the Player character needs implants to understand anything. If the PC can't read/understand words spoken to them, then it's going to be a shitty RPG. This isn't Call of Duty, reading and listening are key aspects in RPG's.

You just described the Zelda Cycle you idiot, what else would you expect people to think of when you say that?

Are you new?

Count me in. You don't have a clue about vidya.

No, because I don't do Zelda Cycle bullshit. You can stop projecting now.

Have you seen the trailer?

This makes absolutely no sense.

>CDPR shills this butthurt at people not getting excited for some shitty cyberpunk game

*ahem* Not if Fromsoft has anything to do about that.

TW2 is the worst game they ever made. Not bad, but it's far too linear. TW1 was kind of linear, but offered some open parts, and having a large city to hang out in, which TW3 brought back.

That's what I meant, still 3, starting with 4 its garbage

Fuck off, BB, DaS3, and DaS2 are all trash.

5E is playable, but my group tend to stick to Pathfinder these days, though.

>Dark Souls
>Dark Souls again
>Dark Souls: Reskinned
>Dark Souls again


Rest assured knowing that no matter what the game will not have good gameplay.

*teleports behind you*

say to that my katana, faggot

i didnt like 5th ed, too streamlined, reduced a lot of player option i still think 20th anniversary shadowrun is the best

but it could be a good entry point?

my nigga

SWG did it, and it was actually fucking great.

>the most important aspect of a game will be shit
May as well just make this a movie then.

i hated numenera
low character options, it cost hp to do your cool stuff and "magic" item are mostly one use


people are talking that paradox is making a grand strategy type of vampire game

The language thing sounds cool 2bh

I had the same idea after I read Hitchhiker's Guide

someone post the image of the girl on top of the something surrounded by cops and one of the laser sights is pointing straight at her womb

Oh please, the language crap in SWG was one of the worst aspects of that game.

Fuck off shill.


Non-Bounty Hunter detected. I bet you were a sniper or some other garbage class.

same here
we mostly play pathfinder and im fine with that, prefer it over dnd 4-5

The language comprehension skill was for Smugglers, not Bounty Hunters.

Dumb ass.

>CDPR games

The only good part about the witcher games were the OST.

This is how you make an attractive non weeb vidya girl.

Deus Ex turned out good;there's no excuse for this not to be.

So close, replace 1 with 3 and your golden champ.

>Deus Ex turned out good


"Lol" is not an argument

Not an argument.

Try harder next time, shill.

I could go either way on it, but to me it implies that CDPROJEKT isn't shying away from in depth, potentially challenging systems. The more streamlined and user friendly option would just be to have everyone speak the same language but I think current developers have taken those principles too far. Hopefully they apply a similar level of depth to the meat of the gameplay.

W-what is the deal with Laura here the lead artist for Deus Ex?
Is she augmented? WHY am I so spooked by her?
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