This game is good

No, seriously.

It's not even close to what we were promised. In fact, all the trailers were bullshit and the developers were as vague as a fucking foggy morning.

But, this is actually a really good casual space exploration game. It's a good step below games like EVE or the X series; something to play when you feel like escaping and winding down.

Now can we all just accept it'll never be the game we were promised and move on?

So it's a POS that doesn't exist as marketed, and in fact is grindy and repetitive?

It's only really grindy if you want it to be.

I'm just playing the game at my own pace and get a perfectly steady stream of resources and upgrades.

>It's only really grindy if you want it to be.

I dunno man

>Visit planet
>Gather resources to craft and repair shit/ship
>Move on to new planet
That's the core gameplay and it's repetitive and grindy.

>a step below eve or x series
>a step

It's not even on the same page, or book, or in the same library. It's a over hyped, casual piece of shit that is nothing like it was marketed to be.

End of fucking story OP. How about you move on?

>How about you move on

Well that's hard to do considering I'm enjoying the game. I mean, maybe when I get bored...

And in the Witcher 3 all you do is talk to people and kill stuff.

Yeah the core gameplay loop is pretty simple, but I think that's the point. I can turn my brain off and enjoy the pretty pictures.

>Yeah the core gameplay loop is pretty simple, but I think that's the point. I can turn my brain off and enjoy the pretty pictures.
Well good for you I guess?

>But, this is actually a really good casual space exploration game

but it's not.
It's not only that promissed content is missing, the stuff that's there is also pretty mediocre or bad.

World of Warcraft is a much better casual exploration game.

I would have enjoyed NMS if I could watch some TV shows while playing it but I can't because it's shitty engine rapes the shit out of your CPU and makes videos stutter

i like the game and have maybe 25 hours invested. until i see how any (free) DLCs are, i have to agree with some critics this is not a $60 game, due to its limitations, this is a $30 game.

If it wasn't a $60 game it would have been much better. God what a bunch of fags

>casual space exploration game
I really wish I could understand the appeal of 'exploration' games in general. What's so fun about just meandering around looking at shit? Why can't there be some actual, structured stuff to do in all those planets that NMS has?

I pirated it, so it's been comfy so far. It's not a good game. It has no gameplay mechanics. It's a walking simulator

I agree, but so long as this game is priced at $60, I will continue emotionally liking all the negative reviews on steam

Why are you here

The Solus Project is amazing for this.
Anyone else played it? It's like ten times better than fucking NMS.

This is probably the most legitimate complaint I do have with the game. I'm pretty well off, but I'd feel straight up ripped off if I'd saved up for this game.

>It's only really grindy if you want it to be.

Please shut the fuck up. I'm so tired of people saying this. No bitch, you're wrong. I mean sure you can do whatever but that's true in any game as long as you're autistic enough. There is only one gameplay loop in this game.

1) Go to planet.
2) Scan.
3) Grind for resources.
4) Seek out any transmissions/whatever the fuck, it doesn't really matter and interact with it
5) Repeat or go to another planet if the weather is annoying.
6) Warp.

Sometimes things attack you and you have to suffer through shooting mechanics more simplistic than Wolfenstein 3D.

>Sometimes things attack you and you have to suffer through shooting mechanics more simplistic than Wolfenstein 3D.
Thank god there's a mod which disables the fucking drones.

I think the fact that I turned myself off to any hype early on and took it as is is what helped me make the game better.

I thoroughly enjoy it and I hate games that are in the similar genre. That and because I thought Sean Murray was pretty sincere as far as that goes. He was a guy who was genuinely interested in Sci fi as a kid and went with it. Then again I'm older so who knows

Because gamers these days are so pathetic and anti-social that they want to explore a screensaver.

I really don't get how anyone can enjoy a walking simulator made up of procedural random bullshit with no thought of it whatsoever. Just take a walk outside and take a walk in the woods or something if you want to see something pretty, fuck

I feel like people who say this game is grindy are desperately trying to rush up the tech tree and sprint to the center of the galaxy.

I'm just toodling around in the general direction towards the center, trying to find interesting stuff to see along the way. The only thing I've found "grindy" so far is repairing a crashed ship, because you need a lot of resources to get all the tech repaired.

Yeah, I didn't buy into the hype at all and the game is actually enjoyable.

>implying you wouldn't want a game where you walk inside the pipes in Pipes screensaver

>I thought Sean Murray was pretty sincere

>I feel like people who say this game is grindy are desperately trying to rush up the tech tree and sprint to the center of the galaxy.
What else is there to do?

>The only thing I've found "grindy" so far is repairing a crashed ship, because you need a lot of resources to get all the tech repaired.

Where can I buy a pair of those rose-tinted glasses?

So you're haven't noticed that alien interactions are almost all the same? You haven't notice that the following things have like 3 variations at most?

>Space stations
>Space ships
>Multi tools

I could go on. What is this "interesting stuff" you are talking about? Everything is mechanically identical. You can pretty much experience everything the game has to offer on the first planet. Aliens and planets all start looking the same after you've seen 10+ of them. I'm not flaming, I'm just trying to understand if I've missed something substantial or if everyone that enjoys this is a braindead stoner. I can't believe anyone is satisfied with this game after paying 60€ for it. That's more than games like Witcher 3 cost and that is just plain ridiculous

>grass and a blob of random meshes


>This is an orchestra of unworthy greentext, faggots

To tackle what? To become famous inventory manager? To fight Ultratron the biggest evil in universe?
No bitch u enter a fucking hole and it ports u to another galaxy where u can grind same shit over and over. GTFO u cuck noob.
Literal overpriced jew shilling : the game.
ANd it has an army of u delisional fags it is a good game.


Wasted not invested. Those 25 hours could have been spend thinking how to make EArth a better place instead u went and supported a fucking liar with his imaginary "game"

there's a bit of fun teching up and trying to get some expansions, but after a while money becomes irrelevant and this is where my own malaise has set in.

nah i just came off of 9 months of ea battlefront; finally couldnt take all the cheaters (pc players)

What do u explore?
Ancient ruins where "proceduraly generated" stories are kept?
Or secret alien vaults of technology u need to study to apply?
Or complex lives of planet's weather and fauna?
Or unique misterious buildings from the past or the future?
U fucking watch at ground as retard "undiscovered" randomly named animals trundle around a space station with an ALIEN THAT READS NEWSPAPER ON A PLANET NEVER BEFORE DISCOVERED. AND THERE IS 4 ALIENS ON EVERY UNDISCOVERED PLANET THAT HAS A NAME.
For a game that has no goal or tutorials and prouds itself there is "no handholding or wiki"
U cant even ram ur ship into something without game saying :no no little baby, not like that;
"Exploring" undsiscovered NEVER BEFROE SEEN planets with 4 aliens afking and at least 1 space station above it with literal 0 fail state cus its too damn cuck to punish u. Cus that would add just another layer of insult to all that fucking mining.

not trying to defend this boring game, but honestly kill yourself you retarded piece of shit. fukcing adhd kiddie


Sure, but $60 good? Fuck no. That was the game's biggest mistake. Should've been a $20 indie title at best.

ADHD means understanding that the game wastes the potential of space by being a 3GB big Slap-it-up with 0 PROCEDURES to generation. Even Gen isnt procedural. Its random. Its below Minecraft.