Injustice 2

Expectations? Hopes? Fears?

I just want fucking Bane

I like the idea of playing a Gorilla


I know, right? Winston in OW and now Grodd in I2. Grodd is rushdown Heaven too.

I wonder if Deadshot's black under the mask. It'd confuse normies.

Also the game needs more magic people this time around.

Dr. Fate pls

>confuse normies
>when he was played by Will Smith in the movie

I hope Doomsday is in again, he was my main in the first game.

the models look like shit.
KOF 14 and SFV might not look good graphically, but at least they don't activly look bad.
Hell even MKX Mileena and cassie are cuties but this is fucking terrible.

I think he meant it would confuse them if he wasnt black

no thay dont fuck off

i hope he looks cool

Models look fine to me.

hmm i haven't seen harley before, she looks ok i guess.
Arkham games harley looked better though

I never read comics and I only have mild knowledge of them, but I have a question: why are they still trying to push Aquaman as anything other than a jobber and a loser? Like, everything that Aquaman has ever been involved in is made worse by his presence. Are there any comic book series where Aquaman is a decent character who's not some twink fish boy from Atlantis?

way do you think that

because he's insanely strong and powerful and people like you who know nothing about him or his accomplishments keep pushing the "lol so useless talk to fish" meme

I really want Bane and Doomsday back. They were so fun to play.

They're probably just going to keep him masked to avoid normie confusion while also playing it safe with fans who know he's supposed to be white.

>Strong and durable enough to survive undersea pressure.
>Can control sea life.
>Cool trident.
>King of Atlantis.
>Sometimes he has a cool hookhand.

Seems alright to me user.

Just want Batgirl. Literally the best fighter in Injustice.

Can I get a Vita port too?

he's basically a combination of King Arthur, Superman, and Professor X.

I really want starfire, grail, and alfred

My prediction for the rest of the newcomers

>dr fate
>cap cold
>red hood
>swamp thing
>fire storm
>black canary

I wonder if Deathstroke doesn't make it, will he get a Deathstroke costume.

How can Marvel cucks compete?

>swamp thing

please don't get my hopes up like that user

He has solid runs and his arch nemesis, Black Manta, is great

No, he was for years and years and years. Its only recently they have tried to reverse this.
Hell the meme is now the opposite, and its about how awesome Aquaman is.
Look at that Justice League trailer. No superman, playing up Aquaman.

Its not normie shit, its legit character history. Aquaman was a tosser for decades and only very recently are they trying to reverse it.
Wether or not they are doing so succesfully remains to be seen. Especially since i can still only recall like 3 good stories/books hes had lately.

And the one really good story with him was a short one shot book that had a better character alongside him to help carry forward the idea that "hes cool and awesome now guys".

He is pretty much confirmed, his reveal will only be a formality

if some idiot dose get confused then fuck them

Black Manta is pretty much prick incarnated.


Funny Harley and Diana look fine yet Supergirl looks like she's melting.

Wouldn't that be Professor Zoom?

>Only recently
>He doesn't know about PAD's 90s run

wat are you talking about

Less than 4 batman characters.

Zoom is like a hyper scalpel of asshole to one person.
Black Manta is just a huge fucking douche all over.

Harley's a Suicide Squad character silly :^)

same but deadshot hasn't been confirmed yet

Yeah, the run where they tried super hard to get him in on the 90s awesome fad. Really not even close to his best work.
It had some shock factor at least, what with the hand eating and the stupid as fuck "how does he not have gangrene yet" shoving a harpoon in his stump.
All the 90s series did was remind people "oh yeah, hes a thing", they then gave him another reboot where they even made fun of this period of his life.(while also nodding to the whole aquaman is worthless joke, by having common people he saved make jokes about it).

What other moment of awesome was ever in that run...uh...He kissed Diana?

OP wants Bane in, that guy's double-memeing with both Ridley is too big for Smash and Big Guy 4U.

>the one person I wanted for the first game was Attrocitus
>he's announced right off the bat

Usually Boon keeps me waiting till the end, or forever, now I won't fall victim to his trolling. I hope Hal comes back as the main GL though.

he has idiot

Yes he has
He's probably white as well



Is Grant Morrison's run really that good?

can clearly see he's black in that pic

Morrison can write a pile of shit into a good run

>tfw DC's recent Deadshot mini had Deadshot kill a black guy named Will out to take his place
Good time for a DC comic fan.

more colors to get

I wish Harley's design wasn't so shitty in this one. Her face is pretty and she has a nice body but the outfit is bad and the Suicide Squad style look she has going on is bad too.

NRS finally adding more than 2 colors. Bout fucking time.

Hahaha, your baiting right...right?

how is it Suicide Squad style

>alt costume makes her look like a Twilek from Star Wars

Stop, stop my dick cant take this...

We're already up to 3. Joker's almost certain, too.

Red and blue hair

Baiting about what? That did happen in his comic.

>Like, everything that Aquaman has ever been involved in is made worse by his presence.
That's outrageous.

Is this confirmed?? Fuck, I need Bane!!!

she had it in the comics new 52 first

Do you have the page?

I want Harley to keep being a goodie god dammit

Too bad, we are getting Deadpool-lite version of Harley from now on, expect without the fourth wall breaking.

God, yes.
The first arc is different, when he was still finding his legs so to speak, but once you hit Coyote Gospel, you're in for a ride.

Here's the page that brought in the guy.

He will probably be in, I really hated his gimmick in the last game though, I wanted to play him so bad but I didn't care for the venom boost.

Still wasn't as bad as that time they tried to replace Wally West with a generic thug black kid who needed a strong white man like Barry to steer him in the right direction.

Glad they brought back classic Wally.


It's spread out over several issues. Here's Will trying to replace him. Deadshot goes on to kill him.
You should try understanding what you're replying to.

i think she looks better

Like I said, Diana and Harley look much better than they did in the previous game.

Kara looks like she constantly holding in pee after too many big gulps.

Harleys outfit was better before though.

Here's the page where after Will Deadshot being an unlikable ass the real Deadshot kills him.
Hope you enjoyed the abridged storytime.

She looks pretty hot. I don't get the hate.


>less fucking Batman characters
>less fucking Batman characters
>Star Sapphire
>less fucking Batman characters
>that means Bane
>fuck you

weebs shitposting

For some reason this and Street Fighter have the 'Looks great in motion, shit in stills' thing going on.

When was the last good marvel game?, honest question

I never used his boost actually. It's a great to get yourself rekt by anyone with skill.

Captain Boomerang when???

The lego one

Doubt he takes off his mask.
If so, just make him a dark skinned white guy or light skinned black guy with a beard. IE hard to judge his race by looking at him.

Get your eyes checked, user.

How many characcters will Troy Baker voice this time?

All that Marvel has left is Marvel Studios, and they pretty much with Marvel Entertainment and went to Disney because of Ike Perlmutter's utter bullshit.

DC is fixing the comics and other media (expect for Arrow RIP) but they can't seem to get movies right despite the money it earns.

Look at the fingers here

still looks good to me

Some new characters, good skins. My Boy Robin.
Better plot line following that ridiculous everything that was the previous games plot.

>Those blacked out character outlines
Is that Kid Flash and Jonah Hex I see in there?

>yfw it's canon that ooops chemicals, now my hair is multicolored.

I love the customization, but it sucks that this shit has stats involved. When will devs learn that people hate that shit? I want to look how I want without having to worry about gimping myself.

>Just re-watched BvS Extended Edition
>Watched Suicide Squad
>Just finished Arkham City
>Now watching The Dark Knight on TV
When did DC get so fucking amazing? Why do I want the BatD so much?

I just want Two Face on Injustice 2

Means nothing.
Mix black people have that skin complexion as well. Have to see his actual facial features.

thre will me a mode for that so the stats wont change

Gib Dumsday pls

>Just finished Arkham City.
That was ages ago user, the follow up wasn't as great, though it isn't terrible. The part people say is the worst is the riddler shit and the driving parts.